A regularly scheduled meeting of the Wantage Township Land Use Board
was held Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 7:30 pm. In the absence of Chairman
James Smith, Mr. Ronald Slate conducted the meeting.
Mr. Slate stated that this meeting was being held in compliance with the
provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter
231. It had been properly noticed and posted to the public.
PRESENT: Mssrs. Slate, DeBoer, Cecchini, Bono, Hough, Cillaroto, Mmes.
Kanapinski, Mylecraine, and Gill, Attorney Bryant Gonzalez and Township
Engineer Harold Pellow.
ABSENT: Mssrs. Smith, Space, Corrigan and Grau.
Omnipoint, Voicestream is proposing to construct a 120-foot monopole tower
on Route 23, adjacent to True Value. Omnipoint, Little Farm proposes to
install a new wireless communication facility consisting of a new 120
ft. monopole and three cabinets of equipment at the base with a 30’x
30’ ft. area. The property is located on Route 23 and is known as
Blk. 44, Lot 24 in the HC zone.
Mr. Slate indicated that he believed these two applications could go together.
Before proceeding, it was brought to the attention of the Board that Mr.
Fred Hough had to be excused for this application. Mr. Hough had a question
regarding his ability to vote, on the basis of his son being the owner
of a property on which a competitor of Omnipoint has a cell tower. Although
Mr. Hough did not agree with Attorney Gonzalez’ answer, he did step
Attorney Greg Czura, on behalf of Omnipoint also known as Tmobile and
Cingular, referred to the two applications on the agenda and to another
application by Cingular alone, not on the agenda for this meeting. This
other application of Cingular was for another facility on the same Block
44, Lot 24. Attorney Czura indicated that after consultations with engineers
for Tmobile & Cingular they plan to shift their facility to another
portion of the property and construct a 80 ft pole instead of 120 ft.,
therefore combining all three applications in one. By doing this they
would no longer need any variances as they would be in compliance with
set back and height, new drawings would be submitted to show the design
for both Tmobile and Cingular on the same pole. Attorney Czura added that
the pole would be built strong enough for other providers to be there.
Mr. Slate opened the meeting to the public.
Art Jacobs, would like the pole to be 85ft so the Fire Dept can use it
and let the community use it for free. Mr Jacobs would like the top 5
ft. of antenna at the top of the pole since the town needs to reach every
area. Attorney Czura stated that the applicant was in agreement with such
a request.
John Neumeister flies out of Sussex Airport. thinks it is a safety hazard
for the airport. Attorney Czura stated that they are fully aware of the
requirements of the FAA and while they know that an 80ft. pole does not
represent any safety hazard they would certainly comply with any regulations.
Mr. Slate closed the meeting to the public and opened it to the Board.
At the request of the Board, Mr. Gregg Nowak, a licensed professional
engineer with a valid license, provided more details on this application.
Joanne asked if any improvements were being made to the road. Engineer
Nowak stated no plans for any improvements were being made at this time.
From his own observations of the site prior to the meeting, he indicated
the road seems to be well maintained. However, they would do whatever
is necessary to make sure the road can withstand traffic of construction
vehicles once construction is underway.
Mr. Bono made a motion seconded by Ms. Gill to approve this application
for the construction of an 80ft. monopole with two carriers, with revised
plans and compliance with FAA requirements.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Slate, Bono, Kanapinski, Gill, Grau, Cillaroto.
Forum Homes is being reheard by the board on the basis of a remand ordered
by the court. The applicant proposes a subdivision to build 26 homes.
The property is located on Old Clove Road off Newman Road and is known
as Block. 113, Lot 11.01 and Block. 114, Lot 3.
Attorney William Strasser, Strasser and Associates of Paramus, New Jersey
and Mr. George Gloede, the original engineer for the project were present.
Both the attorney and the engineer stated that each of the 26 lots meets
the requirements of frontage. The development will have on site drainage,
underground recharge system, and proper amount of unconstrained property.
Utilities will be underground. They indicated that their plans meet all
requirements of RSIS. If the buses are able to come into the property,
then no sidewalks would be necessary.
Improvement of the road to accommodate buses and driveways is to be performed
by the developer. There was a question whether trust fund $2500 per lot
should still be paid or if they get a credit on that.
The drainage system is to be maintained by the homeowners. A special assessment
to be added to property taxes for the 26 lots, in order to provide for
maintenance of the drainage system. A petition of this approval will be
made to the town council. This will also be a condition of approval of
this application.
There were concerns about the size of lots 4, 5, and 7. Mr. Strasser and
Mr. Gloede indicated that for Lot 4, the house will move to the right
to make room for the septic.
For Lot 5, the septic will be in front of the house and that the final
plot plans for each lot will be submitted and that the lots are believed
to be acceptable and buildable.
Mr. DeBoer, questioned about impact fees on school system and roads. Mr.
Hough expressed concern about the number of cars and the impact on traffic,
the need for the Trust Fund to maintain the roads, and the need for sidewalks
for safety. He added that Newman Road at Route 565 is a heavy intersection.
Ms. Mylecraine addressed the developer and the community about the impact
new building brings to the area as the increase in population and the
increase in traffic and taxes to the rest of the community. Mr. DeBoer
expressed concern on how the increase in housing would impact the Fire
Department and the Emergency Squad as far as the increase in the volume
of calls and being able to tend to everybody’s needs given the difficulty
in getting volunteers.
Mr. Slate opened the meeting to the public.
Mrs. Therese Mattil of Old Clove Road had a question on the buses being
able to come in as far as the loop, where cars are parked on the street.
She was concerned about the wells being tested before building permits
are issued. She gets 1_ gallons per minute and she understands that the
average well gets 8_ gallons per minute.
Mr. Arthur Jacobs stated that he would like to see the Board appeal the
decision of the court.
Mrs. Kim Larese of Steep Hill Road was concerned about where the other
two houses will go.
Mr. Perry Poyneer of Old Clove Road was concerned about his driveway as
far as the drop when they do the road improvements to accommodate the
Mr. Edward Cooke of Old Clove Road was concerned regarding the expansion
on the road of 2 ft. He has a lot of water sitting there right now and
if they take 2 ft off his property he . he was concerned about the traffic
from Newman Rd. onto Route 628, about sidewalks, about lights, and he
questioned why the board does not appeal the Court’s decision.
Mr. Slate closed the meeting to the public.
Mr. Slate made a recommendation to the Board to wait for the engineering
reports to come back at 3/15 Board meeting.
Mr. Hough made a motion seconded by Ms. Gill to carry this application
to the 3/15 meeting.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Slate, Mylecraine, Gill, Cillaroto.
Application for a major subdivision of 50.918 acres into ten (10) lots.
The property is located on Layton Road and is known as Block 43, Lot 13.01.
Mr. Owen Dykstra, Engineer, was present on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. Dykstra presented a revised plan in conformance of new ordinance with
the exception of lots 7 and 8. The sizes of those 2 lots need a variance
according to the new ordinance. Lot 7 would have 13,640 sq.ft. and Lot
8 would have 12,816 sq.ft. Mr. Dykstra indicated that he would like the
Board to see the project before all revisions are completed.
Art Jacobs for the Board of Education, asked to be notified as to the
date when the engineers and some members of the Board will be walking
through the property.
Mr. Taylor stated that he & neighbors are at the bottom of the hill
where they have water problems and they are concerned about drainage.
They are concerned about the one lane bridge on that road which has had
lot of accidents and the impact on traffic with the new houses. He also
inquired about the 5-acre minimum per lot and most lots having 2 acres.
It was explained that under cluster they are okay. He inquired about how
the open space was going to be taxed.
Fred Mars was concerned about how far the houses behind his are going
to be.
Board member Diane expressed concern on how the new ordinance of open
space seems to defeat the purpose. Art Jacobs wondered how was the open
space going to be utilized for the good of the people if it was divided
according to the plans.
Mrs Aukema. needs approximate distance allotment from well to road. She
is concerned about the location of her well in relation to where the new
road is proposed. She is concerned about her water pressure as well.
A motion was made by the Board to carry this application to the April
26, 2005 Board meeting. Mr. Dykstra was advised that notices about this
new meeting date must be sent.
Application for a minor subdivision without any variances already approved
and extended due to seller not able to clear title of the property. The
property is known as Block 123, Lot 3.01, located on Holland Road in the
R-1 zone.
Mrs. Kanapinski made a motion seconded by Mr. Slate, to grant a 90-day
extension of approvals previously granted by resolution dated January
27, 2004. The Board agreed that this will be the last extension granted
on this approval.
THOSE IN FAVOR: Slate, Bono, Kanapinski, Gill, Cillaroto, Cecchini.
On a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned
at 10:25 p.m.