February 24 Meeting of the Wantage Land Use Board

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Land Use Board was held Tuesday, February 24, 2004, in the Wantage Township Municipal Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, N.J.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

Present: Vice-chairman Slate, Mssrs. Jacobs, Bono, Space, Hough, Mmes. Gill, Mylecraine and Kanapinski, Attorney Brigliadoro and Engineer Pellow. Absent: Mssrs. Smith, Grau, Cecchini, Coleman and Corrigan.

Vice- chairman Slate announced this meeting is held in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act P.L. 1975, Ch. 231 and has been properly advertised.


Application to construct a 120-foot monopole tower on Route 23.
At the request of the applicant, this hearing was continued to March 23, 2004.
The meeting was open to the public for questions of a general nature. No one came forward. The meeting was closed to the public.

L-2-2004 HONALD

Application for a minor subdivision. Michael and Christina Honald are proposing to create a 5.587 acre lot from a parcel containing 23.477 acres. The property is located on Mount Salem Road near Moore Road and is known as Block 143, Lot 8.02 in the R-1 zone.

Sworn: Kenneth Wentink, licensed land surveyor, and Robert Adams.
Mr. Wentink said the property would be divided into 18.128 acres and 5.136 acres with the remainder of .033 acres dedicated to the township for Moore Road. The five-acre lot has no restraints. It is northwest of a pond in the middle of the lot. There would be a common driveway across the five-acre lot to serve the 18-acre lot.

The report of township engineer Harold Pellow was reviewed.
An existing farm road would be moved between 50 and 75’ to the crest of the hill. Revised drawings were submitted. Profiles were done 600’ each way and to the farthest point that could be seen.
Mr. Pellow stated waivers would be needed for other issues and listed them.
Mr. Wentink said the county reviewed this application and the taxes are paid to date. An application will be submitted to Trenton, he said, but that could take six or seven months.

Mr. Adams said the barn is not built yet but he has a building permit for it. They are waiting to resolve the driveway issue. Both property owners would maintain the pond and he said that could be stated in the deed.

The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or comments. The meeting was closed to the public.

Mr. Jacobs said he felt there should be no waivers granted.
Mr. Pellow noted a payment to the Road Trust Fund would also be needed.
Mrs. Kanapinski suggested waiving the requirement for lot coverage until the time of the building permit.
Mr. Wentink stated Wade Wander delineated the wetlands and they stayed 150’ away from them.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Mylecraine, to approve the application subject to receipt of a favorable LOI, payment of the Road Trust Fund fee and denoting the aquifer recharge area.

THOSE IN FAVOR: Mylecraine, Jacobs, Space, Grau, Hough, Kanapinski, Bono, Slate.


Referring to the application dealing with Block 32, Lot 4.
Alan Wolpert, principal owner, stated they would like to have three building permits but no Certificate of Occupancy issued.
He said that county engineer John Risko wants him to redesign the drainage for a 100-year flood instead of a 25-year flood.
Mr. Pellow said that when the map is filed they could receive as many building permits as needed. There are a total of nine houses in this particular subdivision. He suggested they post a bond for the monuments and get the maps signed.
Mr. Wolpert said they have done everything that was asked of them.
Following discussion by the Board, it was agreed they could obtain three permits and Mr. Pellow would be notified for which three lots.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, to approve three building permits with no Certificates of Occupancy for lots that are on a township road, not a county road.

THOSE IN FAVOR: Mylecraine, Jacobs, Space, Grau, Hough, Bono, Kanapinski and Slate.


Concept presentation.

Representing the applicant were Robert Valerio, senior real estate professional for Quick Chek, and Michael Costello of Bohler Engineering.
Mr. Costello presented the conceptual plan to Board members. There is a barn foundation on the property, he said. They would realign Clark Road to tie in with the intersection of County Route 565. It would be a phased construction and include a gas station. A front yard variance would be needed from the relocated Clark Road. The property would also contain three underground storage tanks for fuel. A loading zone and trash enclosures would be located at the rear of the building. The plan includes 36 parking stalls and they would provide extensive landscaping. They would have downlit shoebox lighting fixtures. They would comply with NJDEP regulations for groundwater recharge. The septic system would be at the rear of the property. The site would be open seven days a week, 24 hours a day. They asked the board for recommendations and any revisions.
Mr. Pellow said the wetlands buffer would be critical.
His report dated February 24, 2004, was reviewed.
The design of the plan was placed on the easel along with a photograph of a similar Quick Chek facility in East Amwell, N. J.
The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or comments. The meeting was closed to the public.


Attorney for the applicant: William McGovern III.
The applicant was present for a concept review and discussion of the commercial retail portion of the property on Route 23. The plan was placed on the easel.
John McMonagle showed the landscaping plan.
He said the total property contains 33 acres. The four acres south of the restaurant on adjoining property would contain three stores, a restaurant and a bank. They are proposing 119 parking spaces although only 95 spaces are required. There would be three individual wells, one for each building, as well as three septic systems. The restaurant would be 100x300’, the stores would contain 10,000 square feet and the bank 3,000 square feet for a total of 16,000 square feet.
Mr. Jacobs noted there would be a lot of water runoff coming down the long slope behind this property. He asked if there would be a detention basin.
Mr. McMonagle said they would address that in the plans. He said this shopping village is not linked in this application to a residential use. They would have traffic data to show how the road would handle both commercial and residential traffic. The development would not go behind the power line on the property. He said they anticipate high-end businesses to locate there. By the time they are ready to construct the residential portion, they expect the land to be close to grade.

The meeting was open to the public.

Ann Smulewicz, a neighboring property owner, said they want to be sure they do not have a problem with their well or septic. She said she is also concerned about the landscaping between the properties.


Mr. Pellow reported on the Rivlin soil operation at McCoys Corner. He said the permit expired August 18, 2002, and the current owners want to install a screening plant. He said he informed them they would have to reappear before the Land Use Board.

On Sherman Ridge Road, Mr. Pellow said, there is a small vacant lot and the owners want a common driveway on the lot next to theirs. Mr. Brigliadoro said they could get a driveway easement from the owners and submit it to the township.

There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made, seconded and carried by voice vote to adjourn at 10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca Schwarz
Assistant Secretary