Minutes of Wantage Township Mayor & Committee | |||||||||
24, 2007 MINUTES OF THE REORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, HELD AT THE WANTAGE TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING, ON JANUARY 24, 2007. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT COMPLIANCE NOMINATIONS On motion by Mrs. Vanden Heuvel seconded by Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong was nominated for President for the year 2007. On motion by Mr. Armstrong seconded by Mrs. Baig, Mr.Williams was nominated for Vice President for the year 2007. On motion by Mrs. Baig seconded by Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Jeanne McBride was nominated Board Secretary for the Year 2007. MEETING SCHEDULE AND NAMING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS FOR THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSION. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel moved to establish the regular meeting nights of the Commission for calendar year 2007. The New Jersey Herald and the New Jersey Sunday Herald were named the official newspapers for the Wantage Recreation Commission. Mrs. Baig seconded the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Baig, Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong. Absent: Mrs. Feoranzo, Mrs. Macherone. Location: Wantage
Township Municipal Building, 888 Rt 23, Wantage NJ
OLD BUSINESS The Commission engaged in general discussion about the new Dog Park. They questioned if any complaints were received. Mrs. McBride told the commission that very few complaints have come to the municipal building, the feedback has been very positive. Mr. Williams and Mrs. Vanden Heuvel told the Commission that despite the weather the Christmas Tree Lighting was a success. The Chamber singers were unable to attend but the girl scouts filled in. Mr. Williams spoke with the scouts leader and said the girls were still excited about singing days after the lighting. The winner’s of the Holiday House Decoration contest for 2006: The Shadwell’s —
10 Marc Dr. NEW BUSINESS Samatha Brummell attended the meeting to apply for the use of Woodbourne Park April 7, 2007, from 6 to 11 a.m. Ms. Brummell wishes to organize an Easter 5K. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel made the motion to approve the use the park, Mrs. Baig seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Mrs. Baid, Mrs. Vanden Heuvel, Mr. Williams Mr. Armstrong. Nays: none. Absent: Ms. Feoranzo, Mrs. Macherone. The Commission received an application for exclusive use of Woodbourne Park by the Colesville Firehouse on May 19, 2007. The Commission had questions regarding the application and decided to table the application until someone from the fire department is available to attend a meeting. Spring Fling 2007 is scheduled for April 21, 2007. Mrs. Baig volunteered be in charge of the food. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel said that Mrs. Macherone and she would oversee the decorations. Mrs. Vanden Heuvel volunteered to contact the DJ and if available book him. Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong, and Mrs. Card all volunteered to be of assistance for the event. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: OPEN PUBLIC SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Respectfully submitted, Jeanne McBride, Board Secretary