A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Committee
was held Thursday, November 11, 2004, at the Wantage Municipal Building,
888 Route 23, Wantage, N. J.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee member Parker Space, Administrator/
Clerk James Doherty and Attorney Michael Garofalo. Absent: Committee
member Jeffrey Parrott.
Mayor DeBoer stated this meeting is held in compliance with the
requirements of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act and was
properly noticed and advertised. He led those in attendance in the
pledge of allegiance and salute to the flag.
Nine members of the High Point Regional High School student body
were present. A spokesman explained their concern about the effect
of budget cuts on field trips including a trip to the Rahway State
Prison by the Street Law class and a trip to West Point by the
American Conflict II class.
They asked why the school board could take an expense paid trip
to Atlantic City but the staff could not have development days.
Mayor DeBoer explained that the Township Committee has no jurisdiction
over the Board of Education.
Attorney Garofalo said the only recourse the governing body has
would be to make a recommendation to the school board.
Mr. Doherty said that the governing body has no control over the
school board but if they wanted to act as individuals, the Board
of Recreation Commissioners might be willing to work something
out with them.
Mayor De Boer requested that the governing body Review The Consent
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the Consent Agenda. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
Correspondence from the Friends of Lake Neepaulin, thanking Mayor
DeBoer for attending the sign posting ceremony for “Neepaulakating
Correspondence from Board of Health President Joe Greenaway, confirming
resignation offered by Thoburn Kilmer from membership on the Board
of Health, effective immediately.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the Correspondence for filing. A voice vote was unanimously in
Tax Collector, Treasurer, Board of Health, Registrar, Municipal
Clerk and Construction Department Reports for October 2004 were
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the Reports for filing. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
Raffle License 04-30, for the High Point Regional High School
Booster Club to conduct an on premise merchandise raffle on 12/10/04
at the High School.
Raffle License 04-31, for the High Point Regional High School
Booster Club to conduct an on premise 50/50 raffle on 12/10/04
at the High School.
Bingo License 05-01 for the Beemerville Fire Department, Inc.
to conduct bingo on various dates during calendar year 2005.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the aforementioned Applications. A voice vote was unanimously
in favor.
Transfer of Budget Appropriations Resolution dated November 11,
2004, totaling $55,142.50
Approval of Bills for the meeting of November 11, 2004
Approval of Person to Person Transfer of Liquor License 1924-32-010-002,
amending the effective date of the transfer to November 12, 2004.
Authorizing Dedication by Rider for 2004 Municipal Budget, representing
donations received as contributions for the Wantage Township 250
Anniversary Celebration.
Authorizing reduction in bond for LUB Application #L-41-2002,
Minor Subdivision for Joe Maggio Block 15 Lot 10, reducing the
performance bond to $4,320.00.
Appointing Susan Floyd, 42 Wantage School Road, to fill the open
seat on the Board of Health for a term running through 12/31/07.
Approving Change Order #1 for the project entitled “Proposed
Construction of Siltation Chamber, South Shore Drive, Lake Neepaulin”,
reducing the cost by $3,116.00, making the adjusted contract price
Naming James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk, as the Safety and
Loss Prevention Representative of Wantage Township in the Statewide
Insurance Fund, for the year 2005.
Naming James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk, as the Statewide
Insurance Fund Commissioner for Wantage Township, for the year
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the aforementioned Resolutions. A voice vote was unanimously in
- Information: Office of County Planning met with the Wantage
Cross Acceptance Committee on November 9, 2004 at 7:30 pm. Harold
Pellow/Land Use Board will follow up with Wantage comments by
- Information: Ordinance 2004-17, a capital ordinance for purchase
of DPW equipment, would provide funds necessary for Wantage to
begin phasing in the upgrading of snow plowing and sanding vehicles.
The equipment will monitor and control the amount of salt and
grits required, based on road and weather conditions. Each retrofit
costs approximately $8,000 to accomplish. Over time, the costs
will more than pay for themselves through reduced costs in salt
and grits, and reduced residue left on roads will be a positive
for the environment, as well as reduce springtime street sweeping
requirements. Propose to retrofit about two vehicles a year. The
proposed Ordinance will provide money for the next three years
(six vehicles).
- Information: Reminder from previous meeting: Does the Attorney
have input regarding the request received from Robert Van Dyke
for the Mayor to endorse Treatment Work Approval Permit Application
for 4 Smith Road?
- Information: Reminder from previous meeting: Does the Attorney
have input regarding the draft Escrow Agreement between the SCMUA
and Wantage Township for Valley View Manor?
- Information: With respect to the Fireman Dan’s liquor
license transfer, the applicant originally requested an effective
date of 10/29, which was approved on 10/0704. By 10/28, Fireman
Dan’s came to realize that their closing would not take
place by 10/29, so they requested the governing body amend the
effective date to 12/10/04, to provide sufficient time for the
closing to take place. The Division of ABC confirmed that Wantage
could amend the effective date, because the original effective
date had not yet come. So at the meeting of 10/28, the governing
body amended the effective date to 12/10. On Monday, 11/8, Fireman
Dan’s received word that the closing can take place, and
requested that the effective date be amended one more time, making
the transfer effective 11/11/04. Since the meeting of the governing
body was not being held until the evening of 11/11/04, Mr. Doherty
adjusted the effective date in the resolution shown on tonight’s
consent agenda to read 11/12/04. This will be the final amendment
to the effective date possible, as the governing body will not
be able to change it any more once the stated effective date has
actually come and gone.
- Information: Sussex Wantage Little League has expressed a need
for immediate improvements to Lott Road fields, so that their
use of fields in Spring 2005 is not compromised. I was informed
to expect a letter from SWLL detailing proposed improvements and
costs; to date, I have nothing. Ordinance 2004-17 will allocate
$15,000 from capital reserves for improvements to Lott Road fields.
- See request of Wantage Fire Chief Marc Blaine for permission
to use remaining funds in Fire Department budget to purchase a
used vehicle that would serve as Command Vehicle for the Fire
Department (i.e. Chief’s car). Mr. Doherty said he could
not justify that because there is $4,300 remaining in that budget.
There would be ongoing maintenance costs and a question of how
to account for its use. It was decided that the Fire Chief should
include this in his budget request and it would be discussed at
the next budget work session.
- The minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2004 need to be corrected:
a) Under Old Business #2, the minutes need to reflect that Mayor
DeBoer did appoint Kevin Fenlon of Bridle
Way to the Board of Recreation Commissioners for a term running
through 12/31/05.
b) Under Old Business #4, the wording needs to be changed
to reflect the following:
“Mr. Doherty gave a history of this project and explained
options available. Mr. Doherty stated that there were two separate
but related issues of concern: maintenance of the entire drainage
easement serving Courtland Drive, and a specific drainage problem
involving 24-26 Ryan Road. Upon conclusion of his presentation,
Mr. Parrott made a motion, seconded by Mr. Space, to authorize
the Township Engineer and Administrator to move ahead with investigations
into the costs of making the pipe at 24 Ryan Road larger, and
with respect to the drainage easement for all of Courtland Drive,
to wait until the wet weather ends and the easement dries out
to the point that the issue can be resolved properly.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer Nays: None Abstain:
None Absent: None
Mr. Space made a motion to correct and amend the October 7 minutes
as presented by Mr. Doherty. Mayor DeBoer seconded the motion.
A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
- Memo from Administrator regarding Block 30 Lot 4, township-owned
property lot which is land locked between Quarry and Black Dirt
Road – interest in an adjoining property owner to purchase
it. It was determined this is landlocked but buildable as it is
more than five acres so it would have to be offered at public
- Request Of Statewide Insurance Fund – Resolution
The Statewide Insurance Fund has requested that all participating
members adopt a “Resolution Regarding Disclosure of Confidential
Information”. Mr. Doherty presented the material to Mr.
Garofalo for review and interpretation. Attorney Garofalo said
he would review it for the governing body to consider at its December
- With injury to Rick Fairweather, and reassignment of John Abate,
the DPW needs additional employees to handle snowplowing for this
winter. Bob Wagner is reviewing candidates for full time seasonal
employment. Tonight, Mr. Doherty recommends hiring Ed Stroemel
as part time seasonal employee, $22/hr, for up to 24 hours per
week, effective 12/1/04. Mr. Doherty said this would be less expensive
than having a regular employee work overtime. He noted Mr. Stroemel
could help out mechanically and knows all the snowplowing routes.
- Nick Frasche has requested an amendment to the ordinance dealing
with Accessory Structures. Mr. Frasche observes that, in situations
where a house is situated 200 feet or more off the road and not
visible from the roadside, the restriction against accessory structures
being placed in the front yard becomes problematic, and ought
to be relaxed or eliminated. Nick guestimates that this situation
arises 12 – 15 times a year. Without an amendment, the recourse
of these individuals is to file for a variance with the LUB. Mr.
Garofalo said this would have to go to the Land Use Board for
its recommendation and he was authorized to write to them regarding
this matter.
- Request of John Maione concerning snow plowing at Clove Hill
Manor. Based on input from Mr. Pellow, the question of whether
or not these roads are intended, ultimately, to remain private
roads or be turned over to the Township as public roads needs
to be researched further in the Land Use Board minutes. Current
condition of roads is such that they do not meet municipal standards,
which would mean that the provisions of Section 31 of page 11
of the Developer’s Agreement would be applicable –
the Developer must provide for the snow plowing of streets for
this winter. If no objections from attorney or members of governing
body, this will be my response to Mr. Maione.
Mr. Garofalo said the Developer’s Agreement is clear that
the township would not plow until the roads are brought up to
township specifications. Mr. Maione has to post a bond to be sure
that is done. The township has to accept the roads before it is
responsible for them.
- Mr. Doherty requested an Executive Session for Personnel Matters
involving DPW.
Mr. Garofalo said, regarding the request by Mr. Van Dyke, that
the septic design was sent to Township Engineer Harold Pellow.
Mr. Garofalo spoke regarding an escrow agreement between SCMUA
and Valley View for a wastewater treatment facility.
Mr. Space said he was asked to check if the fire department truck
committee was disbanded. Mr. Doherty replied that the only action
taken at the last meeting with respect to this topic was that
the fire truck bid was rejected.
- Drainage Concerns – Ryan Road (Craig and Wink property)
Mr. Doherty said the pipe has settled and in heavy rainfall, does
not allow for a clear flow of water which backs up on the Craig
property. Mr. Garofalo said it is on private property so the township
has the legal right to do nothing. After general review and consideration,
the Mayor and Committee determined by consensus that the appropriate
decision in this matter is to take no action, given the fact that
the installation of the unauthorized 24” pipe on 24 Ryan
Road, which created the stormwater drainage concern on the Craig
property, was not caused by the Township of Wantage.
- Interlocal Construction Department Costs for 2005
The total budget for 2005 is $455,428, Mr. Doherty said. He added
that Mr. Frasche believes 16% to 17% of the work would be in Sussex.
This would be a four percent increase over last year and he will
notify Sussex of that increase.
- Final Hearing on Ordinance 2004-16
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to adopt on
final reading Ordinance 2004-16, entitled, “ORDINANCE FIXING
The meeting was open to the public. There were no questions or
comments. The meeting was closed to the public. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Parrott.
- Salary Resolution – Amendment #3
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to adopt Salary
Resolution Amendment #3 for the year 2004, establishing the salary
of the Construction Official at $38.75 an hour effective retroactively
to 9/20/04. Upon roll call, Ayes: Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain:
None. Absent: Parrott.
- Introduction of Ordinance 2004-17:
Capital Ordinance
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to introduce
on first reading, Ordinance 2004-17, entitled “ORDINANCE
Final Hearing date scheduled for December 9, 2004.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None.
Absent: Parrott.
- Minutes
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to approve
the minutes of October 28, 2004. A voice vote was unanimously
in favor.
Diane Snure asked about SCMUA and the wastewater treatment plant.
Mr. Garofalo explained this to her.
Ann Smulewicz asked about farmland assessment and the amount of
affordable housing needed. She also complained about a flooding
problem in her basement since Rachel Manor has been working on
adjacent property. Mayor DeBoer said he would ask Mr. Pellow to
go there and make a recommendation.
Diane Rose, a member of the Sussex-Wantage Regional Board of Education,
asked the governing body to consider moving the polling place
located at the Wantage School. She said security is a big issue
and people who come to vote have been seen wandering in other
parts of the building.
Mayor DeBoer said the schools should have been closed Election
Day but the fact is there is no place else available as the First
Aid Squad building is too small and would be a problem in event
of an emergency.
Mr. Doherty said he would need a unified resolution from the school
board detailing why the polling place should not be in the school.
The mayor said another alternative would be to have sheriff’s
officers direct people.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to enter
into Executive Session under the provision of the Open Public
Meeting Act dealing with Personnel. A voice vote was unanimously
in favor.
The executive session lasted approximately 20 minutes.
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to exit Executive
There being no further business to come before the governing body,
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mayor DeBoer, to adjourn
at 9:45 p.m. A voice vote was unanimously in favor.
William DeBoer, Mayor
James Doherty
Administrator / Clerk