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Minutes of Wantage Township Mayor & Committee

November 13, 2008


Mayor Parker Space called the regular meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage to order, and requested the Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following members of the governing body were present: Mayor Space, Committee members DeBoer and Nuss. The following member was absent: None.. Also present Township Attorney, Ursula Leo.

Mayor Space stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Laws 1975, Chapter 231. It has been properly noticed and posted to the public, and certified by the Clerk."

Mayor Space led the assembly in the Salute to the Flag.


Mayor Space requested that the members of the Committee Review the Consent Agenda.
There being no Committee member present wishing to comment on the proposed Consent Agenda, Mayor Space requested approval of the Consent Agenda.


Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve the following correspondence for filing.
  • Letter dated November 4, 2008 from Thomas Jable of FOLN, offering thanks and appreciation to the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage for adopting Ordinance 2008-16
  • E-mail dated 11/6/08 from Robert Childs, Schawungunk Trail, expressing disagreement with the special assessment for dam repairs being placed upon his property.
  • E-mail dated 11/6/08 from Kathleen Gorman, Fernwood Road, expressing disagreement with the special assessment for dam repairs being placed upon her property.
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.


Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve the following reports for filing.
  • Construction Department Report for October 2008
  • Municipal Clerk Report for October 2008
  • Registrar Report for October 2008
  • Board of Health Report for October 2008
  • Tax Collector Report for October 2008
  • CFO Corrective Action Plan for the 2007 Report of Audit
Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.


Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve Transfer Resolution dated November 13, 2008, totaling $155,901.00. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve Payment of Bills for the meeting of November 13, 2008. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to accept, with regrets, the resignation of Eric Samek from the position of Electrical Inspector, effective December 1, 2008. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize renewal of annual service/monitoring contract with Automated Business Controls, Inc. for HVAC system in the amount of $5,960.00 for 2009. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve appointment of Amy Heater as the Municipal Court Attendant, Civil Service Certification Number OL081817, at existing annual salary of $3,120, pro-rated for remainder of the year. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize payment to LargeDoc Solutions for the annual transfer of construction permits and well/septic permits to digital electronic record format, as well as transfer of all existing meeting minutes for the governing body and all existing birth, death, and marriage licenses, to electronic format for records preservation, fire prevention, and improved search capability, for the sum of $14,378.00 (certification of availability of funds is on file from the Chief Finance Officer). Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to endorse the use of $6,000 Driveway Bond from Crown Builders to complete municipal requirement of having first 50 feet of new driveway paved at Block 32 Lot 9.03; approving work done by C&V contractors to perform this assignment for the cost of $1,900.00. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize refund for tax sale premium to Lien Times LLC in the amount of $12,600 for Block 135 Lot 16.08. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion.
Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize the refund of $3,486.00 to L&M Properties to refund completed escrow funds associated with Block 2 Lot 38.02. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize the refund of $2,500.00 to Susan Scerbo to refund driveway bond associated with Block 148 Lot 1. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion.
Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize the refund of $2,000.00 to Susan Keenan to refund driveway bond associated with Block 121 Lot 3.03. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize the refund of $6,040.10 to Webb Builders to refund driveway bond associated with Block 36 Lot 2.09. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to authorize the refund of $1.00 to Marksmen Enterprises to refund Building Permit fee overpayment associated with Block 26 Lot 14.02. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve payment of $13,092.50 for the completion of the project entitled “Paving Parking Lot At Woodbourne Park”, which includes $8,592.50 to C&V paving Contractors as the low bid submitted. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.


Mayor Space requested Mr. Doherty present the Administrator’s report.

Outstanding Young Farmer Award: Mr. Doherty reported that H. William Sytsema has been named the State of New Jersey “Outstanding Young Farmer” for 2009. The Committee asked Mr. Doherty to invite Mr. Sytsema to a future meeting of the governing body to present him with a resolution of honor.

Status of Sussex Airport: Mr. Doherty reported that the owner of Sussex Airport has been offering Sussex Airport for sale. If the sale is made to another party who wishes to continue operating it as an airport, there would be no impact on the Township. However, the possibility exists that a new owner might wish to abandon airport use and seek residential development, which might have negative economic impact on the Wantage Township community. There are likely federal and state funds available if the Township wished to purchase the airport and make it a municipal operation without incurring any local taxpayer burden in the purchase. There are also state funds available to conduct a feasibility study into the benefits vs. drawbacks of municipal ownership of the airport. The Committee agreed by consensus that as a matter of proper advance planning, it would be prudent for the Township Administrator to contact the NJDOT and express an interest in purchasing Sussex Airport, and to seek a grant that would pay for a feasibility study into this matter.

Request for Release of Executive Session minutes: Mr. Doherty reported that a resident has requested the release of executive session minutes from the meetings of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage held on August 14 and September 25, 2008. Both of these executive session minutes involve discussions concerning the builders remedy lawsuit with CJS, which has now been settled. After discussion with the Township Attorney, the Committee agreed to give this request further consideration at the December 11, 2008 meeting as certain conditions of the consent order have not been finalized yet.

Time Clock: Mr. Doherty reported that Committeewoman Clara Nuss requested that he include a question to ascertain if the governing body wishes to have all office staff employees utilize a time clock for accountability of time and attendance. Mr. DeBoer and Mayor Space asked that this matter be looked into further before a decision is made.

GPS Monitoring: Mr. Doherty reported that Committeewoman Clara Nuss suggested he look at the website for “”. General discussion took place regarding possible costs involved. The Committee asked Mr. Doherty to get a quote on the actual price and decided this matter be looked into further before a decision is made.

Mileage Costs vs. Municipal Vehicle: Mr. Doherty reported that Ms. Nuss asked whether there would be a cost savings to purchase one or more municipal vehicles to conduct inspections of the Construction Department versus paying mileage. Mr. Doherty’s study indicates that if the Township were to purchase a vehicle for the inspections of the full time Building Subcode Official, it could be beneficial by saving about $4,800 a year. With respect to other vehicles for other inspectors, Mr. Doherty concluded that it would not be cost effective, as the combined mileage of all other inspections does not justify the cost of a vehicle purchase. The Committee will look into this during 2009 budget work sessions.

GO21: Mr. Doherty reported that “Growth Options For the 21st Century” is a Non-profit group who promotes the benefits of Freight Rail transportation over traditional truck-driving-on-highway method. GO21 would like to list Wantage Township as a “supporter” of their goals. On the surface, this organizations efforts are worthy of support, as promoting rail over truck use is more cost effective and less harmful to the environment, plus reduces America’s reliance on foreign oil. The members of the governing body agreed to give consideration to this request but reserved any action at this time.


Mayor Space requested Ms. Leo present the Attorney’s report.

Ms. Leo had nothing new to report.



Final Adoption of Ordinance 2008-17: Lusscroft/Blair Roads (Carried From October 30, 2008)

Mr. Doherty explained that a property owner on Blair Road has requested additional money in compensation for the road right-of-way easement necessary to transfer Blair Road. A brief discussion took place regarding the benefits of accepting this offer.

Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public for any comments or concerns regarding this ordinance. Maggie Kolicko, August Lane, agreed with Mr. DeBoer’s observation that the property owner is attempting to take advantage of the Township by asking for additional monies.

As there was no one else from the public who wished to comment, Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public.

The Committee agreed by consensus to increase the Township’s offer by $2,500 to mitigate against the expense of legal fees the Township would incur through condemnation or continued negotiations.

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to adopt on final reading of Ordinance 2008-17, entitled “AN ORDINANCE CONSENTING TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF JURISDICTION FOR LUSSCROFT ROAD FROM THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX AND CONVEYING THAT PORTION OF BLAIR ROAD WITHIN WANTAGE TOWNSHIP TO THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX” . Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.


Request for Governing Body endorsement of Historical Marker

Mrs. Sonya Hulbert of Branchville addressed the Committee and proposed the creation of an historical marker to be located on County Route 651, particularly at 51 Unionville Road in Wantage Township, which will mark and honor the birthplace of Goldsmith Maid, a world-renowned race horse known as the “Queen of the Trotters” during the 19th century. Sussex County is willing to give consideration to this request but requires endorsement by the local governing body through a letter of support. The Committee asked Mr. Doherty to prepare same and thanked Mrs. Hulbert for coming out this evening with such an enlightening and fascinating insight into another aspect of Wantage Township’s history.

Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Nuss made a motion to approve the Regular meeting minutes of the Wantage governing body held on October 30, 2008. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon Roll call:
Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.


Mayor Space opened the meeting to the public for any questions or comments.

Mr. Gettler, Gemmer Road, voiced his concerns that the State of New Jersey will ultimately tax the citizens for the shortfall the State Police revenues would have generated, and asked the Committee what their plans are for reducing taxes in 2009.

Mayor Space advised that each year, every line item in the budget is scrutinized to see where cuts can be made without reducing the services necessary to our taxpayers. Mayor Space further urged Mr. Gettler and the public to remind their Assemblymen, Congressmen and Senators of how little funding is given to rural areas so we are not forgotten amongst the Abbott Districts and penalized by funding mandates such as COAH.

Karen Merritt, Alpine Road, thanked the Township for organizing the special meeting for the PSE&G issue, and voiced her opinion that she should have been personally contacted regarding the recent ordinance adopted for the special assessment regarding repairs to the Lake Neepaulin dam.

Mayor Space explained the reason for adopting that ordinance. Ms. Merritt was informed that proper notification was given for all public meetings regarding this ordinance.

Betsy Jable, North Shore Drive, stated that this ordinance was treated as any other ordinance is required to be treated.

Craig Coykendall, Ann Marie Lane, voiced his opinion that there is conflict of interest if the Township Committee votes on the union contract as the Committee benefits from any health care coverage awarded within that contract.

Maggie Kolicko informed the Committee that they may want to look into purchasing used vehicles from Vernon Township.

Jason Ziegler from Sussex Bike Shop presented the Committee with a proposal to construct a Woodbourne Park Pump Track for bike enthusiasts and stated that he has already met with the Recreation Commission and has their support. The Committee agreed that this endeavor would require further consideration. The Township Attorney stated that there are liability issues which first must be looked into before a decision could be made. Mr. DeBoer would like to speak with the Recreation Commission first and stated that someone would get back to Mr. Ziegler in the future.

As there was no one else from the public who wished to address the Committee, Mrs. Nuss moved to close the meeting to the public. Mr. DeBoer seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mayor Space closed the meeting to the public.

There being no other items for consideration at this time, Mr. DeBoer moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Nuss seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Ayes: DeBoer, Nuss, Space. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None.

Mayor Space declared this meeting to be adjourned.

James R. Doherty, Administrator/Clerk

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