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  Minutes of Wantage Township Open Space Advisory Committee
January 30 , 2006


Township Administrator Jim Doherty welcomed all persons present, and confirmed attendance.
Present: Deputy Mayor Parker Space, Scott Sargent, Rudy Solar, Rich Sytsema, Lisa Parrott, Robb Thompson, Mike Garrett, Thomas P. Davis, Victoria Gill.
Absent: Diane Mylecraine, Land Use OSAC alternate

Mr. Doherty explained to those persons present that the Wantage Township Open Space Advisory Committee (OSAC) was organized as an advisory subcommittee of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage. As such, it is not subject to the provisions or requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. Mr. Doherty stated that it would be prudent for the committee to assign a secretary who would take minutes, prepare agendas, and coordinate communications, even if there were no formal requirements under the law for these activities.

Upon the request of Deputy Mayor Space, and with consensus of the Board members present, Mr. Doherty agreed to offer his services as secretary to the board.

Mr. Doherty stated that the Wantage Township OSAC is structured such that Deputy Mayor Space would be the chairperson for committee meetings.

At the invitation of Mr. Space, Freeholder Glen Vetrano addressed the committee members.

Mr. Vetrano welcomed the members of the committee to their new assignments, and pledged the help and cooperation of the county level of government in Wantage Township’s pursuit of open space preservation.

Mr. Vetrano spoke with respect to the efforts of the County of Sussex to ensure protection of the Lusscroft property, citing a $75,000 grant recently secured from Senator Littell’s efforts.

Mr. Vetrano stated that the preservation of the Lusscroft property is one that has caught the eye of Trenton, and that Secretary of Agriculture Charlie Kupreus looks forward to the possibility of creating a place for agriculture sustainability through the Lusscroft project.

Mr. Vetrano presented information regarding a related project, intended to bring a Commercial Kitchen to the Lusscroft property. Mr. Vetrano explained that the project is being pursued through a $50,000 grant, but this grant requires matching funds in the form of dollars or in-kind contributions. The Freeholders have pledged $15,000 toward that matching contribution. Mr. Vetrano inquired if Wantage Township might be interested in partnering with the County on this project.

Mr. Vetrano and Ms. Donna Traylor, Coordinator of the Sussex County Open Space Committee, offered explanatory details regarding how a Commercial Kitchen is developed and operated. The concept involves having farmers bring their local produce to the Commercial Kitchen, and either the farmers could pay a fee to have Rutgers staff process their produce into jams, jellies, salsas, and perhaps down the road, cheese and yogurt products as well.

Another alternative would be to have the farmers themselves process the produce. The finished products would have a “value added” quality to them, and would be very similar in nature to “Farm Fresh” produce.

The members of the committee reviewed this concept, and expressed general consensus that a project such as this would be welcome in Wantage Township. Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Vetrano that he would carry the request to the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage for their consideration. General discussion also took place regarding potential other groups, organizations or options for obtaining matching grant funds for this project.

Mr. Doherty inquired regarding how often the board would meet.

Ms. Traylor indicated that experience at the county level and other municipal committees experience reflects an importance of meeting monthly.

After general consideration, the board members agreed to meet monthly at the Wantage Township municipal building on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., except that in May the meeting would take place on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 (Monday being Memorial Day), and in December the meeting would take place on Tuesday, December 26 (Monday being Christmas).

Mr. Doherty indicated that some interest had been expressed regarding the possibility of appointing alternate members to the OSAC group. General consensus of all committee members was that there were sufficient members already on the committee and that adding alternates might make the group unwieldy. Mr. Doherty agreed to forward this input to the governing body.

The members of the committee expressed unanimous agreement that they would allow members of the public to attend their meetings, and at the invitation of Mr. Space, offer input or ask questions during the meetings.

Mr. Doherty suggested that the OSAC members should dedicate themselves to creating a clear vision for the Wantage Township Open Space Program, through assigning projects to various sub-committees, and addressing the following questions:

- Question of Open Space Tax for Wantage Township
- Question of “which properties” will be focus of attention
- Question of establishing network with local, county, state, federal agencies
- Will OSAC be Pro-active or Re-active, or a mix of both?
The members agreed that reports would be forwarded to the governing body on an “as-needed” basis, rather than to attempt to establish a monthly or quarterly quota of reports.

Mr. Davis expressed his belief that it should be a top priority to develop an Open Space Plan for Wantage Township.

At Mr. Space’s invitation, Ms. Donna Traylor reviewed the county’s open space program. Ms. Traylor indicated that the county has money for open space preservation, agricultural development, and farmland preservation. The bottom line on these programs is that they are voluntary in nature, and are driven by the fair market value of the property being reviewed.

Ms. Traylor suggested strategies such as doing outreach programs to local landowners who owned 20+ acres, and educate them as to what is available through county programs, Green Acres funding, the Morris Land Conservancy, and other groups.

Ms. Traylor offered some input on a recent bill at the State level of government that would affect allowed uses on farmland preserved property for non-agricultural purposes, including cell towers or Bed-and-Breakfast establishments. Ms. Traylor indicated the legislation would be very narrow in scope.

Ms. Traylor stated that there are over 4,500 acres of preserved land in Wantage Township, and there are over 10,300 acres of preserved land in Sussex County.Mr. Space invited members of the public to speak at this time.

Ms. Therese Magill and Ms. Allison Doherty, both residents of Old Clove Road in Wantage Township, addressed the OSAC members with information regarding the proposed development of property along Old Clove Road currently owned by Forum Homes. Ms. Magill and Ms. Doherty suggested that this land would have value to the Township as open space for either passive or active recreation, being adjacent to the existing Woodbourne Park, and asked the committee members to consider making this site a priority for investigation into open space preservation.

Various members of the committee expressed their belief that this property location would indeed be a good site to consider for preservation efforts.

The committee members inquired regarding whether there would be any funds available for developing an Open Space Plan. Mr. Doherty stated that there were no funds currently budgeted, but that he would carry a request for such funds to be included in the Land Use Board’s operating budget for 2006.

The members of the committee, by majority agreement, asked Mr. Doherty to request that the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage place a question on the November ballot to determine whether or not the Wantage Township public would support a local open space tax levy.

There being no further items for consideration at this time, Mr. Space declared this meeting to be adjourned.
James R. Doherty, Administrator Clerk

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