scene from Wantage Township
Minutes of Wantage Township 2005 Meetings
Mayor and Township Committee
September 08 , 2005


Mayor Parker Space called the workshop meeting to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members Parrott, DeBoer. The following members were absent: None.

Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk."

Also present were Katherine Little, Mayor, Sussex Borough, and representatives for High Point Regional High School: Steven Kepnes, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Board Members, Edward Vander Berg, Joseph Luna, Scott Mearkle, Jim Nelson, and Tina Palecek.

Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.

Steven Kepnes, Business Administrator/Board Secretary High Point Regional High School District offered a presentation regarding the referendum being held during the Special School Election on September 27, 2005 regarding the building addition, renovation, auditorium, woodshop, electrical, security/clock system/intercom and sewer treatment plant.

Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.

As there was no one who wished to come forward, Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public and returned to the regular order of business. The Committee thanked Mr. Kepnes and the Board for a thorough and informative presentation.

There being no other items for consideration of the governing body at this time, Mr.DeBoer moved to adjourn the workshop session. Mr.Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

After a short recess, Mayor Parker Space called the regular meeting to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members Parrott, DeBoer.
The following members were absent: None.
Also present: Township Attorney Angelo Bolcato

Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk."

Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.

Mayor Space requested that the members of the Committee Review the Consent Agenda.
There being no Committee member present wishing to comment on the proposed Consent Agenda, Mayor Space requested approval of the Consent Agenda.

Mr. Parrott moved to approve the following correspondence for filing:

  • Letter dated August 24, 2005 from the Friends of Lake Neepaulin, thanking Mayor Space for his efforts in addressing sediment infiltration into Lake Neepaulin.
  • Letter from Judge Bozonelis, Assignment Judge of the Superior Court, offering official approval for the proposed renovations of the Judge’s chambers and court offices of the Wantage Township municipal building improvement project

Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrot moved to approve the following reports for filing:

  • Tax Collector’s Report for August 2005
  • Registrar’s Report for August 2005
  • Construction Department Report for August 2005
  • Municipal Clerk Report for August 2005
  • Animal Control Report for August 2005

Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott moved to approve Raffle License RL05-22, to Rotary Club of Wallkill Valley, for off premise 50/50 raffle on 12/15/05. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott moved to approve Raffle License RL05-23, to Friends of Lake Neepaulin, for off premise 50/50 raffle on 11/13/05.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott moved to confirm municipal consent for Social Affair Permit of Heritage and Agriculture Association for fundraiser on behalf of Lusscroft Farm scheduled for September 24, 2005. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott moved to confirm municipal consent for Social Affair Permit of Colesville Volunteer Fire Department for Wet down scheduled for September 24, 2005. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott moved to approve Payment of Bills for the meeting of September 8, 2005.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion confirming the promotion of Patricia Brown to the position of Technical Assistant in the Construction Office, effective 9/01/05, with no change in salary level. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion confirming the promotion of Rosanne Werner to the position of Technical Assistant in the Construction Office, effective 9/01/05, with no change in salary level. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion offering Preliminary Approval for the FY 2007 funding round of the State Agriculture Development Committee for the Farmland Preservation program in Wantage Township. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion affirming compliance with the requirements of the Local Fiscal Affairs Act for the Report of Audit for calendar year 2004. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion awarding the contract to Wantage Excavating for the project entitled “Drainage Improvement At Courtland Drive”, as per the recommendation of the Township Engineer. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion granting permission for the neighbors and friends of Roland Melanson to place a commemorative park bench in Woodbourne Park, in honor and memory of Mr. Melanson, subject to confirmation of permission from the Wantage Township Recreation Commission. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion approving Change Order #1 for the project entitled Reclamation of Wantage School Road – Section I, resulting in a total price increase of $3,480.82. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion approving Change Order #2 for the project entitled Reconstruction of Sherman Ridge Road – Section III and Resurfacing of Newman Road – Section I, resulting in a total price decrease of $6,246.32. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Parrott made a motion approving Change Order #1 for the project entitled Reclamation of Wantage School Road – Section I, resulting in a total price decrease of $387.36 with Reclamation of Kingston. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Doherty presented a problem the Township has encountered with finalizing the acceptance of Dales Crossing, Marie Court and Adrienne Court as the developer has not filed the deeds necessary for the Engineer to be able to determine if the required work on the roads has been done. This came about when the Developer asked that the bond we are holding on these projects be refunded. Mr. Bolcato advised that the best course of action would be to contact the developer’s attorney and if they are no longer representing this client, the bonding company would be the next logical contact person.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that Mr. Parrott would like to discuss personnel issues in the Construction Department in closed executive session.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that a previous employee of the DPW Department would like to be considered for re-employment with the Township. Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that we usually hire seasonal help during the winter months and the employees who worked for us last winter are no longer available, the Committee consider hiring back Todd Longcor effective December 1, 2005, as a new employee. The Committee asked Mr. Doherty to present this option to Mr. Longcor.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of the bid opening results of September 8, 2005 for the New Dump Trucks. Two bids were received. H&H Mack (lowest bidder) failed to provide a Consent of Surety, and Brown Hunterdon Mack failed to provide a “Business Registration Certificate” both of which represent fatal flaws in the bidding process.

Mr. Parrott made a motion to reject all bids received on September 8, 2005, and authorizing Mr. Doherty to go out for re-bid on the “New Dump Trucks” project. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of an ongoing drainage issue on Snover Road, with Mr. Frank DeBoer. This neighbor’s catch basins go under the road and onto his property from 65 Snover Road. Mr. Pellow agrees that no permits were issued for this project, but there is a new owner at that location at this time. The new owner complied with the Township’s request to come onto his property to try to resolve this issue.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of a request by LGR Enterprises regarding developer fees for their COAH obligations for Fieldstone Ridge. A conference call was made between Glenn Kienz, Wantage Planning Board attorney, the attorney for LGR, Mike Garofalo and Skip Ferguson. Fieldstone Ridge would like to have a fee of $24,000.00 memorialized as the amount they will owe for all COAH obligations on this project. The Committee asked Mr. Doherty to set up a meeting with Mike Garofalo, Glenn Kienz and one Committee member to clarify this issue so a decision can be made at our next meeting.

Mr. Doherty discussed recent security issues with the Committee and informed them that he is looking into a motion sensor light for the outside of the building near the finance department and for a security camera for the front of the building. The Committee agreed that this is a good idea.

Mr. Doherty discussed negotiations regarding the proposed budget for the 2006 Interlocal Service Agreement for the Construction Department with Sussex Borough. The Committee informed Mr. Doherty that they would like to see the percentage increase of 5% be set higher due to anticipated increases in health benefit costs, pension obligations, and over all operating expense increases.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of the results of a meeting with Zitone Construction regarding the future schedule of the municipal improvements.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of a meeting he has scheduled for September 18, 2005, on Ryan Road with representatives of the DEP, the Sussex/Wantage School, Ken Karnas, Clean Communities, and Sussex Borough to implement a recycling program for the Sussex-Wantage Schools.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that he is becoming increasingly concerned with the possible financial burden and liability facing the Township with respect to the house relocation project on Libertyville Road. The Committee agreed, and instructed Mr. Doherty let Ms. Toal know that the Township and county would be willing to build her a new house, but no longer believe that the relocation of her current residence is a viable option. Ms. Toal will be asked to respond by September 20, 2005.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that a work session on September 29, 2005, be held at 6:30 pm. regarding a proposed action plan for Open Space.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that he should have an update on the health insurance plan quotes by the end of the month.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of the Green Acres Program action plan for Phase IV Improvement to Woodbourne Park, and the Recreation Committees desire to spend the $250,000 in funding on construction of a pavilion with restrooms, well for irrigation system and an irrigation system for one of the older fields. The Committee agreed to move forward with this project.

Mr. Doherty reported that Nick Frasche has informed him of a new state rule requiring the inspection of any retaining wall over four feet. Mr. Frasche does not feel the inspectors have the expertise to review these plans and asked that these plans be forwarded to Mr. Pellow for his review. This requirement would require an ordinance to be introduced by the Committee. The Committee asked that the building department require an engineer’s certification of the owner and have this responsibility put back on the owner. Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that he believes the State has put the responsibility on the Township via the building department. The Committee agreed to speak with Nick and Ed in this regard before they decide to introduce a Township Ordinance.

Mr. Doherty presented the Committee with the Report of Audit for 2004 and his recommendations for 2006 to better handle the internal control issues within the Township. He also asked each Committee member to review the audit and sign a certification which must be sent to the State within 30 days.

Mr. Doherty reported that he has provided various municipalities with interlocal agreements for animal control coverage and informed each that this is the only way our Animal Control Personnel can do work for their municipality, as our employees cannot freelance in this regard.

Mr. Doherty informed the Committee of recent requests he has received for combining the Sussex and Wantage Municipal Court System. The Committee determined by consensus that there is no interest by them in pursuing this option at this time.

Mayor Space requested Mr. Bolcato to give the Attorney’s Report. Mr. Bolcato informed the Committee that his only item regarding the Toal House has already been addressed.

Mayor Space reported that he will be unable to attend the ceremony on October 2, 2005 for Eagle Scout Jon Panico, but will find someone to take his place.

Mr. Parrott reported that he had a meeting with Assemblyman Guy Gregg and Congressman Scott Garrett regarding implementing open space and farmland preservation options COAH obligations.

Mr. Parrott reported Stephanie Green, with the help of Mayor Space and Space Farms has collected 10,000 donated toys for victims of Hurricane Katrina and asked that Mr. Doherty prepare a Mayor’s Proclamation to present to Stephanie on behalf on the Township thanking her for her efforts. The Committee agreed and commended Stephanie as well.

Mr. DeBoer reported that he would like the surplus ambulance be taken off the list for auction and be donated to help in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The Committee agreed. Mr. DeBoer informed the Committee of an article in “The Advertiser” thanking the Committee for all their help.

The Committee reviewed and discussed a letter from FOLN dated 8/31/05, requesting installation of speed humps on South Shore Drive. The Committee agreed to take this under advisement.

The Committee reviewed and discussed a request for consideration of adopting/approving Developer’s Agreement with Glenwood Homes, per letter from Thomas Molica dated 9/1/05 and E-mail correspondence from Thomas Collins dated 9/6/05. Mr. Bolcato advised that the developer’s agreement is nearing approval for the Mayor’s signature.

Since there is a revised bond requirement, the developer has asked that the Mayor sign the Developer’s Agreement subject to final approval by the Township’s Engineer and Attorney. The Committee would like to see the final agreement prior to authorizing the Mayor’s signature.

Mr. Parrott moved to adopt on final reading Ordinance 2005-06, entitled “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER V OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES, AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF “PET SHOP”. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion.
Prior to final roll call, Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments with respect to the proposed Ordinance. As there was no one who wished to come forward Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public and requested a roll call on the ordinance adoption. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None


Prior to final roll call, Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments with respect to the proposed Ordinance. A resident asked for clarification on the purpose of the ordinance. Mr. Parrott explained the history of the abatement process. As there was no one else who wished to come forward Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public and returned to the regular order of business. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

The Committee was asked to review a letter from the Secretary and Site Manager of the Sussex County Nutrition Site, requesting assistance from Wantage Township governing body in locating a permanent site for a nutrition site for the senior citizens of the Sussex/Wantage area. The Committee agreed to take this matter under advisement.


Mr. Parrott made a motion to approve the minutes of the Wantage Township governing body’s meeting held on August 11, 2005, Workshop, Regular Meeting and Executive Session.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.

Anne Smulewicz informed the Committee that she will be doing a study regarding the land use board and the Township’s use of professionals. She also expressed gratitude for the good job the Committee is doing as well as Administrator, Jim Doherty. Ms. Babcock also expressed her gratitude and thanked Mr. Doherty for a job well done.

Ms. Babcock expressed concern with the COAH requirements and her confusion that the Township would entertain lowering any COAH requirements for developers. The residents were invited to attend the Open Space Planning Session on September 29, 2005

Mr. DeBoer made a motion to enter into executive session. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

After meeting in closed executive session, Mayor Space declared the meeting reconvened into regular session. There being no other items for the consideration of the governing body at this time, Mr. DeBoer moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk