A regularly scheduled
meeting of the Wantage Township Land Use Board was held Tuesday,
February 17, 2004, in the Wantage Township Municipal Building, 888
Route 23, Wantage, N.J.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Chairman Smith, Mssrs. Cecchini, Coleman, Corrigan, Grau,
Slate, Jacobs, Bono, Space, Mmes. Gill, Mylecraine and Kanapinski,
Attorney Brigliadoro and Engineer Pellow.
Absent: Mr. Hough.
Chairman Smith announced this meeting is held in compliance with
the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act P.L. 1975, Ch. 231 and has
been properly advertised.
L-46-2002 RER CENTER
Drew Flockhart of RER Center stated he received the memo from
the Board and a new site plan is being done and the sign is installed.
Mr. Pellow stated the deeds are in order and no bonds need to
be posted.
Mr. Flockhart said they are approaching the original limits of
the approved area and intend to sell off more compost. He said
he hopes to have an engineer prepare the site plan soon. Some
material is outside the limits and that would be moved inside
the area.
(d/b/a Sprint)
Application to construct a 10’x18’ concrete pad
to install an equipment cabinet. The property is located on County
Route 519 (Greenville Road) and is known as Block 169, Lot 11
in the R-1 zone.
Mr. Space disqualified himself from participation in this application.
Attorney for the applicant: Megan Ward.
Ms. Ward stated the property contains just over 12 acres and a
residence and stable are located there. Sprint needs a use variance,
as it is not an accessory to an existing use. The pad would be
located 11’ from the side yard line so a variance is needed
for that, also. An application was filed with the NJDEP because
the property is in the transition area but no reply has been received.
Ms. Ward went on to state that they have never received a denial
from NJDEP. This installation would be similar to one on Dyer
Road that was approved several years ago.
Sworn: Kenneth Stanley, John Kearney and Thomas L. Yager.
Mr. Brigliadoro stated the legal notice published for this hearing
is sufficient.
Mr. Stanley said he has been employed by Sprint for 32 years and
is their real estate agent.
EX. A-1 was placed on the easel. It depicted the area served by
Sprint’s central Sussex office. The switching system was
explained and the equipment described.
Ex. A-3 is a color rendering of the site plan. The equipment will
sit on a 10’x18’ concrete pad. The cabinet would be
50”x110”x6’. It will be a cream-colored cabinet
because that disperses heat the best way. It would be locked and
fitted with an alarm system. It would be able to handle 550 lines
and could take as much as 2200 lines but Sprint does not feel
it would need that much in that area.
There would be quarterly maintenance. An eight-hour battery back-up
would be available if power is lost. There might be someone on
site once or twice a week for 20 minutes. The cabinet would have
no lights, no water and no sewer system. It would have single-phase
100 amp underground electric service.
There was discussion about the parking space for maintenance trucks.
Mr. Stanley said the county engineer prefers a pull-off area instead
of a driveway. One sign inside would say, “Sprint vehicles
only” and other signs outside would state “No Left
Turn” and “No U Turn” respectively. There is
800’ sight distance, he added.
Mr. Kearney stated he has been a licensed engineer since 1967,
is a graduate of Manhattan College and has testified before many
planning and zoning boards. He described the property.
Mr. Yager said he has been a licensed planner in New Jersey since
1980 and a licensed surveyor since 1979. He said Sprint is willing
to do landscaping of the area. There would be no lights or signs
other than the parking direction signs previously mentioned. It
is not a major structure and would not be a nuisance factor.
The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or
comments. The meeting was closed to the public.
The Board reviewed Engineer Pellow’s report dated 1/5/04.
Mr. Stanley said they would leave the fence the way it is for
the owner’s paddock area. Landscaping would be across the
front. In response to questions, he said the batteries used would
be dry cell batteries and all the cabinets would be locked.
Chairman Smith asked how they would deal with road salt infiltrating
the concrete slab surface.
Mr. Stanley replied the concrete is a large distance from the
road. Salt does not get there now and there would be a berm along
the road.
Mr. Slate asked if there would be shrubbery behind the area as
it could be seen from the High Point monument. Mr. Stanley said
they would do that if they could fit it in.
Ms. Ward gave copies of the plan to Board members. She said she
would send a copy of the permanent easement agreement with the
property owner.
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Grau, to approve the
application subject to the following items in Mr. Pellow’s
report: 3.03, 6.03, 8, 11, 12, 13 and a copy of the easement agreement
and also granting a side yard variance.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Jacobs, Cecchini, Bono, Kanapinski, Corrigan,
Slate, Smith.
L-1-2004 ABD of WANTAGE, Inc.
Attorney for the applicant: Michael Silvaggi.
He stated preliminary approval was granted August 27, 2002.
The Board reviewed Mr. Pellow’s engineering reports dated
1/26/04 and 2/17/04.
Mr. Pellow stated an $8,220 bond is required and additional bonding
might be needed for monuments which will be checked when the snow
Regarding the source documents, Mr. Silvaggi asked that that be
a condition of approval.
They will put the final statement on the map as requested by Item
8 in Mr. Pellow’s report of Jan. 26, 2004.
The meeting was open to the public.
Diane Schnure of Mt. Salem Road said that historically there have
been water issues in Wantage. She asked that wells be drilled
first to be sure there is sufficient drinking water.
Sworn: Jack O’Krepky. He testified regarding the presence
of aquifers in the area.
The meeting was closed to the public.
Mr. Slate made a motion, seconded by Mr. Cecchini, to approve
the application subject to completion of Items 7.03, 3, 4, 6,
7, 8 and 9 in Mr. Pellow’s report and submission of a revised
map showing the elevation of the road at the centerline.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Jacobs, Space, Grau, Slate, Cecchini, Bono, Kanapinski,
Corrigan and Smith.
Attorney for the applicant: William McGovern, III.
This is a continued public hearing.
Mr. McGovern said officers of the company met at the site February
10 with Mr. Pellow, Board members Jacobs and adjoining property
owner Max Smulewicz.
A revised landscaping plan was submitted to Mr. Pellow. Work has
been done at the Rachel/Smulewicz boundary line. Restoration efforts
are to be reviewed at field meetings. That work will begin when
spring arrives.
John McMonagle of Rachel Manor placed a drawing on the easel showing
the proposed planning scheme and restaurant. He said it made a
ragged appearance at the two rear corners of the Smulewicz property.
They need a 6’ arbor vitae or burning bush around the rear
and corner of the property. The buffer zone will be regraded evenly.
Planting will be done 10’ off the property line, then 25’
behind the line they would plant 10’-15’ trees from
a nursery which would be 3” caliper. These would be oak
or ash or trees known to survive in the North Jersey climate.
Mr. Jacobs made remarks about grading, fill and the buffer zone.
He said someone has to be responsible for the damage done.
Mike Cebula of Rachel Manor stated they have agreed to make reparations
to the neighbors.
Mrs. Kanapinski said the local ordinance requires they maintain
a 50’ buffer.
Chairman Smith said some of these items are legal issues between
the two landowners while the Board takes care of land use issues.
The meeting was open to the public.
Sworn: Ann Smulewicz.
Mrs. Smulewicz, owner of adjoining property, read a letter aloud
and gave copies to the Board.
She said the previous property owner, Mr. Covello, operated sporadically
and never violated their boundary line. She said they want Rachel
Manor to restore the property according to the topography map
on record and they want Rachel Manor to pay for her surveying
Mr. Brigliadoro said those are compensation issues over which
the board has no jurisdiction.
The meeting was closed to the public.
Mr. McGovern spoke with Dean Goldberg of Rachel Manor while Mrs.
Smulewicz was speaking. He said the applicant wants to do the
restoration in stages, overseen by Mr. Pellow. He said there is
no objection to this periodic review of the 50’ buffer.
Mr. Pellow indicated that would be a major item and there was
discussion about that issue.
Sworn: Max Smulewicz.
Mr. Smulewicz said that about Nov. 10, 2003, an iron boundary
stake was missing and replaced with a temporary wooden stake.
Mr. Cebula said someone was operating at the site on a Sunday
in the fall, he does not know who it was and that is why new gates
were installed.
Mr. Pellow said there was a lot of activity in early September.
Sworn: Jerry Fallat.
Mr. Fallat said he was at the site in November 2003 when the property
was still under Covello’s ownership. He said he was told
he could take 25,000 yards and he paid Louis Covello royalties
to remove dirt from the site. He said that 90% of the buffer was
gone before he began.
The Board members further discussed this application.
Mr. Cecchini made a motion, seconded by Chairman Smith, to recommend
to the Township Committee to grant a soil mining license, granting
site plan approval, subject to items contained in Mr. Pellow’s
report, specifically item 2, granting a waiver on items 6.01,
7, 9, 11, item A under soil erosion, Phase 1 for restoration of
the buffer on the southern side halfway up the western side 50’,
around the corner 25’, then 50’ on the north side,
to begin April 1, 2004 to June 1, 2004 and removal of any debris.
Phase 2 will last until Sept. 30, 2004 and a bond is to be posted.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Cecchini, Bono, Kanapinski, Slate, Space, Smith.
Mr. Cecchini said he hopes they clean up the problem and take
care of their neighbor. He said he is in favor of anything that
would advance commercial ratables.
Chairman Smith said there is another soil mining operation nearby
on Route 23. Mr. Pellow said that operation was shut down today
as they have excavated 40’ below the road.
Attorney McGovern said they understand what has to be done. He
asked for a workshop for the conceptual plans.
Mrs. Kanapinski said they could be on the agenda for February
24th at 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Kanapinski informed the Board that Sussex South Associates
has approval for nine lots on Mount Salem Road but no map has
been filed. They want permits to build three model homes without
a CO. Following discussion, it was agreed they could receive one
building permit.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion
was made, seconded and carried by voice vote to adjourn at 10:45
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Schwarz
Assistant Secretary