Mayor William DeBoer called the meeting to order for the governing
body of Wantage Township at 7:00 p.m. at the Wantage Municipal Building,
888 Route 23, Wantage, N. J.
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott
and Parker Space.
Absent: None. Also present: Wantage Administrator Clerk Jim Doherty
Mayor DeBoer stated “This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975,
Chapter 231. It has been properly advertised, and certified by the
Mayor Kathy Little called the meeting to order for the governing
body of Sussex Borough.
Present: Mayor Little, Council members Brennan, Stendor, Ezzo
Absent: Council member Dykstra.
Mayor Little stated “This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975,
Chapter 231. It has been properly advertised, and certified by the
By consensus, the members of the Sussex Borough governing body named
Mr. Jim Doherty to act in the capacity of Clerk Pro Tem at this
meeting, for the purpose of taking notes and preparing minutes of
the proceedings.
Ms. Diane Rose, President of the Sussex-Wantage Regional School
Board of Education, called the meeting to order on behalf of the
Board of Education, and offered the Open Public Meetings Act Compliance
Statement on behalf of the Board of Education.
Present: Board members Rose, Gardner, Jacobs, Henkel, Boyle, Dispenzieri
Absent: Board members Zukowski, Card, Higgins.
Also present: School Superintendent George Papp, School Board Administrator/Board
Secretary Ed Pladdys.
Mayor DeBoer led all persons in attendance in the pledge of allegiance
and salute to the flag.
The topic of discussion was review of the defeated school budget
for the Sussex Wantage School district.
Mayor DeBoer invited a spokesperson from the School Board to make
opening remarks, and inquired if there were any areas of the budget
the School Board was prepared to identify which might serve as a
basis for a reduction in the tax levy.
Ms. Diane Rose, Board President, stated her belief that the Board
of Education had prepared and presented a responsible budget; that
the board had, indeed, made numerous cuts before presenting it to
the general public; and that an on-going issue of concern was how
to fund a responsible education experience for the children in the
face of on-going reductions in state aid. Ms. Rose stated it was
difficult for the board to identify cuts when they have already
worked so hard to present a responsible budget.
Mayor Little stated that she understood the sentiments of the Board,
but that the voters had spoken, and now the governing bodies were
looking to the Board for guidance and advice.
Mr. Stendor spoke with respect to the defeat of both the Sussex
Wantage School budget and the High Point Regional High School budget,
stating that it was necessary to address budget reductions.
General discussion continued among the members of the governing
bodies and the board of education members, regarding the process
of reviewing defeated school budgets and the details of the proposed
budget for the 2004-05 school year for the Sussex-Wantage School
Mayor DeBoer requested the School Secretary/Business Administrator,
Ed Pladdys, to offer advice and input for the guidance of those
assembled at this meeting.
Mr. Pladdys expressed his belief that, while he agreed with Ms.
Rose that a responsible budget had been prepared by the Board of
Education, the defeat of the budget at the polls calls for action
to reduce the budget in the eyes of the general public. Mr. Pladdys
expressed consensus with the proposed budget reductions proposed
in a report by Mr. Jim Doherty, addressed to the Wantage governing
body, and distributed for consideration at this evening’s
meeting. Mr. Pladdys indicated that the proposed budget reductions
in Mr. Doherty’s report would total $200,000 reduction to
the proposed tax levy. Mr. Pladdys recommended that the Board of
Education accept Mr. Doherty’s proposed budget cuts.
General review took place at this time, regarding the details of
the proposed budget reductions in the report prepared by Mr. Doherty.
Mr. Parrott offered historical perspective involving school budgets
and their impact on the tax rate, and stated his belief that the
proposed budget reductions were appropriate for consideration.
At this time, Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for
any questions or comments with respect to the matters being discussed.
A member of the public requested the Board members to respond to
a specific question that had been posed by Mayor Little, regarding
the reasons for a specific line item increase in the budget.
Mr. Pladdys stated that he would have to review his budget folder
before being in a position to answer the question, as it involved
a matter of detail that was not readily available for recall at
this meeting.
A member of the public suggested that the members of the Board of
Education review the costs of salaries and Group Insurance as a
means by which to control budget increases in the school budget.
Mr. Parrott, Mr. Stendor and Mayor Little all spoke with respect
to their concern with the tax impact on senior citizens by the increases
in the school budget.
A member of the public inquired regarding what special initiatives
are being reviewed by the School Board as a means by which budget
increases could be controlled.
Ms. Rose responded with examples of known mandated coss versus reductions
being implemented in other areas of the budget.
A member of the public inquired if the State of New Jersey would
be providing additional money to the school board’s budget
in response to state-mandated increased costs in special education
Mr. Neil Cramer, the County of Sussex School Business Administrator,
addressed that question, indicating that there is no likelihood
of increased state aid to address special education costs.
A member of the public inquired if there were any Non-residents
being served in the special education programs in the Sussex-Wantage
school system.
Mr. Papp and Ms. Rose both responded, explaining that there were
19 total students in the category of Tuition-In students for special
A member of the general public recommended that the school board
conduct a Salaries Management Review Process.
A member of the public recommended review of the Health Insurance
program to see if reductions could be made to costs.
Mr. Parrott inquired if the School Administration had reviewed the
possibility of debt refinancing as a fiscal management strategy.
Mr. Pladdys informed that this had, indeed, been accomplished.
Mayor Little inquired if the School Board actively investigated
the possibility of grants.
Mr. Papp responded, stating that this was done on a continual basis.
A member of the public inquired how many non-resident, or out-of-state,
teachers in the school system had their own children attending the
Sussex-Wantage School system tuition-free.
Ms. Rose responded that there were no such situations currently
There being no other members of the public wishing to address the
officials assembled, Mayor DeBoer closed the meeting to the public
and requested the assembled officials to continue with the regular
order of business.
Mr. Space offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adopt
the following resolution entitled “RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR
FOR THE 2004-05 YEAR
WHEREAS, the original Tax Levy on the ballot for the base budget
of the Sussex Wantage Regional School District on April 20, 2004
was $11,966,768; and
WHEREAS, the Amount of Reduction to the Tax Levy for the Base
Budget is proposed to be $200,000, and
WHEREAS, said reduction would establish the amount of tax levy
being certified by the municipal government for the base budget
as $11,766,768, and
WHEREAS, the specific line item reductions and supporting reasons
for each reduction is as follows:
1. Salaries for Instruction on Home Instruction increased
6.8%. Reducing this increase by $2,000 will not interfere with
the educational goal being pursued.
2. There was a proposed 11% increase in the budget for Total
Resource Room/Resource Center (03940). Purchased Professional
– Educational Services appears to be a new line item.
The proposed $148,000+ increase can be reduced $35,000 without
affecting operation of the school system.
3. There was a proposed 100%+ increase in Total Bilingual Education
– Instruction (04980). This proposed increase can be reduced
4. Total School Sponsored Co/Extra Curricular Activities (06080)
does not involve educational activities required, $10,000 can
be cut from the line item.
5. Other Instructional Programs – Instruction (06200).
There was a proposed 17%+ increase in this line item. This proposed
$26,000+ increase can be reduced $5,000 and still provide for
a healthy budget increase from the prior year.
6. Under undistributed Expenditures – Health Services
(06480), there is a proposed 10%+ increase. Could this proposed
$18,000 increase can be reduced $8,000 without affecting the
education of the children.
7. Under Total Undistributed Expenditures – Other Supp.
Serv. Students – SPL (06680), there is a proposed 7%+
increase. The proposed $48,000+ increase can be reduced by $10,000
and still provide a healthy budget increase compared to the
prior year.
8. Legal Services (06920) has a proposed increase of 67%, representing
a $20,000 increase. This can be reduced by $5,000, and still
provide a healthy increase in budgetary planning.
9. Purchased Technical Services (06940) is a $75,000 line item.
This item can be reduced by $5,000, without affecting educational
goals of the school system.
10. BOE Membership Dues and Fees (07000) represents a $15,000
cost. In the face of a defeated school budget, this line item
can be eliminated from funding for this year without affecting
the educational goals of the school system.
11. Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants (07030)
had a proposed 8.5% increase. This increase could be reduced
by $2,000 without affecting service.
12. Other Objects under Undistributed Expenditures - Support
Services – School Administration (07080) had a proposed
34% increase. This proposed $12,700 increase can be reduced
by $4,000 without affecting the school system’s educational
13. The proposed costs of Undistributed Expenses - Central Services
(07150) and Admin. Info. Technology (07185) appear to be a restructuring
of cost from the line items under “Other Support Services”
(07500). Still, in the face of a defeated school budget, the
$119,534 in supplies and materials can be reduced by $10,000.
14. Under Operation and Maintenance of Plant – Other Objects
(07635), the proposed cost increase was from $6,000 to $14,500.
This increase be reduced by $2,000, and still provide a healthy
budget increase compared to the prior year.
15. Salaries for Pupil Transportation (07210) increased 9.2%.
This increase can be reduced by $1,000 without having an adverse
affect on service delivery.
16. Group Insurance (10110) increased only 5.8%, but this represents
an increase of $178,567. This line item can be reduced $5,000,
and still provide enough of a budget increase to meet the needs
of the employees.
17. School Buses – Special (08190) line item went from
$22,288 up to $92,522. Can this be reduced by $5,000, and still
provide a healthy budget increase.
18. There is a position of Assistant Principal currently being
advertised for the Sussex School. (See 07010). Being a position
that is not currently held, it is possible to reduce the anticipated
costs for this line item by $10,000.
19. Required Maintenance For School Facilities (07625) proposes
$38,000+ increase in costs. This increase can be reduced by
$5,000, and still provide a healthy budget increase over the
prior year’s budget.
20. Other Operation & Maintenance of Plant – Insurance
(07631) proposed an increase from $7,500 to $110,600. This line
item can be reduced $5,000, and still provide a very good budget
increase over the prior year.
21. Contracted Services - Vendors (07270) proposed an increase
of $40,000. This increase can be reduced $5,000, and still provide
a healthy budget increase over the prior year.
22. Fund Balance: in view of the defeated school budget, utilize
$50,000 from the existing Fund Balance to offset anticipated
increases in the tax levy.
WHEREAS, the revised budget is sufficient to provide a thorough
and efficient education,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Township Committee
of the Township of Wantage does hereby enact the above-established
tax levy.
Upon Roll Call:
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer Nays: None
Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. Brennan offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Stendor, to adopt
the following resolution entitled “RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR
THE 2004-05 YEAR
WHEREAS, the original Tax Levy on the ballot for the base budget
of the Sussex Wantage Regional School District on April 20, 2004
was $11,966,768; and
WHEREAS, the Amount of Reduction to the Tax Levy for the Base
Budget is proposed to be $200,000, and
WHEREAS, said reduction would establish the amount of tax levy
being certified by the municipal government for the base budget
as $11,766,768, and
WHEREAS, the specific line item reductions and supporting reasons
for each reduction is as follows:
1. Salaries for Instruction on Home Instruction increased
6.8%. Reducing this increase by $2,000 will not interfere with
the educational goal being pursued.
2. There was a proposed 11% increase in the budget for Total
Resource Room/Resource Center (03940). Purchased Professional
– Educational Services appears to be a new line item.
The proposed $148,000+ increase can be reduced $35,000 without
affecting operation of the school system.
3. There was a proposed 100%+ increase in Total Bilingual Education
– Instruction (04980). This proposed increase can be reduced
4. Total School Sponsored Co/Extra Curricular Activities (06080)
does not involve educational activities required, $10,000 can
be cut from the line item.
5. Other Instructional Programs – Instruction (06200).
There was a proposed 17%+ increase in this line item. This proposed
$26,000+ increase can be reduced $5,000 and still provide for
a healthy budget increase from the prior year.
6. Under undistributed Expenditures – Health Services
(06480), there is a proposed 10%+ increase. Could this proposed
$18,000 increase can be reduced $8,000 without affecting the
education of the children.
7. Under Total Undistributed Expenditures – Other Supp.
Serv. Students – SPL (06680), there is a proposed 7%+
increase. The proposed $48,000+ increase can be reduced by $10,000
and still provide a healthy budget increase compared to the
prior year.
8. Legal Services (06920) has a proposed increase of 67%, representing
a $20,000 increase. This can be reduced by $5,000, and still
provide a healthy increase in budgetary planning.
9. Purchased Technical Services (06940) is a $75,000 line item.
This item can be reduced by $5,000, without affecting educational
goals of the school system.
10. BOE Membership Dues and Fees (07000) represents a $15,000
cost. In the face of a defeated school budget, this line item
can be eliminated from funding for this year without affecting
the educational goals of the school system.
11. Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Assistants (07030)
had a proposed 8.5% increase. This increase could be reduced
by $2,000 without affecting service.
12. Other Objects under Undistributed Expenditures - Support
Services – School Administration (07080) had a proposed
34% increase. This proposed $12,700 increase can be reduced
by $4,000 without affecting the school system’s educational
13. The proposed costs of Undistributed Expenses - Central Services
(07150) and Admin. Info. Technology (07185) appear to be a restructuring
of cost from the line items under “Other Support Services”
(07500). Still, in the face of a defeated school budget, the
$119,534 in supplies and materials can be reduced by $10,000.
14. Under Operation and Maintenance of Plant – Other Objects
(07635), the proposed cost increase was from $6,000 to $14,500.
This increase be reduced by $2,000, and still provide a healthy
budget increase compared to the prior year.
15. Salaries for Pupil Transportation (07210) increased 9.2%.
This increase can be reduced by $1,000 without having an adverse
affect on service delivery.
16. Group Insurance (10110) increased only 5.8%, but this represents
an increase of $178,567. This line item can be reduced $5,000,
and still provide enough of a budget increase to meet the needs
of the employees.
17. School Buses – Special (08190) line item went from
$22,288 up to $92,522. Can this be reduced by $5,000, and still
provide a healthy budget increase.
18. There is a position of Assistant Principal currently being
advertised for the Sussex School. (See 07010). Being a position
that is not currently held, it is possible to reduce the anticipated
costs for this line item by $10,000.
19. Required Maintenance For School Facilities (07625) proposes
$38,000+ increase in costs. This increase can be reduced by
$5,000, and still provide a healthy budget increase over the
prior year’s budget.
20. Other Operation & Maintenance of Plant – Insurance
(07631) proposed an increase from $7,500 to $110,600. This line
item can be reduced $5,000, and still provide a very good budget
increase over the prior year.
21. Contracted Services - Vendors (07270) proposed an increase
of $40,000. This increase can be reduced $5,000, and still provide
a healthy budget increase over the prior year.
22. Fund Balance: in view of the defeated school budget, utilize
$50,000 from the existing Fund Balance to offset anticipated
increases in the tax levy.
WHEREAS, the revised budget is sufficient to provide a thorough
and efficient education,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the
Borough of Sussex does hereby enact the above-established tax
Upon Roll Call:
Ayes: Brennan, Stendor, Ezzo Nays: None
Absent: Dykstra Abstain: None
Ms. Rose moved to accept the proposed reduction in the tax levy,
as described in the resolutions adopted by the Mayor and Committee
of the Township of Wantage and the Mayor and Council of the Borough
of Sussex, per the resolutions above. Ms. Dispenzieri seconded
the motion. All members of the Board of Education present voted
in favor of the motion.
There being no further business to come before the Wantage governing
body, Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to adjourn.
A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
There being no further business to come before the Sussex governing
body, Mr. Brennan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ezzo, to adjourn.
A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
There being no further business to come before the Sussex Wantage
Board of Education, Ms. Rose made a motion, seconded by Ms. dispenzieri,
to adjourn. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk
Township of Wantage