29, 2004
The workshop portion of the meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott
and Parker Space, Deputy Clerk Christine Von Oesen and Attorney
Michael Garofalo
Mayor DeBoer announced this meeting is held in compliance with the
New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and has been properly advertised.
He invited those in attendance to join in the pledge of allegiance
and salute to the flag.
The topic of discussion was strategies for dealing with residents
concerns about illegal use of ATVs and Dirt Bikes on private and/or
public property.
Frank Galligan of Lake Neepaulin stated he was in favor of registering
such vehicles at the municipal building, similar to the procedure
used for burglar alarms.
Sgt. James Visco of the N. J. State Police said that might be misconstrued
as a motor vehicle registration.
Mr. Parrott made the point that those persons who were violators
would remove the registration in order to avoid detection.
A neighbor of Mr. Galligan’s stated she also had problems
with vehicles being ridden on her private property.
Mr. Parrott stated he had talked to school officials and would ask
them to send a notice regarding this along with report cards. He
also suggested sending a stern letter along with municipal tax bills
that are mailed in June.
Sgt. Visco said he would bring up the matter of confiscating vehicles
riding on private property at a roll call so that troopers new to
the area would respond in an appropriate manner.
Upon conclusion of this topic, the governing body took a short recess.
The business portion of the meeting was called to order at 8:05
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott
and Parker Space, Deputy Clerk Christine Von Oesen and Attorney
Michael Garofalo.
Mayor De Boer requested that the governing body Review The Consent
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the
Consent Agenda.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain:
None. Absent: None.
Raffle License RL-04-07 for American Legion Post 213 to hold
an off-premise 50/50 raffle June 27, 2004.
Membership Application in the Wantage Fire Department for William
J. Byrne, Jr., of Branchville.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
1) Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with URS Corporation
of Cranford, NJ, to provide GIS – well database services,
at a cost not to exceed $10,000.
2) Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with Strunk-Albert
Engineering of Stroudsburg, PA, to provide mechanical and engineering
services for renovations to the Wantage Municipal Building in
an amount of $22,400 for the design phase of the project and based
on fee schedule submitted for the construction phase.
3) Authorizing Chapter 159 Resolution, amending the 2004 Wantage
Municipal Budget by accepting a Grant from FEMA in the amount
of $59,946.00, under the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Program for Diesel Exhaust Extraction System.
4) Authorizing Chapter 159 Resolution, amending the 2004 Wantage
Municipal Budget by accepting a Grant under the Service Level
Agreement HEOP Grant Program in the amount of $2,405.72 for purposes
of Emergency Management.
5) Requesting permission of the Commissioner of the N. J. Dept.
of Community Affairs to provide
approval as a dedication by rider of revenue received for costs
incurred as special events of the
Board of Recreation Commissioners
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the
aforementioned resolutions.
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
The Administrator’s Report was read by Mrs. Von Oesen
as follows:
1) Improvement Project of Wantage Town Hall: The architect and
engineer have been consulting on improvements needed. Next step
required by Township is included on the Consent Agenda, enter
into a professional services contract with Strunk Albert Engineering,
so they can prepare the bid specifications and advertise/accept
bids for the improvements to the Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning
2) The “Dedication by Rider” resolution on the Consent
Agenda: This is an option under the Local Fiscal Affairs Law.
Our CFO, Michelle, will be able to better keep track and account
for funds of the Recreation Commission’s various programs
and activities by keeping the money in a separate, dedicated account
outside of the regular municipal budget.
3) The SLA HEOP grant for $2,405.72 on the Consent Agenda: We
already received the money, this will amend our budget so that
the auditors will properly recognize receipt of the money within
our municipal budget.
4) The FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant for $59,946.00 on
the Consent Agenda: This will amend our budget so that the auditors
will properly recognize receipt of the money within our municipal
5) Youth in Government Program: Will take place in Wantage Township
again this year. If any members of the governing body are able
to do so, they can join Mr. Doherty at an assembly with the 8th
grade class at the Sussex School at 11 a.m. May 4th. The students
will be “shadowing” us at Wantage Town Hall on May
13, so if the governing body could drop by for a little while
in the afternoon, that would be great. There will be a workshop
meeting May 13 at 7 p.m. that will serve as the Mock Meeting where
the students assume the roles of the members of the governing
body. This is a fun ceremony.
6) Board of Health vacancy: We have received a letter from the
President of the Board of Health notifying that Robert Alvino
has not attended meetings of the Board of Health for an extended
period and efforts to reach him have been unsuccessful. This creates
a vacancy due to absence. The Board of Health recommends the name
of Dr. Arthur Braunwell for appointment to fill the vacancy. If
acceptable, the Mayor would nominate Dr. Braunwell and the Committee
would confirm the appointment. The governing body may take action
on this at the meeting this evening or else they may wait to consider
other candidates if any are known.
1) Special Meetings with the Boards of Education:
a. On May 5 with the Sussex-Wantage School Board and Sussex
governing body. At Wantage Town Hall at 7 p.m. Please discuss
with the attorney an appropriate course of action if, on that
date, the number of people from the public becomes so great
that our municipal building will not accommodate the crowd and
a procedure for changing the venue at that time. Following discussion,
the governing body agreed that if there were a large crowd,
the meeting would be rescheduled to a larger venue.
b. On May 6 with the High Point Regional High School Board of
Education. At the high school at 7:30 p.m.
c. Mr. Doherty had indicated he would have review comments on
the budgets to the governing body by Monday evening.
2) Request of the First Aid Squad:
Bill Haynes has requested consideration, since the cost of the
Ambulance came in below the budgeted amount, if the governing
body would be inclined to purchase a heavy duty stretcher in the
amount of $3,000 and 34 new jackets required by PEOSHA in defense
against blood borne pathogens, at a cost of $8,300. Mr. Doherty
had indicated he informed Mr. Haynes that the money for the purchase
of the ambulance was appropriated by Bond Ordinance which specifies
the purpose of the money. We could conceivably justify purchase
of the stretcher under the Bond Ordinance since it would qualify
as an appurtenance of the ambulance being purchased, but the jackets
would not be justifiable.
We do not have $8,300 for the purpose being requested. Mr. Haynes
requested that Mr. Doherty
forward the request anyway for a response.
Mayor DeBoer excused himself from discussion on this matter, as
he is a member of the First Aid Squad. Mr. Parrott said the stretchers
and jackets are a benefit to the squad. The ambulance allocation
was $140,000 but the cost was $120,000. He said he thought jackets
are needed but asked for the attorney’s advice. Mr. Garofalo
said he did not know of any legal way to purchase the jackets
from ambulance funds. Following further discussion, Mr. Parrott
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to approve $3,000 for the
stretcher with the understanding the issue of the 34 jackets would
be part of budget discussions next year.
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space. Nays: None. Abstain: DeBoer. Absent: None.
3) Road Vacation:
Mr. Bob Hill has submitted considerable file material in support
of his contention that the Township of Wantage still has a 33-foot
strip of land recorded as an unnamed road. The Township does not
need this road as a public right of way and does not maintain
it. The road, therefore, falls under the category of a public
road which has been abandoned but not vacated. Mr. Hill has pointed
out that there are several trees on this public right-of-way that
are posing a danger of falling, creating potential for safety
concerns. Mr. Hill also suggests desire to have the Township maintain
the road. However, Mr. Hill would also be satisfied to have the
Township officially vacate the road, in which case the ownership
of the property would revert to private property owners, presumably
Mr. Hill and/or others, and then Mr. Hill would handle the trees.
Mr. Doherty had advised that it appears to be a reasonable request
for Mr. Hill to have this public road officially vacated.
Mr. Garofalo said the Township could vacate the road but suggested
getting input from the township engineer. He recommended that
no official action be taken tonight.
4) Liquor License:
Mr. Garofalo reported an individual is asking to waive the criminal
background check required for a liquor license as he already has
a license in another municipality and a background check was completed
in 1998. Mr. Garofalo said the governing body has to be sure the
interests of the township are protected. Mr. Parrott said this
background check has never been waived before. Mayor DeBoer agreed
that the township could not be put in jeopardy.
5) Revaluation: Mr. Garofalo said bid specifications were prepared
for the tax revaluation. Tax maps are being prepared. He asked
for an executive session under the attorney/client privilege section
of the N. J. Open Public Meetings Act.
Dump Truck Bid:
Attorney William Hinkes of Hollander, Hontz, Hinkes and Pasculli,
a Newton law firm, was present along with Doug White, general
manager of Condit Truck Center, for a hearing regarding their
bid on a dump truck. Condit bid $103,836 which was rejected in
favor of a bid by Brown Mack of $112,350.
Mr. Hinkes said he believed there was an erroneous interpretation
of the statute dealing with Buy American”. He maintained
that most vehicles contain some foreign parts. Mr. White said
Mack is now owned by Volvo which is a Swedish corporation. He
maintained his company had more parts and service availability
and there would be no difference in the warranty.
Mr. Parrott said he has seen N. J. DOT trucks with a Sterling
engine and said it would be ambivalent for the State to produce
a statute they do not follow themselves.
Mr. Garofalo urged the governing body to take no action tonight
as Mr. Doherty is not here and he believes he made a reasonable
decision. He agreed there is probably not a truck that does not
have some foreign components.
Noting that the law has not been strictly enforced, Mr. Garofalo
said the governing body’s decision could be supported either
way. The other bidder took no exceptions. The assumption could
be made that it is all American. Legally, Mr. Garofalo said, if
you take exceptions, the bid does not comply. Mayor DeBoer tabled
this item and indicated a decision would be made at the next meeting.
Mr. Parrott said he went to the Baseball Parade in Sussex and
everything went well.
He also said he met with Assemblyman Guy Gregg and discussed the
Smart Bill for funding of schools.
Mr. Parrott said he wants the Administrator to draft a letter
regarding ATVs to insert in the tax bill mailing.
Mayor DeBoer said there are no posted hours at the animal shelter.
Mrs. Von Oesen said they are on the shelter’s answering
machine. The mayor said nighttime hours should be considered for
the public’s convenience.
He said he went to Atlantic City for the Conference of Mayors
and the main discussion was property taxes. He explained about
the Abbott Districts for schools, saying that 48% of school budgets
in the state were defeated last week.
1) Appointment
Mayor DeBoer appointed Dr. Arthur Braunwell as a member of the
Board of Health.
2) Final Adoption of Ordinance 2004-07: Site Plan Chapter Amendment
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adopt on
final reading, Ordinance 2004-07, entitled “AN ORDINANCE
Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions
or comments. No one came forward. The meeting was closed to the
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
3) Final Adoption of Ordinance 2004-09: Soil Removal Performance
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to adopt on
final reading, Ordinance 2004-09, entitled, “AN ORDINANCE
Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions
or comments. No one came forward. The meeting was closed to the
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
4) Approval of Minutes
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the
minutes of April 8, 2004. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions
or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.
Mr. Galligan said the governing body should take the lower bid
for the dump truck by Condit.
Mr. Jable spoke about speeders at Lake Neepaulin. Rumble strips
are ineffective, he said, and asked for speed bumps or some other
Mayor DeBoer said the township’s hands are tied by legalities.
Mr. Garofalo said it would take a long time to get speed bumps
approved and they are not inexpensive.
Douglas Ricker spoke about farmland preservation and said those
sites already preserved have one to three acre exceptions for
houses, but the ordinance has since been changed to a five-acre
Mr. Parrott referred Mr. Ricker to the Land Use Board.
Mr. Jable spoke about improvements to the dam at Lake Neepaulin.
Mayor DeBoer said he had a problem using taxpayer money to fund
a project of that nature.
There being no one else present wishing to address the governing
body, Mayor DeBoer closed the meeting to the public.
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to enter executive
session to discuss matters under attorney/ client privilege. A
voice vote was unanimously in favor.
The executive session lasted approximately 10 minutes. Following
that, Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to come
out of executive session.
Mr. Garofalo explained the provisions of a tax appeal settlement
with Tenneco Gas. He said the settlement would result in an assessment
for 2003 of $2,500,000 and for 2004 of $2,300,000. This would
be resolved as a credit on future taxes, he said.
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to agree to
the settlement with Tenneco Gas as outlined by Mr. Garofalo.
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
There being no further business to come before the governing body,
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adjourn. A
voice vote was unanimously in favor.
Christine Von Oesen, Deputy Clerk |