scene from Wantage Township
Minutes of Wantage Township 2005 Meetings
Recreation Commission
May 25, 2005

Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order.

Present: Duane Armstrong, Sue Vanden Heuval, Paul Pfeil, Greg Williams
Absent: Don Henry, Geri Stella, Bill Hardy (subsequently present as of 7:30 p.m.)

Mr. Armstrong stated, "This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975, Ch. 231. It has been properly advertised and certified ".


Spring Fling: Sue Vanden Heuval stated the Spring Fling 2005 was a success.

Talent Show: Geri Stella e-mailed updated report on planning for the 2005 Talent Show. It will be held on Wed. June 8th at the Crescent Theatre in Sussex. Registrations will begin at 5 p.m., starting the Children’s Division at 5:30, follow with the Junior Division and conclude with the Adult Division. We will take walk-ins. The registration form will be shortened and available the evening of the show, when numbers are distributed for the contest. The Herald, The Advertiser and schools that Linda shared with Geri have been informed. The Jazz band is confirmed. Two judges are confirmed, still waiting on one more, two volunteer assistants, the stage crew is supplied with the theatre rental. We are still waiting on confirmation on the host.

The theatre will have their concession stand open during the contest. Geri will purchase pizza and soda for the Jazz band from Lorenzo’s .

The theatre needs ½ deposit and ½ at the event. The total cost is $250.00 but will supply a copy of the contract with the req.

Jim will put information on the marquis.

General discussion took place on this years and last years plaques. The winners from last year never received anything.

Duane made a motion to purchase plaques for last years winners, Bill Hardy seconded the motion. Upon roll call,
Ayes: Vanden Huevel, Pfile, Williams. Nays: None. Absent: Henry, Stella

Little Mister/Little Miss/Miss Wantage: Sue confirmed the date June 11, 2005. The time is set for Little Miss 3:00, Little Mister 4:00, Miss Wantage 5:00 at the Wantage School. Set up begins at noon. Paul & Greg sent letter for donations to approximately 40 businesses. The mailing was sent to people that generally give to Little League and Softball. Any money received for donations will be used for flowers. SECTV is to film the event. A change from last year, Miss Wantage contestants will be walked on stage with a parent.

Miss Cindy cannot MC this year because of another commitment. Butch & Bonnie Osborne (Jill Space’s parents) will take over this year. They are also DJ’s so they will bring music.

Movies In The Park: Bill Hardy suggested two movies this year instead of three, to save money from the movie rental, to put towards the purchase of a movie screen.
Bill also made the suggestion to try one movie and one dance theme. Duane thought maybe having a DJ event instead. Sue felt Friday nights were best for this event.

By June meeting Bill said he would have two tentative dates and two tentative movies to be voted on.

5K Run: Creighton McBride offered 9/17/05 as the date for the 5k with a rain date of 9/24/05. The general consensus was to not have a theme this year (example: car show). Discussion took place on what type of trophy or medallion to give out, no decision was made.

Paul Pfeil volunteered his wife to design a T-shirt. Paul also suggested a donation to first aid.

Creighton feels we should keep the race to a maximum of 75 to 100 people. He feels we should be able to park all cars at Woodbourne and close the park once the race begins.

Sue Vanden Hueval said she would check with Selective Insurance to see if they would make a donation.

A list of supplies that Creighton feels he would need: measuring wheel, water, paper cups, tents, tables, timing clock. The numbers and the safety pins he would get from Runners World magazine.

It was suggested to pre-register on the town website.

Paul made a motion to seek approval for a 9/17/05 date and a 9/24/05 rain date and a $500.00 budget upon approval from Jim, Sue seconded the motion. Ayes: Armstrong, Williams, Hardy. Nays: None. Absent: Henry, Stella.

Fishing Contest: It was agreed upon that Wantage would pay for ½ the price of the fish for the Sussex Wantage fishing contest at McCoy’s corner on 6/4/05. Clean up by Sussex Borough would take place one week before the contest. Terry Coursen and her husband are going to donate the trophies

Lakeland Bus Trip: Bill Hardy has calls into Lakeland Bus, his original contact passed away. He is looking into the first trip to the Bronx Zoo.

Summer Sports Camp: General discussion took place. We can have a tent if we need one. Registrations will be accepted up to a week before. Camp dates are 7/25/05 through 7/29/05. We need a minimum of 10 children.

Green Acres: Discussion took place whether to build another Little League field with this round of funding or follow the original plan (well, bathroom, pavilion). It was agreed to follow the original plan. Building material and labor will only to increase in price. Duane suggested to enlist the people of town to help build a new baseball field.

Discussion continued over what to do with the debris left by the sports teams. Paul suggested to fine the team. Bill suggested to fine the whole organization. Paul suggested a “Carry in carry out sign.” Duane said the signs disappear. No consensus was reached.

Discussion continued over the horse and dog droppings in the park. Hampton no longer allows pets in parks. No consensus was reached.

Sue suggests future discussion on the Christmas tree lights, they are falling off. Duane asked if we should take them down every year.

Billboard discussion continued. It was agreed that it would be 4 feet by 6 feet, a cork center with a Plexi glass front.

Use of fields for summer:
Sussex Wantage Little League applied for use of fields from 7/1 through 11/15. Fields at Lott Road are available until August 10th, when reseeding is scheduled to begin. Paul made a motion Little League can have Lott Rd. until reseeding begins. Bill seconded.

Ayes: Armstrong, Vanden Hueval, Williams. Nays: None. Absent: Henry, Stella.

Sue discussed having a Puppet Show in the fall.
Sue is going to research the cost of the puppet show. Duane discussed having it at the meeting room at the library. All agreed it was worth investigating.

No public present.

A motion was made by Paul Pfeil and seconded by Greg Williams.

Respectfully, submitted,
Jeanne McBride, Board Secretary