Call to Order:
Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order.
Roll Call:
Present: Duane Armstrong, Sue Vanden Heuvel, Don Henry, Bill Hardy.
Absent: Geri Stella. Excused: Greg Williams.
Open Public Meeting Act Compliance
Mr. Armstrong stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public meetings Act, Public laws of 1975
Chapter 231.
It has been properly advertised and certified”.
Mr. Armstrong called for nominations for the office of President and Vice
President for Wantage Township Recreation Commission for the Year 2006.
On motion by Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded by Mr. Henry, Mr. Armstrong was
nominated for President for the year 2006.
Roll Call: Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Henry, Mr. Hardy Yes. CARRIED
Absent: Mrs. Stella. Excused Mr. Williams
On motion by Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded by Mr. Henry, Mr. Hardy was nominated
for Vice President for the year 2006.
Roll Call: Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Henry, Mr. Armstrong Yes. CARRIED
Absent: Mrs. Stella. Excused Mr. Williams.
On motion by Mr. Hardy seconded by Mr. Armstrong, Jeanne McBride was nominated
Board Secretary for the Year 2006.
Roll Call: Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Henry, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Hardy Yes.
CARRIED Absent Mrs. Stella. Excused Mr. Williams
Meeting Schedule for the Board of Recreation
Mr. Hardy moved to establish the regular meeting nights of the Commission
for calendar year 2006 as follows:Location: Wantage Township Municipal
Building, 888 Rt 23, Wantage NJ
January 31, 2006 7:00 pm
February 22, 2006 7:00 pm
March 29, 2006 7:00 pm
April 26, 2006 7:00 pm
May 24, 2006 7:00 pm
June 28, 2006 7:00 pm
July26, 2006 7:00 pm
August 23, 2006 7:00 pm
September 27, 2006 7:00 pm
October 25, 2006 7:00 pm
November 15, 2006 7:00 pm
January 24, 2007 Organization Meeting 7:00 pm
Mr. Armstrong seconded the motion. Roll Call: Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr.
Henry, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Hardy yes. CARRIED Absent: Mrs. Stella. Excused:
Mr. Williams.
Naming the official newslpapers of the Board of
Recreation Commission.
On motion by Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded by Mr. Henry, The New Jersey
Herald and the New Jersey Sunday herald were named the official newspapers
for the Wantage Township Recreation Commission.
Roll Call: Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Henry, Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. Hardy yes.
CARRIED Absent: Mrs. Stella. Excused: Mr. Williams.
At this time Don Henry excused himself from this month’s meeting.
Harold Pellow attended the meeting and updated the Commission on Phase
IV at
Woodbourne Park. Mr. Pellow said the more labor the Township and community
donate the more amenities we may be able to afford. A second meeting is
planned for late February or early March when Mr. Pellow has everything
drawn up.
Old Business
Mr. Doherty attended the meeting and discussed the budget meeting of January
12, 2006.
The governing body approved:
$10,000 to bring playground equipment up to code, as per insurance inspection.
$5000 to improve Field #1 at Lott Road. Little League agreed to pay the
$15,000 for a new parking lot at Woodbourne Park.
$ 30,000 to continue paving Born Road.
An increase in the operating expense from $32,000 to $35,000.
New Business
Mrs. Gangloff attended the meeting on behalf of her son. Richard Gangloff
plans to get his Eagle Scout Badge, for his project he is interested in
constructing a Sand Volleyball Court at Woodbourne Park. Mrs. Gangloff
had the details of the project on hand. Richard is also interested in
starting a league as part of the project. Mr. Doherty explained the township
can’t fund the project. Harold Pellow agreed to donate his services,
with the Eagle Scout’s assistance, to design the court. Mr. Doherty
said the township may be able to help bring down the cost of the project.
Mr. Armstrong made the motion to have Mr. Pellow design the court, with
Richard Gangloff’s assistance, and report back to the Commission
with further information. Mrs. Vanden Huevel seconded the motion.
Mrs. Vanden Huevel, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Armstrong Yes. CARRIED
Mrs. Stella Absent. Mr. Williams Excused.
Mr. Doherty questioned if the Commission wished to coordinate Wantage Day
2006. The Commission agreed to host Wantage Day. Mr. Armstrong mentioned
finding volunteers from the community to help form a committee. Discussion
will take place during the March meeting as to who will head the Committee.
Mr. Hardy and Parker Space are going to host a hike on April 8, 2006. The
hike will begin on Crigger Road and end at the Old Silver Mine. Mr. Hardy
explained it is a difficult hike with a steep terrain. More information
will be posted on the website.
Mr. Hardy agreed to head the committee for the Spring Fling Four.
Mr. Armstrong would like to start advertising for a new member to fill the
open seat. The Commission also questioned Mr. Doherty as to whether we could
have an alternate for Greg Williams who is currently serving in Iraq. Mr.
Doherty will seek approval from the governing body.
Approval of Minutes:
Bill Hardy made a motion to approve the minutes of October 26, 2005, Duane
Armstrong seconded the motion. Ayes: Vanden Heuvel, Armstrong, Hardy. Nays:
None Absent: Stella. Excused: Williams
Open Public Session:
Mr. Stu Baker would like to see a Dog Park in the township. He explained
it would be little or no cost to the community. It would be great for
dog socializing. The area need not be flat, just a small area we could
fence in. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel suggested it might help deter people from
letting their dogs loose in the softball field. Mr. Baker would be happy
to form a sub-committee to proceed with a “reality check”
on costs and size.
Resident Louise Basile questioned why there are two senior citizens groups
in town instead of one. Mr. Doherty explained the groups are private groups
and Mrs. Basile would have to contact them. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel offered
the assistance of the Recreation Commission in advertising if Mrs. Basile
would like to plan activities for the seniors.
A motion was made by Duane Armstrong and seconded by Bill Hardy. Ayes: Vanden
Heuvel, Hardy, Armstrong. Nays: None Absent: Stella. Excused: Williams.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne McBride, Board Secretary |