February 25 Meeting of the Wantage Township Recreation Commission


Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order, and requested a roll call. Upon roll call, the following members of the Recreation Commission were present: Duane Armstrong, Jill Space, Sue Vanden Heuval, Linda Fliedner, Scott Conklin, Mike Johnson.
The following members were absent: Geri Stella. Also present: Township Administrator Jim Doherty.

Mr. Armstrong stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Township Clerk."


Mr. Armstrong moved to appoint Ms. Patricia Brown to the position of 2004 Board Secretary, to be compensated at a rate of $50 per meeting. Ms. Space seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Space, Vanden Heuval, Fliedner, Conklin, Johnson. Nays: None Abstain: None Absent: Stella


There were no items of old business discussed at this time.


Field Use Requests for 2004
The members of the Board reviewed the various use requests which have been submitted for the year 2004 by the sports organizations of Wantage, regarding field use in Woodbourne Park and the Lott Road fields.

Mr. Armstrong indicated that he had reviewed the Use Request of the High Point Soccer Club, which requested use of all soccer fields at Woodbourne Park, Lott Road, and the soccer field at the Lawrence Elementary School, and the request appeared to be in order. Mr. Armstrong moved to approve the 2004 Field Use Request of the High Point Soccer Club. Ms. Vanden Heuval seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Space, Vanden Heuval, Fliedner, Conklin, Johnson. Nays: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Stella.

The members of the Board held a spirited discussion with representatives of the Sussex Wantage Little League, the Sussex Wantage Girls Softball program, and the High Point Vipers Softball program, regarding use of fields at Woodbourne Park and Lott Road.

Representatives of the Sussex Wantage Little League sought a clarification from the members of the Board regarding whether or not the fields at Woodbourne Park are intended for exclusive use of the softball program. Mr. Joe Schulok, representing the SWLL, indicated that there were considerable numbers of parents who believed that the fields at Woodbourne Park ought to be available to both the softball and the little league programs. The representatives of the little league program expressed their belief that the number of fields at Lott Road do not support the needs of the program, and that the number of available fields elsewhere is limited.

Representatives of the Girls Softball programs expressed their belief that the traditional use of the fields, as well as the layout of the infields, supports continued use of these fields on a first priority basis by the softball program. They also expressed a concern that the number of fields available elsewhere to meet their program needs are extremely limited, and indicated their belief that the on-going maintenance of the fields has been done by the softball program each year.

After review and consideration, the members of the Board expressed consensus that the current intended use of Fields 1 and 2 at Woodbourne Park are for the softball program as a first use priority, and that use of the fields by other parties or organizations may be coordinated with the softball program for times during which the softball program are not utilizing the fields.

The members of the Board also expressed consensus that consideration of additional little league fields should be included for the Phase IV development of Woodbourne Park, to provide additional little league fields at that location.

The members of the Board requested the Township Administrator to investigate the various items of concern that were raised regarding the condition of the fields at Lott Road, on behalf of the little league program. Mr. Doherty indicated that he had arranged for a walk-thru of the park with Mr. Schulock, the Road Department Supervisor, and himself for later this month.

Mr. Armstrong moved to approve the 2004 Field Use Requests of the High Point Vipers Softball program, the Sussex Wantage Girls Softball Program, the Sussex Wantage Little League program, and the North Jersey Thunder Softball program. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Space, Vanden Heuval, Fliedner, Conklin, Johnson.
Nays: None Abstain: None Absent: Stella

General discussion continued at this time regarding the need to establish an amount of infield clay to be purchased for the coming season. Representatives of the little league and softball programs agreed to provide this information to Mr. Doherty.
Mark Magura expressed a concern regarding the availability of portable toilet facilities for the entire season. Mr. Armstrong explained that the premature removal of a unit last season was an oversight, and would not be repeated this year.

The need to address bleacher repairs at Lott Road was discussed, as was installing slabs and lock boxes for equipment storage at those fields. The board members expressed no objection to these projects.

Mr. Charles Kiefer of the football program discussed the needs of his program with the members of the Board. Mr. Kiefer indicated that H-shaped football goalposts would be needed for the new practice field at Woodbourne.


Sue Vanden Heuval reported that the winter festival was held, and those who attended had a lot of fun.

Duane Armstrong expressed concern with the tendency of pet owners to allow their pets to defecate at the park, without cleaning up. Mr. Armstrong expressed concern that there was no “pooper scooper” law in Wantage which the animal control personnel could use to control this problem.


Mr. Armstrong opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the attention of the Recreation Commission.
There being no one present wishing to address the board, Mr. Armstrong closed the meeting to the public and the board members returned to the regular order of business.
There being no other items for the consideration of the Commission at this time, Jill Space moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Sue Vanden Heuval. All members present voted in favor of the motion.
Duane Armstrong declared this meeting to be adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Acting Board Secretary