March 24 Meeting of the Wantage Township Recreation Commission


Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order and requested a roll call. Upon roll call, the following members of the Recreation Commission were present: Duane Armstrong, Jill Space Sue Vanden Heuval and Linda Fliedner. Geri Stella arrived late.

The following members were absent Scott Conklin, Mike Johnson.

Mr. Armstrong stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Township Clerk.”

Mr. Armstrong asked for approval of the minutes. Sue Vanden Heuval made the motion and was seconded by Jill Space. All were in favor.


Mr. Armstrong stated to look at the correspondence see f there is any discussion on any thing.


Mr. Armstrong brought up Lott Road baseball fields that are having an infield problem with grass and clay build up and creating a ramp effect and kids are getting hit in the face. Removal of about a foot and half to level it and and add clay to help this situation.

Spring Fling is coming up. Sue Vanden Heuval asked if all board members have sold all their tickets???? The Girl Scout will be providing the centerpieces; pots with flowers in them and then the pots will be donated back to the Girl Scouts. The Fireman will be providing the raffle tickets. Mr. Armstrong asked the questions about balloons and how many tanks would be need to blow up the balloons. He stated that 2 tanks were used last year. Set up will be Friday night at approx. 5:30 pm. Then Saturday in the morning for balloons and final decorating will take place around 9:30 am.

Talent Show – Linda Fliedner advised the date has been set for June 9 at 6:30 pm at High Point High School.

Little Mr., Little Miss and Miss Wantage – Jill Space is handling this and it will beheld on June 12, 2004.

Notices will be placed in the paper and applications can be pick up at the Township Municipal Building.

The Board asked the Secretary to please place an ad in the newspaper for both the Talent Show and the Little Mr. Little Miss and Miss Wantage contest. Jill Space will be notifying the schools.

Movies in the Park the dates have been scheduled for June 4. But movies still have to be picked.


A request for use of Woodbourne Park Picnic tables and playground on May 25, 2004 with a rain date of May 26, 2004 from approx. 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm by the Sussex Wantage Bd of Education Preschool Disabilities Class – Karen Punch (Preschool Teacher). There was a motion by Jill Space and seconded by Sue Vanden Heuval. All were in favor.

Request from High Point High School Soccer Camp to use the 2 new soccer fields at Woodbourne Park on August 16 though the 20 from 5 to 8 pm and July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Aug 5 and 12 on the same two fields from 6 – 8 pm. Some discussion took place. There was a motion made by Linda Fliedner and seconded by Sue Vanden Heuval. All were in favor.

Odyssey of the Mind Competitions – per a telephone conversation of April 28, 2004 with Jim Doherty requesting Wantage Recreation Commission to make a donation. There was some discussion and it was tabled not to make the donations at this time.

There was some discussion about the walking club that was taking place at Woodbourne Park.

Meeting was open to the public. Someone from the public asked if there could be a bulletin board up at Woodbourne Fields with the field number and stating what was going on one each field. Mr. Armstrong stated he would look into this.

The meeting was closed to the public.

Geri Stella arrived at the meeting and she was asked to explain what the walking club was. She stated that an ad was placed on the web site and in the school newsletter to open to the community to invite people to come walk together under Geri supervision then they branch out on there own, no fee, no organize group.

Motion was made at 8:00 PM to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Pattie Brown