Minutes of Mayor and Council

The Wantage Township Committee held a regularly scheduled meeting Thursday, April 10, 2003, at the Wantage Municipal Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, N.J.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Present: Mayor Jeffrey Parrott, Committeemen Richard Sytsema and William DeBoer and Administrator James Doherty, Township Attorney Richard Clark and Treasurer Lorraine Card.

Mayor Parrott announced this meeting is held in compliance with requirements of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and had been properly advertised. He led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance and salute to the flag.


Mayor Parrott introduced township auditor Earl Snook who stated the 2003 Wantage municipal budget was a very good budget and very well put together. Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer, to adopt the Wantage municipal budget for 2003.

The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or comments. The meeting was closed to the public.

Mr. DeBoer said the governing body went over every line item and did everything it could to keep costs down.

Mr. Sytsema added the budget was tightened where needed but it allows for capital improvements.

Mayor Parrott thanked the township administrator and Mr. Snook and the other committeemen for the time spent preparing the budget. He said they did what they could to maintain the services Wantage offers, noting they met with school superintendents to let them know the committee’s feelings for taxpayers. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


The Consent Agenda was presented for consideration. No one asked for any items to be removed for separate action. Mr. DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sytsema, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None


Construction Office, Registrar, Board of Health Secretary, Tax Collector and Municipal Clerk’s reports for the month of March 2003.
Registrar’s report of marriage licenses issued for the first quarter of 2003.
Mr. DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sytsema, to approve the reports for filing.
Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1) Approval of Payment of Bills for the meeting of April 10, 2003.

2) Approving reimbursement of $4.00 late fee for dog license of Benjamin Reposa of 7 Alder Terrace.

3) Designating April 5 through April 13, 2003 as “Crime Victim Awareness Week.”

4) Confirming the permanent appointment of Edward Stroemel to the position of Assistant Supervisor, Roads, for the Township of Wantage.

5) Authorizing the submission of the 2002 Recycling Tonnage Report by the Wantage Recycling Coordinator, to the N. J. Dept. of Environmental Protection.

6) Authorizing Change Order #1 to the contract with Earth Tech for Phase III Improvements to Woodbourne Park, representing an increase of $6,704.06 over the original bid price for adjustments to line items within the contract deemed appropriate and necessary by the Township Engineer during an on site inspection and oversight of the project.

Mr. DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sytsema, to approve the aforementioned resolutions. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1. Mr. Doherty asked for a motion to hire a third party assessor to bring assessments up to date under a professional services agreement. Following discussion, Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer to approve Assessor Services of Flemington, N. J. to work on added assessments. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

2. John Eskilson, assistant county administrator, sent a copy of the “Red Map” for Wantage Township. There is an extension of the time period in which to make comments. Wantage is making the statement of our master plan. Harold Pellow could prepare an impact analysis. Mr. Sytsema said he would like the mayor to write a letter to the governor. Mayor Parrott said he could do that and would work with the township administrator to prepare it.

3. Information- LOSAP. The meeting with a neighboring community to review their handling of the LOSAP issue was postponed due to the April 7th snowfall. Mr. Doherty said he hopes to reschedule it for later this month.

4. Information- Salt Impact. The meeting with a neighboring community to review their handling of salt/grits was postponed due to the April 7th snowfall. Mr. Doherty said he hopes to reschedule it for later this month.

5. Recycling. Mr. Doherty said he met with Frankford’s DPW supervisor/recycling coordinator who confirmed that Frankford does have a recycling depot available to the public twice a month. DPW workers, who are paid for their time, operate it. It is marketed through a contract with Ayers Sanitation. There is a very definite and significant cost element involved to running this operation.

6. Consistent with the personnel action plan for this year, Mr. Doherty said it is the recommendation of himself and the Chief Finance Officer as follows:

a) During the month of May, an announcement of a “Position Available” be forwarded to the N. J. Dept. of Personnel for the position of Assistant Treasurer, a full time position with a starting salary of $17 per hour.

b) During the time this vacancy announcement and following test procedure is handled by the N. J. Dept. of Personnel, the Township hire Ms. Michelle LaStarza as the Assistant Treasurer in a provisional status, effective June 1, 2003.
Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer to hire Ms. LaStarza at a salary of $17 per hour effective June 1, 2003. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

7. Letter dated Dec. 31, 2002 from Lorraine Card. Mr. Doherty requested an executive session to discuss Lorraine’s letter with her.

8. Other Positions: Mr. Doherty said he would be informing the existing members of the office staff that there will be two positions available this year: Assessing Clerk in the Tax Assessor’s Office effective July 1, 2003 and Clerk Typist in the Construction/ Administration departments effective September 1, 2003. He said he would invite any existing employee who believes they are qualified for either of these positions to contact him if they are interested in being considered for a transfer from their existing positions of employment. If none were transferred, he would request Civil Service to commence the process of announcing these positions available. If necessary, he would come to the Township Committee with recommendations on whom to hire in a provisional status until Civil Service completes their testing process for these positions.

9. Animal Control. Mr. Doherty had provided separate copies to the governing body of various correspondence involving the animal control officer. If a request were made by the ACO he would schedule a meeting with the governing body; if the governing body desires to meet with the ACO, she would be invited to attend the meeting on April 24th.

10. Bid Opening- Antenna Tower. The most recent bid opening for an antenna tower at the municipal building property once again yielded no bidders.

11. Riding Mower. Mr. Doherty said he had three quotes for a new riding lawn mower. He asked the committeemen to review memos he prepared on this subject. Mayor Parrott said he did not want any local businessman to feel he did not have the opportunity to meet the specification guidelines. Mr. Doherty indicated he would send the specification package to the only lawn mower dealer in Wantage. Mr. Sytsema said he felt that dealer had an opportunity. But, the mayor said, waiting two more weeks wouldn’t set the lawn maintenance program back.

Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer to request approval of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to Establish a Dedicated Trust by Rider for Snow Removal Reserves, Pursuant to P.L. 2001, c. 138. Upon roll call,
Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1. A meeting is scheduled for April 22nd with Sussex Borough at the their borough hall at 10:30 a.m. to review the interlocal agreement.

2. No cell tower bids were received. Individual vendors can now be contacted to bring back any proposals. There was discussion about placing municipal first aid and fire department communications on the tower.

3. He is awaiting an agreement from the Sussex Borough attorney for the joint purchase of a fire truck. Mayor Parrott said they should be contacted so it could be ready for their April 22nd meeting. Mr. Doherty said he would have a bond ordinance ready to introduce at the next governing body meeting.

4. The NJDEP approved Green Acres funds for Woodbourne Park.

5. All documents are at the attorney’s office regarding the Quarry Road vacation.

6. There was an agreement with the Bicsaks in 1999 to pay funds and an amount has been agreed upon.

7. Mainland Sussex is appealing its tax assessment in state appeals court. An expert appraiser will need to be hired.

8. Appeals before the county tax board are scheduled for May 6th in Newton.
Mayor Parrott asked if anything had been heard regarding a new appraisal on the Wildlife Refuge property that is being sold. Mr. Doherty said, no, but he would check on it.


Mr. DeBoer said a sewage allotment is available from Sussex Borough again. Mr. Sytsema said the NJDEP told the township it would not allow any new projects on that sewer line. The mayor said Mr. Eskilson told him that SCMUA is at capacity. Mr. Doherty explained the economics of the issue.

Mayor Parrott reported as follows:

1. April 15th is the date set for school board member and school budget elections.

2. The Master Plan hearing is scheduled for April 30th at the Wantage School.

3. Two High Point High School students received scholarships from the Elks.

4. Mr. Doherty was congratulated for being inducted into the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. He read the announcement aloud which was followed by applause from the audience.

5. Municipal roads have many potholes, the mayor acknowledged, but blacktop is now being produced and repairs will be done soon.


Mr. DeBoer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sytsema, to approve the regular meeting minutes for March 27, 2003. Upon roll call, Ayes: Sytsema, DeBoer, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

Mayor Parrott opened the meeting to the public for questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.

Diane Snure of Mount Salem Road asked about the sewer allocation which Mayor Parrott explained.

Duane Armstrong asked the status of the lower speed limit on Sherman Ridge Road. Mr. Doherty said traffic counters are in place and he expects a report soon from the township engineer.

Frank Galligan of Lake Neepaulin announced there might be Bingo on the beach this summer.
Mr. Armstrong invited the governing body to the Spring Fling dance.


Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer, to enter executive session to discuss personnel matters. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Sytsema, Parrott. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.
Mr. Sytsema made a motion, seconded by Mr. DeBoer, to come out of executive session.
A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
There being no further business to come before the governing body, a motion was duly made, seconded and carried by voice vote to adjourn.

Jeffrey Parrott, Mayor
James Doherty
Administrator/Municipal Clerk