scene from Wantage Township
Minutes of Wantage Township 2005 Meetings
Recreation Commission
April 27, 2005

Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order.

Present: Duane Armstrong, Sue Vanden Heuval, Paul Pfeil, Don Henry, Geri Stella
Absent: Paul Pfeil
Bill Hardy (subsequently present as of 7:15 p.m.)
Greg Williams (subsequently present as of 7:20 p.m.)

Mr. Armstrong stated, "This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975, Ch. 231. It has been properly advertised and certified ".


Spring Fling: Sue Vanden Heuval offered an update report on planning activities for the Spring Fling dinner dance scheduled for May 7, 2005.

Talent Show: Geri Stella offered an update report on planning for the 2005 Talent Show.

Movies In The Park: Bill Hardy offered an update report on costs of purchasing equipment versus costs of renting equipment. A projector, screen and portable PA system could be purchased for $3112. The cost of renting the movies would be a remaining on-going cost. General discussion took place about the size and capabilities of the movie equipment. Consensus was reached to continue renting equipment this year from “Any Excuse For A Party”, and give further consideration and review to the possibility of purchasing equipment for next year.

5K Run: Mr. Armstrong recognized Creighton McBride, who offered his services in preparing, planning and coordinating a 5K Run. General discussion took place regarding possible entry fees, whether the program would be a fund raiser for a charity, possible course routes, and possible dates for the event. General consensus was reached authorizing Mr. McBride to prepare a proposed plan of action for a 5K Run, to be given further consideration by the Board in the future.

Board Secretary: Mr. Jim Doherty, Township Administrator, introduced Ms. Jeanne McBride, and offered her name for consideration of appointment to the position of Board of Recreation Commissioners Secretary for the remainder of calendar year 2005.

Ms. Vanden Heuval moved to appoint Jeanne McBride to the position of Board of Recreation Commissioners Secretary for the remainder of calendar year 2005. Ms. Stella seconded the motion. Upon Roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Stella, Vanden Heuval, Henry, Hardy, Williams
Nays: None Absent: Pfeil Abstain: None

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Armstrong moved to approve the minutes of the Recreation Commission meetings held on January 26, February 23, and March 29, 2005. Ms. Stella seconded the motion. Upon Roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Stella, Vanden Heuval, Henry, Hardy, Williams
Nays: None Absent: Pfeil Abstain: None

Bus Trips: Bill Hardy reported on research he had done regarding costs of a bus from Lakeland Bus Company. Ms. Theresa Coursen of the Sussex Borough Recreation Commission participated in discussion at this time. After review and discussion, Mr. Hardy agreed to continue further investigation of costs and possible locations for bus trips.

“Sunset At The Park”: Duane Armstrong reported that he is investigating possible program for an informal, uncomplicated get-together of Wantage Township citizens to enjoy Woodbourne Park. Duane says he will report further in the future as the concept develops.

Little Mister/Little Miss/Miss Wantage Contests: Sue Vanden Heuval offered an update report. The contests will take place on June 11 at the Wantage School.

Ms. Theresa Coursen, on behalf of the Sussex Borough Recreation Commission, reported that Sussex Borough would be sponsoring a Fishing Contest on June 4 at McCoy’s Corner, and inquired if the Wantage Township Recreation Commission would like to co-sponsor this as a joint event. General discussion and review took place.

Mr. Hardy moved to co-sponsor the Fishing Contest on June 4 at McCoy’s Corner with the Sussex Recreation Commission, and pay half the expenses of the contest program. Ms. Vanden Heuval seconded the motion. Upon Roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Stella, Vanden Heuval, Henry, Hardy, Williams. Nays: None. Absent: Pfeil Abstain: None.

General discussion took place regarding various means of communicating recreation programs and events to the general public.

General concern was expressed regarding the condition that fields at the Wantage Township parks are being left, with respect to litter. The members of the commission requested Mr. Doherty to contact all sports organizations currently using the fields, and remind them that it is a condition of field use approval for the fields to be left in a clean condition after practices and games, and that the parks are “carry in, carry out” facilities.

General concern was expressed with the condition of the skating rink, and the need for a crack to be filled. Discussion also took place regarding the need to replace the existing ice skating rink liner for next winter.

Concern was expressed regarding whether or not horse back riding was allowed in Wantage Township parks, as their presence seems to be posing concerns with car traffic in the parks, and with manure being left behind. Mr. Doherty said he would research and inform the members of the commission regarding his findings.

Ms. Vanden Heuval suggested that an Advertisement Board could be constructed at Woodbourne Park. All members of the commission believed this would be a good idea, and several members offered to volunteer in various capacities in the construction of this structure.

Mr. Armstrong opened the meeting to the public, for any questions or comments.
There being no one present who wished to address the board at this time, Mr. Armstrong closed the meeting to the public and the Board continued with the regular order of business.

There being no further matters before the Board for their consideration at this time, Ms. Stella moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Hardy seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: Armstrong, Stella, Vanden Heuval, Henry, Hardy, Williams. Nays: None. Absent: Pfeil Abstain: None.

Mr. Armstrong declared this meeting to be adjourned.

Respectfully, submitted,
Jim Doherty, Board Secretary pro tem