A regularly scheduled
meeting of the Wantage Township Land Use Board was held Tuesday,
March 23, 2004, in the Wantage Township Municipal Building, 888
Route 23, Wantage, N.J.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Chairman Smith, Mssrs. Slate, Cecchini, Jacobs, Bono, Space,
Hough, Coleman, Grau, Mmes. Gill and Kanapinski.
Absent: Mr. Corrigan and Ms. Mylecraine.
Township Engineer Pellow arrived at 7:50 p.m.
Attorney Kienz arrived at 8 p.m.
Chairman Smith announced this meeting is held in compliance with
the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act P.L. 1975, Ch. 231 and has
been properly advertised. The meeting will end at 10:30 p.m. and
no new business will begin after 10 p.m.
Application for a minor subdivision with variances. Mr. Grau
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, to carry this public hearing
to April 27, 2004, without prejudice and with no further public
notice required.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Coleman, Jacobs, Grau, Space, Slate, Cecchini,
Bono, Hough, Kanapinski and Smith.
L-9-2004 MAIONE
Application for a minor subdivision with variances. Mr. Jacobs
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Grau, to carry this public hearing
to April 27, 2004, without prejudice and with no further public
notice required.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Coleman, Jacobs, Grau, Space, Slate, Cecchini,
Bono, Hough, Kanapinski and Smith.
L-10-2004 MAIONE
Application for a zone change and conceptual plan for a senior
citizen development. Mr. Grau made a motion, seconded by Mr. Slate,
to carry this public hearing to April 27, 2004, without prejudice
and with no further public notice required.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Coleman, Jacobs, Grau, Space, Slate, Cecchini,
Bono, Hough, Kanapinski and Smith.
L-30-2003 AT&T
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Slate, to approve
the Resolution memorializing a decision made January 20, 2004
denying the application of AT&T Wireless Services for Block
24, Lot 1.01 located at 269 Route 284 in Wantage Township in the
R-1 zone requesting land use relief.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Coleman, Bono, Jacobs, Slate, Kanapinski and Smith.
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bono, to approve the
Resolution memorializing a decision made February 17, 2004, for
the application of United Telephone of New Jersey, Inc. a/k/a
Sprint for Block 169, Block 11 located on County Route 519 (Greenville
Road) in the RE District zone requesting land use relief determined
as follows:
1. Preliminary site plan approval is granted pursuant to N.J.S.A.
2. Final site plan approval is granted pursuant to N.J.S.A.
3. Conditional use approval is granted pursuant to N.J.S.A.
4. “d” variance relief to permit a deviation from
a conditional use standard is granted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(3).March
23, 2004
The above site plan and conditional use approval is granted subject
to the following terms and conditions:
1. The development of this parcel shall be implemented and
constructed in accordance with the plans submitted and approved
and to the satisfaction of the Board Engineer.
2. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon the Applicant complying with the terms and conditions contained
in the review reports prepared by Harold E. Pellow and Associates,
Inc. dated January 5, 2004, as provided for in this Resolution.
3. Subject to the Applicant providing the Board Attorney and
Board Engineer’s review the Deed for the proposed Easement
on the Subject Property.
4. Prior to the issuance of any construction permit, the Applicant
shall file with the Board and Construction Official an affidavit
verifying that the applicant is in receipt of all necessary
agency approvals other than the municipal agency having land
use jurisdiction over the application and supply a copy of any
approvals received.
5. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon Sussex County approval or letter of no interest as applicable.
6. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon approval from the N. J. Dept. of Environmental Protection.
7. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon the Applicant providing fencing as called for in the Board
Engineer’s report dated January 5, 2004, and/or as determined
in consultation with the Board Engineer.
8. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon the Applicant providing details for the split rail fence
and for the concrete paver walkway on revised plans to be submitted
to the Board Engineer for his review.
9. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon the Applicant providing landscaping as provided for in
the Board Engineer’s report dated January 5, 2004, and/or
as determined in consultation with the Board Engineer.
10. The granting of this application is subject to and conditioned
upon the Applicant providing at two (2) year maintenance bond
for landscaping and fencing as provided for in the Board Engineer’s
report dated January 5, 2004, and/or as determined in consultation
with the Board Engineer.
11. Payment of all fees, costs, escrows due or to become due.
Any monies are to be paid within twenty (20) days of said request
by the Board’s Secretary.
12. Certificate that taxes are paid to date of approval.
13. Subject to all other applicable rules, regulations, ordinances
and statutes of the Township of Wantage, County of Sussex, State
of New Jersey, or any other jurisdiction.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Bono, Kanapinski, Cecchini, Coleman, Jacobs,
Slate and Smith.
Mr. Jacobs said there were meetings between the applicants and
adjoining neighbors and a different agreement was reached than
what the Board decided. Following discussion, it was decided to
wait until the Board Attorney arrived before reaching a decision.
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Slate, to approve
the Resolution memorializing a decision made February 17, 2004,
granting final subdivision approval to ABD of Wantage, Inc. for
Block 54, Lot 10 located on Lowe Road and Libertyville Road (County
Route 650) in the R-1 zone, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-50, subject
to the following terms and conditions:
1. The development of this parcel shall be implemented and
constructed in accordance with the plans submitted and approved
and as may be revised in consultation with the Board Engineer.
2. Subject to the Applicant submitting an as-built plan depicting
the centerline elevations as required at 50-foot stations.
3. This approval is granted strictly in accordance with the
final major subdivision plat prepared by Jack O’Krepky,
P.E., or as otherwise modified through consultation with the
Township Engineer.
4. Subject to the Applicant’s posting of a bond in the
amount of $8,220.00 for the remaining improvements to Lowe Road
prior to the signing of the final maps to be filed for the Subject
5. Subject to any additional bonding that may be needed once
the Township Engineer checks monuments after the seasonal snow
6. Subject to the applicant providing a letter certifying conformance
to the preliminary plat by the Applicant’s Engineer.
7. The final map recorded to perfect the subdivision shall specifically
refer to this Resolution.
8. The applicant shall post a bond for the placement of monuments,
if any, as determined by the Township.
9. Payment of all fees, costs, escrows due or to become due.
Any monies are to be paid within twenty (20) days of said request
by the Board’s Secretary.
10. Certificate that taxes are paid to date of approval.
11. Sussex County Planning Board approval, if necessary.
12. N. J. Dept. of Environmental Protection approval, if necessary.
13. Subject to all other applicable rules, regulations, ordinances
and statutes of the Township of Wantage, County of Sussex, State
of New Jersey, or any other jurisdiction.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Bono, Kanapinski, Cecchini, Coleman, Grau, Space,
Jacobs, Slate and Smith.
L-2-2004 HONALD
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Slate, to approve
a Resolution memorializing a decision made February 24, 2004,
granting minor subdivision approval to Michael and Christina Honald
to create a 5.587-acre lot from a parcel containing 23.477 acres.
The property is located on Mount Salem Road near Moore Road and
is known as Block 143, Lot 8.02 in the R-1 zone, pursuant to N.J.S.A.
40:55D-47, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The development of this parcel shall be implemented in
accordance with the plans submitted to the Board and approved
with this application.
2. This approval is granted strictly in accordance with the
minor subdivision plat prepared by Kenneth A. Wentink, P.E.,
L.S., last dated January 14, 2004.
3. The applicants shall comply with the recommendations set
forth in Board Engineer’s report dated January 24, 2004,
except as may otherwise be provided for in this Resolution.
4. This approval is granted subject to approval by the N. J.
Dept. of Environmental Protection for a Letter of Interpretation.
5. The Deeds recorded memorializing the subdivision shall specifically
refer to this Resolution, subject to the review and approval
by the Board Engineer and Board Attorney. The applicants shall
record the Deed within 190 days of the memorializing Resolution
being adopted. Failure to do so shall render this approval null
and void.
6. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the applicants
making a contribution to the Road Trust Fund as determined by
the Township Engineer.
7. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the applicants
providing for the Board Engineer and Board Attorney’s
review a Deed indicating the maintenance obligations of each
lot to be created by this subdivision with respect to the pond
on the Subject Property.
8. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the applicants
dedicating to the Township the remainder parcel of approximately
.03 acres to the Township of Wantage for Moore Road.
9. Payment of all fees, costs, escrows due or to become due.
Any monies are to be paid within twenty (20) days of said request
by the Board’s Secretary.
10. Certificate that taxes are paid to date of approval.
11. Sussex County Planning Board approval, if necessary.
12. Subject to all other applicable rules, regulations, ordinances
and statutes of the Township of Wantage, County of Sussex, State
of New Jersey, or any other jurisdiction.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Bono, Kanapinski, Space, Jacobs, and Slate.
Application to construct a 120-foot monopole tower on Route
The applicant requested that this hearing be continued to April
27, 2004.
Mr. Bono made a motion to that effect, seconded by Mr. Slate.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Bono, Kanapinski, Jacobs, Coleman, Slate and Smith.
Mr. Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Mr. Grau, to approve the
minutes of February 17 and February 24, 2004. A voice vote was
unanimously in favor of the motion.
Chairman Smith asked for volunteers to serve on specific committees.
The Sign Subcommittee will consist of Mssrs. Cecchini, Slate and
Jacobs and Mrs. Gill. Mr. Cecchini will be the chairman.
The Lighting Subcommittee will consist of Mssrs. Coleman and Bono
and Ms. Mylecraine will be asked to participate.
A five-minute recess was taken at 7:55 p.m.
Mr. Conforth has filed an appeal of the zoning officer’s
decision regarding the sale of motor vehicles on the lot used
for Boot Mark Realty at 97 Route 23.
Attorney for the applicant: Stewart Konig.
Applicant Emil Conforth was sworn.
Board members reviewed the minutes of the subdivision in 1985.
Chairman Smith noted that auto sales are not written on the map
for either lot.
Mr. Konig said used car sales are a permitted use in the zone
and the applicant wants to have cars and real estate on the same
Mr. Conforth said he obtained a used car permit in 1973 from the
township and there were no restrictions on the number of cars
that could be sold.
EX. A-1 is a copy of the zoning officer’s decision.
EX. A-2 are the car sale licenses issued to Mark Conforth for
the real estate office lot from March 17, 1990 to February 28,
Mr. Konig said there have been no sales on the auto body lot since
EX. A-3 is a copy of the tax map showing the new lot number designations
with marking done by Mr. Conforth.
The meeting was open to the public.
Fred Vanderbeck, a 1985 member of the Planning Board who voted
in favor of the subdivision, stated he recalled the one lot was
to be used as an auto body shop and not used cars.
The meeting was closed to the public.
Chairman Smith said he has noticed at least two antique cars on
the premises of the real estate lot.
Mr. Conforth said he brought with him letters from two people
who bought cars from him and a letter from Jeffrey Parrott, owner
of the adjoining property, which states he recognizes used car
sales there.
Chairman Smith made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hough, to reverse
the zoning officer’s decision regarding Mr. Conforth’s
property at Block 7, Lot 17.02 recognizing there is confusion
on the record but the Board has decided after review and discussion
and a 14-year history of car sale permits, that the restrictions
apply to Lot 17.06.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Bono, Hough, Kanapinski, Jacobs, Grau, Space,
Slate, Smith.
The licenses were returned to Mr. Conforth.
Mrs. Kanapinski is to notify the zoning officer of the Board’s
L-3-2004 LITTLE
Application for minor subdivision to create one new lot. The
property is known as 304 Route 284, Block 1.02, Lot 16. Some variances
are required.
Sworn: Kenneth and Rosie Little, applicants, and Eric Smart,
Mr. Smart stated the land is a 9.6 acre farm. The driveway encroaches
on a small section of Lot 17.04. The owners of that lot have given
verbal permission for a driveway easement. In addition, the front
porch of the house is within the right-of-way of State Highway
Route 284. They are asking for a waiver for lot frontage. It is
a long, narrow lot with not many options.
The applicants want to keep the lot large enough to obtain farmland
assessment. The new lot would be 1.5 acres and the remainder lot
8.141 acres. Wetlands bisect the property from north to south.
Reference is made to Mr. Pellow’s report dated February
26, 2004.
The Board reviewed this report. Regarding Item 3.03 Mr. Smart
said they are willing to show the worst-case buffer for wetlands.
He said he trusts Wade Wander’s expertise in those matters.
Regarding Item 5, Mr. Little said they would use the garage for
Regarding Item 11, Mr. Little said the house on Lot 16.01 would
be located behind the pole barn that will be removed.
Mr. Smart stated other lots in the area are smaller than this,
so it would fit into the neighborhood scheme. Due to the topography
and wetlands, it would be impractical to enter the property from
Bassetts Bridge Road, he added.
Mr. Little said he has been ill and wants less property to care
The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or
comments. The meeting was closed to the public.
Mr. Hough said he is familiar with the land and their subdivision
request is not unreasonable. It would still be a nice house on
a nice lot.
Mr. Jacobs said he felt it should be split down the middle which
would require fewer variances and waivers.
Mrs. Little said they do not want that much land and at their
age, they do not need five acres to mow.
Mr. Hough made a motion, seconded by Mr. Grau, to grant subdivision
approval with the conservation easement description expanded,
remove the pole barn before the deeds are signed, include a statement
that the garage would be used as storage, setback variances for
25.2’ side yard and frontage on both lots, meet the township
ordinance requirements for a common driveway, grant a driveway
easement, the parking lot is to be constructed before the Certificate
of Occupancy is issued, the building envelope is to be removed
from the map for the rear lot and a deed restriction against further
THOSE IN FAVOR: Jacobs, Grau, Space, Slate, Bono, Hough, Cecchini,
Mr. Kienz was informed of the changes proposed for the Resolution
of approval.
He noted they are fine but the applicant did not personally ask
for them.
Sworn: Ann Smulewicz, adjoining property owner.
Mrs. Smulewicz said she and her husband spoke with the applicants
and they want to modify the Resolution. There has been a handshake
contract, which they hope to finalize by the end of the month.
Mr. Jacobs said the changes involve the applicant taking down
the hill to level grades and keep a 50’ buffer.
Mr. Kienz said the Board has 45 days to pass a Resolution. He
suggested putting off adopting one.
Chairman Smith said a trailer on the property is in violation
of the ordinance and has to be removed.
The meeting was open to the public for general questions. No one
came forward. The meeting was closed to the public.
Mrs. Kanapinski said the zoning officer has a request for a
10x13’ storage addition in front of the Holland American
Bakery on Route 23. Mr. Pellow said a minor site plan would be
Mrs. Kanapinski said owners of property on Sally Harden Road off
Turner Road want to meet with the Board and engineers to discuss
a subdivision. Mr. Slate, Mr. Grau and Mrs. Kanapinski volunteered
to do this.
Regarding the Clove Hill Manor senior citizen development, Mr.
Kienz said federal law allows 20% of the individuals in a senior
citizen project can be under the age of 55. Mr. Bono asked who
would count the number and ages of the residents. Mr. Jacobs said
that would defeat the purpose of limiting children in the school
districts. Chairman Smith said it would also defeat the purposes
of having an atmosphere where seniors do not have to worry about
children running around.
Chairman Smith said the Board needs to look at the ordinances
to be sure they are in line with the Master Plan.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion
was made, seconded and carried by voice vote to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Schwarz
Assistant Secretary |