Mayor Parker Space called the meeting to order, and requested the Clerk
to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing
body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members Parrott, DeBoer. The
following members were absent: None. Also present: Township Attorney Michael
Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.
Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with
the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter
231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified
by the Clerk."
Mayor Space requested that the members of the Committee Review the Consent
There being no Committee member present wishing to comment on the proposed
Consent Agenda, Mayor Space requested approval of the Consent Agenda.
Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following correspondences for filing:
- Memorandum Dated 2/24/05 from Jim Doherty, reporting on results of
Competitive Quotations for Recreation Field Maintenance Program for
calendar year 2005.
- Memorandum dated February 23, 2005 from Jim Doherty, reporting resignation
of Judy Stickle from employment with the Township of Wantage, effective
- Letter dated February 16, 2005 from Rachael Nestle, offering thanks
to various groups and individuals who came to her aid during a recent
automobile accident, including members of the Wantage First Aid Squad
and the Wantage Fire Department.
Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer,
Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following reports for filing:
- Registrar’s Report for January 2005
Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer,
Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following applications:
- Raffle License RL05-02, for Beemerville Presbyterian Church, to conduct
an on premise merchandise raffle (tricky tray) on May 25, 2005 at the
Beemerville Fire House.
- Raffle License RL05-03, for Beemerville Presbyterian Church, to conduct
an on premise 50/50 raffle on May 25, 2005 at the Beemerville Fire House.
- Raffle License RL05-04, for Beemerville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary,
to conduct an on premise merchandise raffle on April 1, 2005 at the
Beemerville Fire House.
- Raffle License RL05-05, for Beemerville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary,
to conduct an on premise 50/50 raffle on April 1, 2005 at the Beemerville
Fire House.
- Raffle License RL05-06, for High Point Wildcat Booster Club, to conduct
an on premise merchandise raffle (tricky tray) on April 15, 2005 at
High Point Regional High School.
- Raffle License RL05-07, for High Point Wildcat Booster Club, to conduct
an on premise 50/50 raffle on April 15, 2005 at High Point Regional
High School.
Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer,
Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following resolutions:
Awarding contract for the 2005 Recreation Field Maintenance Program to
Farmside Landscape & Design, in the amount of $10,800
Accepting, with regrets, the resignation of Judy Stickle from employment
with the Township of Wantage
Authorizing the Municipal Clerk to waive $4.00 in late fees for dogs owned
by Patrick Keane of Philip Terrace (license numbers 1545 and 1546), based
on dog licensing deadline compliance discrepancies that may have been
caused by untimely delivery of mail
Authorizing the Recycling Coordinator to submit the 2004 Tonnage Report
of Recycled Materials to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer,
Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. Doherty reported that he reviewed the budget proposed for an interlocal
arrangement between Wantage Township and Sussex Borough for Court office
personnel. He explained that given the overtime which would be required
of our current employees, the funds available from Sussex Borough and
the need to have an arrangement in place for March would not make this
agreement beneficial to Wantage Township at this time. The Committee agreed
and Mr. Doherty will inform Sussex Borough that Wantage Township will
decline the offer at this point, but would consider the possibility in
the future if circumstances were to change.
Mr. Doherty reported that Jeff and Tracy Vander Groef will be invited
to a recognition ceremony congratulating Jeff for his selection as a National
Winner of the Outstanding Young Farmer award at a later date. Given the
unsure forecast for the weather this evening, and the fact that Tracy
is expecting, tonight’s recognition has been postponed.
Mr. Doherty received a letter from the Administrator of Mountain View
Correctional Facility, informing that they will add his name to the list
of contact points within their notification process of their Emergency
Response Plan. He will, in turn, develop a list of contact persons who
will receive immediate notification once he receives same.
Mr. Doherty asked that he discuss the proposed agreements with County
of Sussex for Improvements to Old Clove Road/ Libertyville Road in closed
executive session.
Mr. Doherty informed the Committee that the next Newsletter will be mailed
in the second week of March, after the School Referendum takes place.
Any input on changes or additions from the Committee were requested prior
to March 1st.
Mr. Doherty asked the Committee to let him know if and when they are ready
to discuss the following open items from the last meeting: Ambulance Donation,
Water Aquifer Testing Ordinance, Sussex County Water Quality PAC, and
the Feral Cat Ordinance.
Mayor Space requested Mr. Garofalo to give the Attorney’s Report.
Mr. Garofalo requested that he give his report during a closed executive
Mr. DeBoer brought up a request he had received from a spouse of a road
department employee regarding plowing of employees’ driveways during
storm related call-outs. Mr. Parrott suggested that the employee responsible
for plowing the assigned roads of road department personnel be allowed
to do a quick swipe of the employee’s driveway since they are unavailable
to do it themselves. This matter will be looked into further.
Mr. Parrott referred to an article in the New York Times which addressed
the future possibility that municipalities will be required to pay for
their State Police coverage. He suggested that Wantage Township put aside
some monies through a budget reserve to help defray the costs of raising
such amounts in the year if and when this becomes a requirement. Mr. Garofalo
will look into a statutory reference which can be included in a dedication
by rider resolution.
Mayor Space informed the committee that he and Mr. Doherty attended a
meeting of the High Point Regional School Board regarding their proposed
improvements to the high school. Preliminary figures suggest that by retiring
old debt before issuing new debt should result in a negligible effect
on the overall tax rate.
Introduction of 2005 Municipal Budget
Mr. DeBoer made a motion to introduce the 2005 Municipal Budget. Mr. Parrott
seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Space, Parrott, DeBoer Nays:
None Absent: None Abstain: None
Mr. Parrott made a motion to close the meeting to the public and enter
into executive session. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Space, Parrott, DeBoer Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None
After meeting in closed executive session, Mayor Space called the meeting
back to order and the governing body continued with the regular order
of business.
Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions
or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.
Ann Smulewicz addressed the Committee regarding the expenses she incurs
in caring for abandoned cats in Wantage Township. Mayor Space asked Mr.
Doherty to explain the proposed Feral Cat Ordinance that is under consideration.
Ms. Smulewicz suggested that if and when this program is put in place
they consider contacting Laurie and Stan Walsh of Sussex to help implement
the program.
Ms. Smulewicz then requested to discuss the school budget and her ideas
on improvements to the current system they are using. Mr. Doherty informed
her that the Committee could not discuss the school budget as they have
no jurisdiction over such. She was informed that the proper forum would
be to attend the Board of Education meetings and address her Legislator
regarding suggested changes to the current process. Again, she asked to
speak about School Board issues. Mr. Garofalo informed her that Mr. Doherty
was correct and this could not be discussed at the meeting of the Township
Mayor Space asked if there were anything else she would like to discuss
that would be proper in this forum and there was not. No one else came
There being no other items for the consideration of the governing body
at this time, Mr. Parrott moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. DeBoer seconded
the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent:
None Abstain: None
Mayor Space declared this meeting to be adjourned.
James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk