February 26 Meeting of the Wantage Township Committee


A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Committee was called to order Thursday, February 26, 2004, at the Wantage Municipal Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, N. J.

The workshop portion of the meeting began at 7 p.m.
Present: Mayor DeBoer, Committee member Parker Space and Jeffrey Parrott and Administrator Clerk James Doherty.

Mayor DeBoer announced this meeting is held in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and has been properly advertised. He led those in attendance in the pledge of allegiance and salute to the flag.

The purpose of the workshop was to hear presentations by superintendents of the two regional school districts that serve the municipality.

Sussex-Wantage Superintendent George Papp said they received state aid figures for the upcoming fiscal year only this morning. They are expecting a one million dollar increase in their budget over last year. The finance committee of the school board wants to make cuts but they cannot give the tax impact yet.

Mr. Papp stated they are in the process of meeting with the community to share ideas regarding facilities. Based on the formula for square footage per schools, the Sussex-Wantage district has 400 students unhoused. The board is concerned about furnaces, windows, doors, etc.

Mayor DeBoer asked if the amount of space per student has changed because he heard the student population has not increased.

Mr. Papp said that was correct. He added that 40% of the costs would be covered by the state through this referendum.

Mr. Space asked how many special needs students came from other districts. He said students in this district should come first so there is enough room.

Mr. Papp said that out-of-district students help pay the costs. He said they are careful not to bring in so many students that classroom space is lost.

Mr. Parrott said he is aware of the repairs needed to the school buildings. He asked that the March 1st meeting be publicized on the township website. It is scheduled for 7:15 p.m. at the Sussex Middle School. Mr. Parrott added that there should be a special assembly addressing how children could avoid being kidnapped.

High Point Regional Superintendent John Hannum thanked the governing body for the high level of cooperation with the school, especially the road department. He said he would be happy to come back to the Committee in March with more definitive budget information. He said the high school building is in outstanding shape. They need a referendum because of increased enrollment, he said, which has grown 50% since the last referendum.

Mr. Hannum outlined achievements in various departments at the school and gave attendance figures.
Mayor DeBoer asked if the school board ever discussed changing the health benefits to save money. Mr. Hannum said yes, but they are still negotiating with teachers so he could not comment on that.

The mayor said there are students on the first aid squad and sometimes they have a problem being able to leave school to respond to calls. Mr. Hannum asked that he be called when that happens.

Mr. Doherty said the 250th Wantage Anniversary celebration would be held Sept. 25 at Woodbourne Park. He asked if they could use the high school parking lot for shuttle buses. Mr. Hannum said the upper lot would probably be available and he would check with the athletic department about the schedule.

Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adjourn the workshop at 7:45 p.m. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.

The business portion of the meeting was called to order at 8 p.m.

Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott and Parker Space, Administrator Clerk James Doherty and Attorney Richard Clark.

Mayor DeBoer announced this meeting is held in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and has been properly advertised.

In recognition of Girl Scout Week, Mayor DeBoer invited members of Troops 805 and 879 to perform the flag ceremony. The pledge of allegiance was recited and the Girl Scout Promise. Mr. Doherty read a Proclamation declaring the week of March 7 to 13 as Girl Scout Week.


Administrator Doherty presented the Consent Agenda for approval.
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


Letter dated February 17, 2004, from the Sussex County Board of Taxation, enclosing an Order To Implement a Municipal-wide Revaluation in Wantage Township.

E-mail letter to Sussex County Engineer, dated February 25, 2004, from Jim Doherty, alerting the concern of Wantage Emergency Response personnel regarding on-going tendency of accidents taking place at intersection of County Route 519 and County Route 650, requesting their review of the situation to determine if any remedial actions are appropriate to reduce the likelihood of future accidents.

Letter dated February 19, 2004, from Harry Festa of the Beemerville Fire Company, informing that it will be acceptable to postpone the next future purchase of a fire vehicle from the projected year of 2006 until the projected year of 2007.

Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to approve the Correspondence for filing.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


Raffle License RL 04-05, to the Beemerville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, to conduct an off-premise 50/50 raffle at Woodbourne Park on September 25, 2004.

Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to approve the Application.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1) Authorizing transfer of 2003 budget appropriation reserves totaling $1,800.
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to approve the Resolution.

Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1) Wantage 250 Celebration: Mr. Doherty stated plans are moving along nicely.

2) Request for Executive Session:

Mr. Doherty asked for an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss the status of negotiations regarding the health benefits issue.

3) Request for Creation of a New Subcode.

Mr. Doherty advised the Committee that Mr. Frasche has withdrawn his request for consideration of the creation of a Mechanical Subcode within the Construction Department for Wantage.

4) Question on Township Personnel Policy

a) Mr. Doherty asked if the policy regarding accumulated sick leave cash reimbursement should be extended to part time employees. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the governing body that part-time workers would not be entitled to this.

b) Mr. Doherty asked about the request for an increase in the budget for the Construction Department. The governing body decided to leave the budget as decided.

5) Municipal Stormwater General Permit

Mr. Doherty referred the Township Committee to a letter from Tom Knutelsky of Mr. Pellow’s office noting the request for this permit must be submitted to the state by March 3rd.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, authorizing the mayor to sign the permit and grant application. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

6) LOSAP Implementation

Mr. Doherty said the anticipated cost if $680,000 with Wantage paying 72%. The ordinance that was approved last year did not specify that an interlocal agreement would be created. It was agreed to enter an interlocal agreement with Sussex Borough on a 72/28 basis. It was also agreed to send a letter to Sussex Borough to broach the subject of a merger of the first aid squads.

7) Sale of Block 2, Lot 2:

An amendment to the agreement for the purchase of this property by the United States of America.

A letter from the U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, explained that the N. J. Green Acres program would buy and hold this property in trust until the necessary funds are available. Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to authorize Mr. Doherty to sign this agreement. Mr. Clark witnessed the signing.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


Mr. Clark stated he would contact the County Tax Board regarding a revaluation. This process should take a couple of years, he said. He recommended the township proceed with this after the county approves the maps. Mr. Doherty said the cost would be paid over a term of five years at the rate of $80,000 per year.

The attorney indicated there is no new litigation.


Mr. Space informed other members of the Committee that Quick Chek intends to build in Wantage and was at the last Land Use Board meeting.

Mr. Parrott said he would update the Committee in executive session regarding negotiations. He said he went to the Tax Board meeting with Mr. Clark. Bond rates are holding steady.

Mayor DeBoer said he met with Sussex Borough Mayor Kathleen Little last week. He said the meeting ended on a good note. He encouraged the public to keep on top of the school situation.


Final Hearing of Ordinance 2004-06


The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or comments. The meeting was closed to the public.

Mr. Space said he would like to see a specific amount of money in the ordinance rather than a rough estimate. He also felt the amount could be reduced as it still has to be repaid.

Mr. Parrott said he also realizes the township would like to take advantage of low interest rates. He said he believes the funding is accurate.

Mr. Doherty said there is only $250,000 in the bond ordinance for improvements to the municipal building. Any funds remaining could be used next year by redirecting it to future costs. He said he feels certain the amount is firm.

Mayor DeBoer said he wants to see the Wantage Fire Dept. truck committee come up with a vehicle that would be acceptable to everyone. Money is cheap now but it is not likely to stay that way.

Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer. Nays: Space. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

Mr. Doherty received permission to meet with the architect to set bid specifications.


Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the special and executive session minutes of January 29 and February 12, 2004.
A voice vote was unanimously in favor.


Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.

Dwayne Armstrong noted there is no ordinance to prevent pets in municipal parks and it is becoming a problem. Mr. Parrott said they could put strong language in the township newsletter and on the website. Mr. Clark said an ordinance could be passed and posted at the park. Mr. Parrott said it could also be publicized in the schools, letting citizens know that violators would be prosecuted.

Mr. Armstrong asked about the speed limit on Sherman Ridge Road.

Mr. Doherty said it is in the hands of NJDOT and he is waiting to hear from them.

There being no others present wishing to address the governing body at this time, the meeting was closed to the public.


Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to enter executive session to discuss negotiations and litigation. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
The executive session lasted approximately one hour.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott to come out of executive session. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
There being no further business to come before the governing body, Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adjourn at 10 p.m. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.

William DeBoer, Mayor
James Doherty
Administrator Clerk