May 13 Meeting of the Wantage Township Mayor & Committee


A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Committee was called to order Thursday, May 13, 2004, at the Wantage Municipal Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, N. J.

The workshop portion of the meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.

Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott and Parker Space, Administrator Clerk James Doherty and Attorney Michael Garofalo

Mayor DeBoer announced this meeting is held in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and has been properly advertised. He invited those in attendance to join in the pledge of allegiance and salute to the flag.

Representatives from the Sussex Middle School, as part of the Youth in Government Program, conducted a meeting, acting as various members of government for Sussex Borough and Wantage Township.
Anthony Higgins served as Wantage Township Mayor and Richie Flynn acted as Sussex Borough mayor. Various students who had shadowed township and borough officials at their respective positions during the day gave reports.

Mayor DeBoer and Sussex Mayor Katherine Little gave statements of appreciation to the student participants. Certificates of commendation were given to all students who participated in the program.

Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments. Teachers involved in the Youth in Government Program expressed their appreciation to the township and especially Administrator James Doherty for his efforts.

Upon conclusion of the program, the governing body took a short recess.
The business portion of the meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott and Parker Space, Clerk Administrator James Doherty and Attorney Michael Garofalo.


Mayor De Boer requested that the governing body Review The Consent Agenda.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the Consent Agenda. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.


Letter dated April 27, 2004 from the New Jersey State Agriculture Development Committee, informing of application from McGlew Family to sell the McGlew Farm in Fee Simple under the Farmland Preservation Program. Inviting input from Wantage Township, if any.

Letter Dated April 27, 2004 from the New Jersey Ride Against Aids, informing of their annual bicycle ride from High Point to Cape May the weekend of October 1-3, 2004.

Letter dated May 6, 2004 from Tom Jable on behalf of Friends of Lake Neepaulin, expressing concern and inviting options for resolving various issues within the Lake Neepaulin area.

Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the Correspondence for filing.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


Board of Health Report, Registrar’s Report, Construction Department Report, Tax Collector’s Report, and Municipal Clerk’s Report for April 2004.
Report of Audit For Calendar Year 2003.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the Reports for filing.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


RL04-08 for the Beemerville Presbyterian Church, to conduct an On Premise 50/50 raffle July 14, 2004 at the Beemerville Firehouse.

RL04-09, for the Beemerville Presbyterian Church, to conduct an On Premise Merchandise raffle July 14, 2004 at the Beemerville Firehouse

BL04-10, for the Friends of Lake Neepaulin, to conduct bingo games on various dates during calendar year 2004 at the Lake Neepaulin Beach, South Shore Drive

RL04-11, for the Friends of Lake Neepaulin, to conduct an Off Premise 50/50 raffle July 11, 2004 at the Lake Neepaulin Beach, South Shore Drive

Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the Applications.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1) Authorizing payment of bills for the meeting of May 13, 2004.

2) Authorizing the award of contract to Tilcon New York, Inc., for the projects entitled Proposed Resurfacing of Various Roads in Lake Neepaulin, and Proposed Resurfacing of Pidgeon Hill Road – Sections III & IV, in the total amount of $183,094.14, as per recommendation from the Township Engineer dated May 11, 2004 (certification of availability of funds from the Chief Finance Officer is on file).

3) Resolution of Acceptance of the 2003 Report of Audit

Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the Resolutions as presented.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


Mr. Doherty read a Proclamation naming May “Older Americans Month” in Wantage.


INFORMATION: Request for Change in Speed Limit: Frank Gawenus has requested that the governing body give consideration to reducing the speed limit on Central School Road, claiming that the excessive speed of cars is a danger that he witnesses regularly. Mr. Doherty said he requested input from the Township Engineer regarding any details the governing body might need to know with respect to options available under New Jersey state law, governing speed limits on this road.


Mr. Garofalo said his report was covered by agenda items.


Mr. Space said a resident contacted him with concerns about a beaver dam on Hickory Road. He asked Mr. Doherty to have the Road Department Supervisor look at it, as it could be a safety issue. It is the size of a lake, Mr. Space said, and could wipe out houses in the area and a bridge. Mr. Doherty said he would also ask the Emergency Management Director to look at it.

Mayor DeBoer asked about having the dog pound hours posted. Mr. Doherty said it is open Monday to Friday until 6 p.m. and a few hours on Saturday. He said the hours could be posted and also listed on the township website.


1) Dump Truck Bid:
Mayor DeBoer said he felt the contract should be awarded to Brown Mack. There were many repairs needed on the Sterling engine that the township already has. Mr. Space agreed that he felt the Mack is a superior vehicle. For the additional $8,500, he said it is a better value.
Mr. Parrott said Condit’s presentation at the last meeting was good but based on what he learned from the Road Department, the Mack quality has proven itself and the Mack bid complies completely.
Mr. Garofalo said the governing body has to accept the lowest responsive bid and Condit took two exceptions.

Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to award the contract for the dump truck to Hunterton Brown Mack based on the Buy American requirement and the fact that the bid met the specifications set forth. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

2) Permanent Bonding Project
Mr. Doherty said the timetable for the bond sale will be expedited and it is scheduled for June 8th. Further action regarding this will be taken at the meeting at the end of May.

3) Unnamed Roadway
Mr. Garofalo said he is waiting for Mr. Pellow’s opinion before proceeding further.

4) High School Budget Review
Mr. Doherty said that the High Point Regional High School sending districts met May 6th with the school’s Board of Education to discuss reducing the budget. Lafayette Township prepared a resolution regarding the amount that would be reduced.

The Sussex-Wantage Board of Education met May 5th with township officials and reached a consensus on the tax levy.

Mr. Parrott gave a synopsis of the efforts to reduce the budget and listed the fixed costs that cannot be touched.

Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve a reduction of the High Point Regional High School budget by $247,196.00 for a tax levy of $12,362,651.00
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.


1) Diesel Exhaust
Mr. Doherty said the low bid does not meet the specifications and many exceptions were taken. Mr. Doherty read the comments by Fire Chief Mark Blaine.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to accept the fire chief’s recommendation and authorize the administrator to write a letter to the low bidder offering a hearing.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.

2) Approval of Minutes
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to approve the minutes of April 29, 2004. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.


Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community. No one came forward. Mayor DeBoer closed the meeting to the public.
There being no further business to come before the governing body, Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.

James Doherty, Clerk Administrator