Minutes of Wantage Township Recreation Commissioners | |||||||||
26 , 2006 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, HELD AT THE WANTAGE TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING, ON JULY 26, 2006. CALL TO ORDER: Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL: Present: Christine Feoranzo, Susan Vanden Heuvel, Greg Williams, Duane Armstrong. Absent: Joe Coscia OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT COMPLIANCE Mr. Armstrong stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public meetings Act, Public laws of 1975 Chapter 231. It has been properly advertised and certified”. MINUTES Mrs. Vanden Heuvel made a motion to approve the May 2006 minutes, seconded by Mr. Armstrong. Ayes: Ms. Feoranzo, Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Armstrong. Absent: Mr. Coscia. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Armstrong made a motion for the approval for the use of fields: Temple Shalom of Sussex County (softball field July 23rd 1:00-6:00) field #2 North Jersey Thunder (softball field Wed. in July 6:00-8:00, July 8th & 9th 10:30-2:30 field #2. High Point Football (field #7 Aug. 1st – Nov 15th) High Point Soccer Club (field #5, July 29- Aug 4, 9:00-12:00 Center for Prevention and Counseling (field #4, #5, #6 Aug. 25 6:00-8:00) Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded the motion. Ayes: Ms. Feoranzo, Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong. Nays: None. Absent: Mr. Coscia. The Board discussed the rotation of the goals on Field #5 & #6. Mr. Armstrong said he would contact Joe Hayes regarding this issue. The Board discussed the possibility of setting up a committee to watch Woodbourne Park, on weekends and holidays. The discussion included giving the watch committee a camera, a key to the park and show them how to fill out a police complaint. Mr. Armstrong feels getting the volunteers would be difficult, because some of the youths are very disrespectful. The Recreation Commission received a request from the Colesville Fire Company for use of Woodbourne Park for their 60th anniversary in 2007. They will be inviting fire companies from other towns as well as Wantage citizens. They wish to serve beer and food. A plan has been set up to control the beer. Mr. Bono from the Fire Department has spoken with the Mayor and Committee, the Mayor and Committee support the idea. Mr. DeBoer suggested contacting the Recreation Commission. Mr. Armstrong made a motion to allow the use of Woodbourne Park with food and beer. The Fire Department is responsible for parking and crowd control. The approval is contingent on a more detailed plan. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded the motion. Ayes: Ms. Feoranzo, Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong. Nays: None. Absent: Mr. Coscia. OLD BUSINESS The Talent Show is scheduled for July 27, 2006 at High Point High School, Nancy Van Horn is coordinating the event. The Commission questioned the status of the Volley Ball Court. Mrs. McBride said she would check with Mr. Doherty. Miss Wantage Contest was held on June 10, 2006 organized by John Abate. The Winners: Brittany Healey-Miss Wantage, Abigail Havens-Little Miss, Anthony Reccio-Little Mister REPORTS Mrs. Vanden Heuvel updated the Commission on Wantage Day. It seems the largest hurdle is generators for the food. It is difficult to have vendors for food without electricity. Mr. Williams said he would coordinate the for profit vendors. He will contact the vendors at the New Jersey State Fair and see if any are interested. OPEN PUBLIC SESSION: No public present. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Ms. Feoranzo and seconded by Mr. Armstrong to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: Feoranzo, Vanden Heuvel, Williams, Armstrong. Nays: None. Absent: Coscia. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne McBride, Board Secretary |