scene from Wantage Township
Minutes of Wantage Township 2005 Meetings
Mayor and Township Committee
January 6, 2005


Mayor Parker Space called the meeting to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll.
Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members Parrott, DeBoer. The following members were absent: None. Also present: Township Attorney Michael Garofalo.

Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.

Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk."

Mayor Space requested that the members of the Committee Review the Consent Agenda.
There being no Committee member present wishing to comment on the proposed Consent Agenda, Mayor Space requested approval of the Consent Agenda.
Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following Correspondences for filing:

  • E-mail correspondence dated January 1, 2005 from Kevin Fenlon, offering resignation from the Board of Recreation Commissioners due to personal and business commitments.
  • Memorandum dated December 23, 2004 from Patricia Brown, offering resignation from the position of Secretary to the Recreation Commission, due to personal commitments.
  • Letter dated December 16, 2004 from John Hannum, Superintendent of High Point Regional High School, offering notice of a stakeholder meeting/retreat on Saturday, January 8, 2005 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to develop a district Strategic Plan.

Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. DeBoer moved to accept the following Reports for filing:

  • Board of Health Report for December 2004
  • Registrar’s Report for December 2004
  • Construction Department Report for December 2004
  • Construction Department Report for Calendar year 2004
  • Tax Collector’s Report for December 2004
  • Tax Collector’s Report for Tax Collection Rate during 2004
  • Municipal Clerk’s Report for December 2004

Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. DeBoer moved to accept with regrets, the resignation of Kevin Fenlon from the Board of Recreation Commissioners. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. DeBoer moved to accept with regrets, the resignation of Patricia Brown from the position of Secretary to the Board of Recreation Commissioners. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. DeBoer moved to authorize renewal of Dog Pound Interlocal Services Contract for 2005 with Sandyston Township, in the amount of $1,450.00. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. DeBoer moved to authorize renewal of Animal Control Interlocal Services Contract for 2005 with Hampton Township, in the amount of $3,950.00. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Administrator’s Report
Mayor Space requested Mr. Doherty to give the Administrator’s report.

Mr. Doherty reported that the public hearing for the proposed Green Acres application for funding of Phase IV Improvements to Woodbourne Park took place earlier this evening. Mr. Doherty recommended the governing body adopt a resolution authorizing submission of the Green Acres Request For Funding, as per the attached resolution.

Mr. Parrott moved to adopt the Resolution Authorizing Submission of funding for Phase IV Improvements to Woodbourne Park. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Doherty reported that a minor accident took place involving a Colesville Fire Engine making contact with the Beemerville firehouse. Mr. Doherty requested an interpretation regarding the Township’s policy of shared cost expense in matters of emergency vehicle breakdown. By consensus, the members of the governing body agreed that this matter should be handled by the Township’s insurance company as a straight accident issue, rather than apply the provisions of the emergency vehicle breakdown policy. Mayor Space reported that the damage done to the Beemerville Firehouse appeared to be quite minimal, and may not even lead to a damage claim being filed.

Mr. Doherty reviewed the proposed staffing levels of the municipal workforce for calendar year 2005, and recommended approving the salary of the 2005 Board of Health Secretary at the level of $6030, so that when the Board of Health approves hiring their secretary, this staffing position will be ready and approved.

Mr. DeBoer moved to approve the 2005 salary for Board of Health secretary at $6030. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mr. Doherty and Mr. Garofalo reviewed a situation in which an attorney for a homeowner requested consideration by the governing body for relief from paying a contribution to the Road Trust Fund, given extenuating circumstances.

Mr. Garofalo and Mr. Doherty explained that there were no grounds upon which to consider the request for relief, but based on the input received, the governing body directed Mr. Doherty to contact the Land Use Board and reinforce the need to make sure that required contributions to the Road Trust Fund have been paid by the developer prior to the Secretary of the Board signing the authorization line on approved plots, plans and/or deeds.

Introduction of Ordinance 2005-01: Coin Operated Amusement Devices
Mr. DeBoer moved to introduce Ordinance 2005-01, entitled “AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 4-7 OF THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, PARTICULARLY THE COIN OPERATED AMUSEMENT DEVICES ORDINANCES.” Final Hearing date scheduled for January 27. 2005. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Introduction of Ordinance 2005-02: Zoning Standards
Mr. Parrott moved to introduce Ordinance 2005-02, entitled “AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XII and XIII OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, BEING THE ZONING CHAPTER.” Final Hearing date scheduled for February 10, 2005. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Introduction of Ordinance 2005-03: Well Testing
Mr. DeBoer moved to introduce Ordinance 2005-03, entitled “AN ORDINANCE TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 15A OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, BEING THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AND WELL TESTING CHAPTER.” Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Final Hearing date scheduled for February 10, 2005. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None

Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community.

Ms. Diane Snure inquired regarding the standards to be applied for determining what constitutes a “good well” under the proposed Ordinance 2005-03.

Mr. Garofalo responded that the standards established by formula with the NJDEP are the ones employed in the Ordinance.

A member of the public inquired if the Township would be pursuing the installation of a siltation chamber on Cove Lane.
Mr. Doherty stated that it was his understanding that all silt chambers originally identified by the Township Engineer in the master plan for silt chambers have been completed, and that Mr. Pellow believes that the circumstances involving the permitting process at the NJDEP will preclude any likelihood of being able to place a silt chamber at the Cove Lane location.

There being no one else present wishing to address the governing body, Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public and the governing body returned to the regular order of business.

There being no other items for the consideration of the governing body at this time, Mr. Parrott moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Parrott, DeBoer, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None. Mayor Space declared this meeting to be adjourned.

James R. Doherty, Clerk