Minutes of Wantage Township Mayor & Committee | |||||||||
Meeting — January 18, 2007 MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP OF THE MAYOR AND COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, HELD AT THE WANTAGE TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 888 STATE HIGHWAY 23, WANTAGE, N.J. ON THE DATE OF JANUARY 18, 2007 Mayor William DeBoer called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor DeBoer, Committee members Parrott, Space. The following members were absent: None. Mayor DeBoer stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk." Mayor DeBoer led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag. Road Department Budget Request Bob Wagner, DPW Supervisor, was present for discussion for the needs analysis regarding whether or not to hire a new Laborer for the Public Works Department for 2007. At the previous budget workshop Mr. Doherty was asked to do a cost-analysis of whether it would be beneficial to the taxpayers to contract out a portion of roads for snow plowing services, rather than hire a new employee. Mr. Doherty explained that on a direct competitive “per hour” cost basis, it is much more cost effective for the taxpayers to have a municipal employee handle the snow plowing and salting duties, but over the course of an entire 12 month period, after adding in benefits and union obligations for the entire calendar year, the total cost to taxpayers would be greater by hiring a new employee compared to contracting out for service on several roads. The governing body agreed to contract out portions of Wantage Township roads for snow plowing; and per Mr. Wagner’s request, hire temporary employees on an as-needed basis, to perform landscaping services, freeing up current DPW employees for road repair and other necessary duties. Lake Neepaulin DamMr. Doherty initiated discussion regarding correspondence from Friends of Lake Neepaulin (FOLN) concerning silt infiltration of the lake at Cove Lane, as well as the need to rehabilitate the Lake Neepaulin Dam. Mr. Parrott explained that had suggested Lake Neepaulin look into having a fund raiser at Woodbourne Park structured similar to Wantage Day, with all vendor proceeds going towards engineering costs associated with the rehabilitation. Mr. Doherty explained that he would be happy to provide park and vendor information to FOLN. Fire Department Budget RequestLeo Kinney, Fire Chief, was present for discussion of the fire department’s request for a stipend increase and for the inclusion of an Emergency Command Vehicle. Mr. Parrott explained that although he and the Committee strongly feel that it is difficult to put a price on public safety and on the service, dedication, and professionalism of the volunteer fire and rescue squad members, the governing body still has a responsibility to keep the tax rate affordable for all residents. With this in mind, the Committee agreed to a 5% increase across the board for all volunteer fire companies and agreed to the purchase of an Emergency Command Vehicle for $30,000, with the understanding that the PEOSHA line item would be reduced by $15,000, resulting in a $15,000 overall budget increase to purchase this vehicle.
Mayor DeBoer opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community. As there was no one from the public who wished to come forward, Mayor DeBoer closed the Open Public Session. Mr. Space moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Parrott seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Parrott, Space. Nays:None. Absent:None. Abstain: None Mayor DeBoer declared this meeting to be adjourned. ________________________________