AUGUST 24, 2005
Board Vice President Susan Vanden Heuvel called the meeting to order.
Present: Sue Vanden Heuvel, Paul Pfeil, Don Henry, Bill Hardy
Absent: Duane Armstrong, Geri Stella, Greg Williams
Ms. Vanden Heuvel stated, "This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975, Ch. 231.
It has been properly advertised and certified ".
Movies in the Park:
Bill Hardy stated that there were approximately 65 people in attendance.
Mr. Hardy felt that at a cost of almost $14.00 per person the money should
be spent on something else, maybe Wantage Day 2006. Sue Vanden Heuvel felt
that if we were to cancel the event we should substitute the movies with
another event.
Bill Hardy suggested we look at the response cards from the Spring Fling,
Paul Pfeil agreed “let’s see what the people want”. Paul
also suggested taking all the e-mail addresses from the response cards and
sending a mass e-mail to the public for the upcoming events.
Bulletin Board at Woodbourne Park:
The Recreation Commission agreed to have Jim Doherty choose the location
of the sign. They then wanted the town to install two 6 in. x 6 in. x 10
ft posts, parallel, 5 ft apart and 3 ft into the ground. Don Henry wishes
to be advised when the posts are installed, he will then install the frame
and the insert.
Speed Bumps:
Paul Pfeil made a motion to agree to purchase the speed bumps for Lott
Rd. fields. Don Henry seconded the motion. Ayes: Henry, Vanden Heuvel,
Hardy. Nays: None. Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams
Scoreboard at Lott Rd:
Paul Pfeil stated that if we were to purchase a scoreboard for Little
League we would have to do the same for softball, football and soccer.
Sue Vanden Heuvel suggested instead of a scoreboard we should look into
a fence around the bathrooms and a camera. Bill Hardy offered that someone
has to maintain the tapes. Sue Vanden Heuvel made a motion instead of
a scoreboard we put money toward increased security (example: a fence).
Bill hardy seconded the motion. Ayes: Hardy, Henry, Pfeil. Nays: None.
Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams.
$4,000.00 to rehabilitate Field 3 at Woodbourne:
Paul Pfeil made a motion to approve the money to rehabilitate Field 3
with the board leaning towards option #3 or #4 of an e-mail sent by Jim
to Joe Hayes.
Option three: Remove three inches of existing topsoil in the target area
and replace it with new screened topsoil, then put down grass seed and
water it through the fall, allowing the winter to germinate the seeds
and have it ready for spring 2006. Fence in the areas until Spring to
discourage use of fields in these areas, and post signs alerting public
that the fields are closed.
Option four: Remove three inches of existing topsoil in the target area
and replace it with new topsoil, then put down new grass sod and water
it through the fall, allowing the winter for the sod to take hold, and
have it ready for spring 2006. Fence in the areas until Spring to discourage
use of fields in these areas, and post signs alerting public that the
fields are closed. Don Henry seconded the motion.
Ayes: Henry, Vanden Heuvel, Hardy. Nays: None. Absent: Armstrong, Stella,
Re-sealing the skating rink:
Everyone concurred that the rink must be maintained as many people use
the rink for rollerblading as well as ice skating. Paul questioned changing
the color to a lighter color. Everyone agreed to get clarification of
what the $1300.00 would be used for and if possible change the color.
Christmas Tree Lighting:
Discussion took place on who would run the tree lighting since Greg Williams
had previously volunteered to chair this. Sue suggested that the Recreation
Commission should work as a whole on this. Sue also brought up the need
for more lights on the tree but the electrical box is at capacity. Bill
offered to look at the box. Sue stated that Jim would be able to let us
know how many lights are on the tree.
Winter Festival:
Paul Pfeil stated that he will have ideas for a Winter Fling/Festival
by the September meeting. Don said he would tell Recreation Basketball
to look out for Winter Festival updates, Paul will do the same for football.
Sue and Bill agreed if there is any leftover money to use it for Winter
Paul further stated if the money is not used we should put it towards
Wantage Day 2006.
Woodbourne Phase IV:
General discussion took place regarding Harold E. Pellow’s recommendation
regarding the Green Acres Loan. Paul Pfeil stated the pavilion is important
as it will be used for a variety of reasons sports as well as crafts.
Bill Hardy feels the fundamentals should come first and the extras later.
At this time Don Henry doesn’t think fields 4,5,6,7 need irrigation.
After much discussion Don Henry made a motion to follow Mr. Pellow’s
recommendation to “irrigate Field 3 only and construct a pavilion
and septic system with no parking area, the cost will be $253,838.00,
including engineering. Possibly, the DPW could grade the parking lot and
install the dense graded aggregate base course with materials costing
$3000.00. Then, the paving could be done under the 2006 Paving Program
costing $10,000.00.” Sue seconded the motion. Ayes: Vanden Heuvel,
Hardy, Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams.
General Discussion took place concerning the security of the new bathrooms
at Woodbourne Park. Don suggested both doors to be on the same side of
the building, Bill stated with possibly a roll down door. Don mentioned
whoever locks the gate locks the restroom. Paul said Frankford and Wallkill
lock their bathrooms and have signs that they are for use only during
sporting events. Paul also mentioned whoever locks the facility should
inspect the facility.
Bill Hardy made a motion to leave Greg Williams seat open until he returns
from active military duty. Paul Pfeil seconded the motion. Ayes: Pfeil,
Vanden Huevel, Henry. Nays: None. Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams.
Sue Vanden Heuvel made a motion to approve the minutes of July 27, 2005,
Don Henry seconded the motion.
Ayes: Henry, Pfeil, Hardy
Nays: None
Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams
No public present.
A motion was made by Sue Vanden Heuvel and seconded by Don Henry.
Ayes: Henry, Hardy, Pfeil. Nays: None Absent: Armstrong, Stella, Williams.
Respectfully, submitted,
Jeanne McBride, Board Secretary