Minutes of Wantage Township Mayor & Committee | |||||||||
JANUARY 24, 2008 MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, HELD AT THE WANTAGE TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 888 STATE HIGHWAY 23, WANTAGE, N.J. ON THE DATE OF JANUARY 24, 2008 Mayor Parker Space called the workshop meeting to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members DeBoer, Nuss The following members were absent: None Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk." Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag. Mr. Doherty gave an overview of the amended draft of the 2008 Municipal Budget. Mr. Doherty explained the salaries and wages and operating expenses were reduced approximately $20,000 each; capital expenditures reduced approximately $170,000, and that without the increase necessary in the snow removal budget, the proposed spending plan would represent a 3.1% overall spending increase. Mr. Doherty explained that this draft of the 2008 municipal budget would represent a $150 increase for the average property owner on the local portion of the tax bill. Leo Kinney, Fire Chief, and Charlie Rokosny, Assistant Fire Chief, met with the Committee to discuss the fire department budget. Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Kinney that the $15,000 capital line item for fire equipment has been eliminated from the budget. A brief discussion took place regarding how the purchase of the Chief’s vehicle impacted the 2007 budget request made by the fire department and that affect on leaving 2008 budget the same. Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Kinney that he will have to get back to him to give him those specifics. Mrs. Nuss asked why Sussex Fire Department contribution was more than that given to Wantage. The Committee agreed by consensus to lower Sussex Fire Department’s annual contribution to $45,000. Mr. DeBoer informed the Committee that Ruth and Bill Haynes are unable to attend today’s meeting due to a household emergency, but are in agreement to receive the same contribution in 2008 as was budgeted in 2007. EXECUTIVE SESSION After meeting in closed executive session, the members of the governing body returned to open session and continued with the regular order of business. Mrs. Nuss made a motion to transfer Kim Moore from the Tax Assessment
Department to the Construction Department with no change in rate of pay
effective Monday, January 28, 2008. Mrs. Nuss made a motion to transfer Kristy Lockburner from the Construction
Department to the Tax Assessment Department with no change in rate of
pay effective Monday, January 28, 2008. Mr. DeBoer made a motion to increase Melissa Rockwell’s salary $5,000 effective January 1, 2008. Mrs. Nuss seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None Mr. DeBoer made a motion to decrease Coleen Ragnetti’s hours from 18 hours per week to 14 hours per week effective February 2, 2008. Mrs. Nuss seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None Budget discussion ensued regarding the bond ordinance proposed for 2008. Mrs. Nuss expressed concern with the cost of the fencing and asked if that could be put off for another year. Mr. Doherty explained that is possible but suggested that it would not be desirable from an operational perspective, as no savings is realized to the 2008 taxpayers by doing this, and it would only delay a necessary project and drive up the costs by postponing it. Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public at this time, for any questions or comments involving the good and welfare of the community. As there was no one from the public who wished to come forward, Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public and returned to the regular order of business. There being no other items for consideration of the governing body at this time, Mr. DeBoer moved to adjourn the workshop session. Mrs. Nuss seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: None ________________________________ |