A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Committee
was called to order on September 30, 2004, at the Wantage Municipal
Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, N. J.
The Work session began at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott
and Parker Space, Administrator/ Clerk James Doherty.
Mayor DeBoer stated “This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, PL 1975, Chapter
231. It has been properly advertised and certified by the Clerk”.
Mayor DeBoer led those present in a salute to the American Flag.
Mayor DeBoer recognized George Papp, Superintendent of the Sussex-Wantage
Schools, and three members of the High Point Regional High School
Board of Education, identified as Joseph Luna, James Nelson, and
Tina Palecek.
Mayor DeBoer thanked these individuals for attending, and explained
that the purpose of the meeting was to keep open the lines of communication
between the school boards and the governing body. Mayor DeBoer indicated
that representatives of the Sussex Borough governing body had been
invited to attend this evening, but that it appeared that no one
from that governing body was present at this time.
At Mayor DeBoer’s suggestion, Mr. Papp offered an overview
of accomplishments of the Sussex Wantage school system from the
previous school year, and goals being pursued for the current school
year. Mr. Papp also offered congratulations on behalf of the Board
of Education for a very successful Wantage Anniversary Festival
this past Saturday.
At Mr. Parrott’s request, all school representatives addressed
questions involving security measures at the schools for protection
of the children, the impact of state legislation involving the handling
of school budget surpluses, and efforts to address infrastructure
improvement needs.
Mr. Parrott suggested for consideration, the possibility of regionalizing
the 8th grades of all sending districts to the high school, as a
possibility for coordinating and minimizing the cost impact of infrastructure
improvements and additions at both the elementary school and high
school levels.
General response from the school representatives present indicated
an openness and willingness to look at any possibilities presented,
however Mr. Papp suggested that the issue of “home rule”
would likely pose an impediment to progress on that particular suggestion
from Mr. Parrott, particularly in the case of Lafayette Township.
Mr. Parrott, Mr. Space, and Mayor DeBoer all expressed their desire
to see referenda by the school systems coordinated for the sake
of protecting the best interests of both the students and the taxpayers.
Mr. Parrott observed that no one’s best interests would be
served by having a race to see which school system could get a referendum
before the public first.
All representatives of the schools expressed a willingness to communicate
and coordinate efforts for infrastructure needs and referenda. Mr.
Papp, however, stated that there were several emergent needs at
the Sussex Wantage school system which might require their attention
in a more expedited schedule than that being pursued at the high
Mr. Parrott explained that the Wantage governing body understands
the autonomy of both school boards in making decisions regarding
the school systems, and that the desire of the Wantage governing
body was not to intrude in any way on that autonomy, but rather
to act as advocates on behalf of the general public and taxpayers
to promote discussion and coordination of needs between the elementary
school and the high school levels.
Mayor DeBoer expressed a desire to see greater efforts made in negotiations
with teachers, particularly where the costs of health benefits were
The representatives of the school systems present agreed with the
Mayor’s observations. Mr. Papp indicated that this represents
a very difficult issue to negotiate with the teachers’ union.
At this time, Mayor DeBoer opened the work session to the members
of the general public for any questions or comments with respect
to the issues being discussed.
Jim Doherty inquired regarding whether any efforts were being pursued
at the state level, to coordinate and centralize efforts at negotiations
on behalf of the school administrations and boards of education.
Mr. Doherty commented that the NJEA enjoys considerable negotiating
advantage because they are one centralized, unified union representing
all teachers of the state of New Jersey, and that the school boards
might get further in their negotiation efforts if steps were taken
to centralize management throughout the state in the same way.
Mr. Papp suggested that the impact of union power involves numbers,
and that there are considerably more teachers than boards of education
throughout the state.
There being no further questions at this time, Mayor DeBoer closed
the meeting to the public and the governing body returned to the
regular order of business.
There being no further items for discussion, Mayor DeBoer declared
the work session to be adjourned, and the governing body took a
five minute recess before beginning the business portion of the
The business portion of the meeting was called to order at 8:00
Present: Mayor William DeBoer, Committee members Jeffrey Parrott
and Parker Space, Administrator/ Clerk James Doherty and Attorney
Michael Garofalo.
Mayor DeBoer stated that there was no consent agenda for this
evening’s meeting.
Mr. Doherty indicated that the Sussex County Office of County
Planning reminds the governing body that Wantage Should Have a
Cross Acceptance Committee. General discussion took place regarding
possible members for this committee. No action was taken at this
Mr. Doherty reported on the need of the County Office of Engineer
to declare a Single Lane Closure and posting of 5-ton weight limit
on Bridge X-39, Sally Harden Road, approximately _ mile west of
intersection of Route 284 and Sally Harden Road.
Mr. Doherty reviewed concerns made by Mr. Loughery of Beaver Run
Road expresses concern regarding drainage issue. The members of
the governing body agreed with Mr. Doherty’s recommendation
to revisit this concern as part of 2005 budget planning.
Mr. Doherty reported that concerns involving the Bicsak Soil Removal
Operation are on-going, and that issues of compliance are being
monitored by the Twp. Engineer Harold Pellow. If necessary, a
Stop Work Order will be implemented.
Mayor DeBoer expressed concern with soil erosion and sediment
control measures on other soil removal operations along Route
23, as well.
Mr. Doherty discussed a vacancy on the Board of Recreation Commissioners
caused by nonattendance at meetings by Michael Johnson. After
reviewing Mr. Doherty’s proposed letter to Mr. Johnson,
the governing body agreed by consensus to declare Mr. Johnson’s
seat vacant, and to have Mr. Doherty send the proposed letter
to Mr. Johnson.
Mr. Doherty discussed a vacancy on the Land Use Board caused by
nonattendance at meetings by Steve Coleman. After reviewing Mr.
Doherty’s proposed letter to Mr. Coleman, the governing
body agreed by consensus to declare Mr. Coleman’s seat vacant,
and to have Mr. Doherty send the proposed letter to Mr. Coleman.
Mr. Doherty mentioned for future reference that the state statute
governing attendance by Board members at Board meetings does provide
an opportunity for a Board member to pro-actively request an excused
absence, which would preserve the individual’s membership
on the board. Mr. Doherty stated that Ms. Sue Vanden Heuval recently
made such a request to the Board of Recreation Commissioners,
who granted Sue a six month leave of absence from the board as
an excused absence.
Mr. Garofalo initiated a discussion regarding details of a proposed
developer’s agreement with ABD Wantage.
Mr. Parrott disclosed that he had previous business dealings with
the owners of the property involved in this issue, and for that
reason he would recuse himself from deliberations in the matter.
After general review and input from the remaining members of the
governing body and Mr. Doherty, Mr. Garofalo stated that he had
sufficient direction now to complete the proposed agreement.
Mr. Garofalo offered an update regarding the status of the Kinney
litigation, informing that both parties have agreed to mediation.
The members of the governing body offered their consensus for
Mr. Garofalo to proceed with the power of settlement via mediation
in this matter. Mr. Garofalo also suggested that the Fire Chief
coordinate representatives from both firehouses of the Wantage
Fire Department, who would be granted power of settlement via
mediation on behalf of their respective incorporated fire companies.
Mr. Garofalo reported that the expressed concerns of the governing
body, with respect to the contract between the Township and the
State of New Jersey for the State’s purchase of Block 2,
Lot 2, have been addressed, and that the State will be sending
out a new, clean contract agreement for signature in the near
Mr. Garofalo also reported that the Mainardi tax appeal matter
has been settled.
Mr. Space reported a drainage concern involving the property
of Woody’s Liquor Store and a neighbor.
After general discussion, the members of the governing body requested
that the matter be given to Mr. Frasche in the construction department
to determine if there is anything that the Township can do to
address the concerns raised.
Mr. Space also stated his compliments to all persons involved
in the Wantage Anniversary Festival, and stated in particular
how impressed he was with the Wantage community’s civic
spirit because after the festival at the park, there was virtually
no litter that needed to be cleaned up. Mr. Doherty stated that
he, too, had observed this, and that the Wantage public should
be proud of itself for that.
Mr. Parrott reported on the distribution of “White Supremacy”
literature in Wantage, which was investigated at his request,
on behalf of concerned Wantage residents. The matter was reported
to State Police and to FBI. The bottom line is that individuals
are not violating any laws by distributing this material. Mr.
Parrott stated his belief that material, which spreads fear and
prejudice among our residents, is not appropriate, and that diligent
review would continue to make sure that these individuals violate
no laws of our land.
Mr. Parrott also expressed his thanks to Mr. Doherty and the Anniversary
Planning Committee for a job well done.
Mayor DeBoer also offered thanks to Mr. Doherty for his efforts
with the celebration, and mentioned that many members of the community
were wondering if some “Wantage Day” celebration could
be planned annually.
Mr. Doherty stated that it could be done, but that there would
be a budgetary impact. Mayor DeBoer stated it would be worthwhile
to review this further in our budget planning meetings.
Strategic Growth Presentation
Mr. Art Fetzer, Representative of the Sussex County Strategic
Growth Committee, offered a presentation to the Mayor and Committee
of the Township of Wantage and then presented the document entitled
“Sussex County – Draft Strategic Growth Plan”.
Mr. Fetzer encouraged the Wantage Township officials to review
the plan and offer input.
Mayor DeBoer thanked Mr. Fetzer for his comments.
Award Of Contract – Lott Road
Park Paving
Mr. Parrott moved, in accordance with the recommendation of
the Municipal Engineer, to award a contract to Lentini Paving
Contractors of Augusta, NJ, who submitted the lowest responsive,
responsible quotation for Phase II Paving of the circular drive
in the Municipal Park located off Lott Road/Born Road, in the
amount of $15,235.00. Mr. Space seconded the motion.
Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
Approval of Raffle Applications
Mr. Space moved to approve Raffle License RL04-25, for the Rotary
Club of Wallkill Valley, to hold an off premise 50/50 raffle
on December 16, 2004. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain:
None. Absent: None.
Mr. Space moved to approve Raffle License RL04-26, for the Sussex
Women’s Club, to hold an on premise 50/50 raffle on November
9, 2004. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent:
Mr. Space moved to approve Raffle License RL04-27, for the Sussex
Women’s Club, to hold a tricky tray raffle on November
9, 2004. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes:
Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Parrott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of the
Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage held on September
9, 2004, both regular and executive session. Mr. Space seconded
the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays:
None. Abstain: None. Absent: None.
Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public for any questions
or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.
There being no one present who wished to address the governing
body, the meeting was closed to the public.
There being no further business to come before the governing body,
Mr. Space made a motion, seconded by Mr. Parrott, to adjourn.
Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, Space, DeBoer. Nays: None. Abstain:
None. Absent: None.
Mayor DeBoer declared this meeting to be adjourned.
William DeBoer, Mayor
James Doherty
Administrator / Clerk