October 27 Meeting of the Wantage Township Recreation Commission

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Recreation Commissioners of the Township of Wantage held on October 27, 2004

The meeting was called to order by President Duane Armstrong. President Armstrong requested a roll call. Upon roll call, the following members of the Recreation Commission were present: Duane Armstrong, Paul Pfeil, Kevin Fenlon and Geri Stella. Absent were Jill Space, Sue VandernHeuval and Linda Fliedner.

President Duane Armstrong state, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Township Clerk”.

President Duane Armstrong asked for approval of the minutes of September 29, 2004. The minutes were approved by Paul Pfiel and seconded by Geri Stella.

President Duane Armstrong asked for the members to review the correspondence. At this time President Duane Armstrong made note of the letter dated September 30, 2004 to Michael Johnson and the letter to Kevin Fenlon welcoming him to the Board.


President Duane Armstrong asked for a progress report from Geri Stella on the Wantage School Tree Lighting. Geri Stella stated that she has been in contact with Jim Doherty, she has the application from the school, December 3, 2004 is an open date, extended an invitation to the Pack #84 to help out, a girl scout troop is interested in helping out and Geri will be in touch with the chamber singers.

President Duane Armstrong stated that some work was done on the wiring.


Master Plan from Woodbourne Park- One of the Board members asked how much money there was to spend? President Duane Armstrong explained that there is an application for grant to the Green Acres fund, a low interest loans, to be paid back by the town though taxes. Some discussion took place by the President that he would like to see the infer-structure, water and electric put in, might have to back off one of the extra concession stand-bathrooms, sprinklers for the fields.

The members reviewed map and the outline Engineer’s Cost Estimate of the Phase IV-A, B, and C. After a lengthy discussion the Board made a final recommendation for the following request for the Master Plan for Woodbourne Park:

Phase IV-A - All

Phase IV-B – All with the exception of item #16 sand volleyball court

Phase IV-C - only items # 4 Green Acres Sign and #26 underground electric service from booster pump to pavilion

Committee Members Reports

No report

Open to the Public

No public

President Duane Armstrong stated that there have been a lot of people that are interested in having the Wantage Day a yearly event. President Armstrong asked if a question could be placed on the web site with reference to this and to see who would be interested in helping.

Geri Stella also asked about the Christmas Decorating contest. President Duane Armstrong recommended that an application be use for this contest.

Our next meeting is January 2005.


A motion was made by Geri Stella and seconded by Kevin Fenlon.

Respectfully submitted,
Pattie Brown