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Minutes of Wantage Township Mayor & Committee

October 9, 2008


Deputy Mayor DeBoer called the regular meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Committee members DeBoer and Nuss. The following member was absent: Space

Deputy Mayor DeBoer stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk."

Deputy Mayor DeBoer led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve Payment of Bills for the meeting of October 2, 2008.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss Nays: None Absent: Space Abstain: None

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve Raffle Application 2008-31, as per the following resolution:

Wantage Township RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Friends 4 Good Inc. took action to advertise that an On Premise Merchandise raffle will be held on the date of Friday, October 10, 2008 at the Elks Lodge in Wantage Township, and
WHEREAS, Friends 4 Good Inc. received a Registration confirmation from the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission on the date of October 8, 2008, thereby authorizing the organization to conduct Games of Chance in the State of New Jersey in accordance with applicable state statutes, rules and regulations, and
WHEREAS, On October 9, 2008, Friends 4 Good Inc. made an application to conduct a game of chance with a drawing to be held on the date of October 10, 2008, and
WHEREAS, under existing state law, rules and regulations, it is necessary for an applicant to submit their application for a raffle in sufficient time ahead of the event so that seven days will elapse between the filing of the application and the “Findings and Determinations” by the governing body, and
WHEREAS, under existing state law, rules and regulations, it is necessary for an applicant to submit their application for a raffle in sufficient time ahead of the event so that fourteen days shall elapse between the date of the “Findings and Recommendations” and the holding of the event, and
WHEREAS, the office of the Wantage Township Municipal Clerk has received verbal confirmation from the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission that, if the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage chooses to approve the application for Raffle License 08-31, then the said LGCCC shall waive the 14 day review period and provide a review of the said raffle license on Friday, October 10, 2008 in time prior to the holding of the proposed event, and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of NJSA 5:8-53, the governing body is obligated to make an investigation of the qualifications of each applicant for a Raffle License in order to determine that the applicant is duly qualified to be licensed, is of good moral character, and has never been convicted of a crime, and
WHEREAS, because of the lack of any lead time available, the governing body is unable to make a valid investigation into the qualification of the applicant as required, and
WHEREAS, the stated purpose of holding Raffle 08-31 is to raise money for the Wounded Warrior project and to support Programs and Services they offer, and said purpose represents an honorable and desirable reason to raise funds,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage, New Jersey does hereby approve Raffle Application 08-31, under the following conditions:
Based on the input from LGCCC that they are willing to waive the 14 day time frame required under the law for their review of this application, the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage shall likewise proceed under the assumption and belief that the seven day time frame required by state law and regulation, prior to the Findings and Determinations for this application, may also be waived, and do hereby submit their Findings and Determinations.
In the absence of a valid background check being submitted, the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage shall rely upon an Affidavit submitted by each person listed on the application form as a Member in Charge or Assisting with the conduct of Raffle 08-31, attesting to their compliance with the requirements of NJSA 5-8.53.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss. Nays: None. Absent: Space. Abstain: None.


Deputy Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments.

As there was no one from the public who wished to address the Committee, Deputy Mayor DeBoer closed the meeting to the public.

There being no other items for consideration at this time, Mrs. Nuss moved to adjourn the meeting. M4. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss. Nays: None. Absent: Space. Abstain: None.

Deputy Mayor DeBoer declared this meeting to be adjourned.

James R. Doherty, Administrator/Clerk

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