Minutes of Wantage Township Recreation Commission | ||||||||||||||||||||||
January 23, 2008 MINUTES OF THE REORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF WANTAGE, HELD AT THE WANTAGE TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL BUILDING, ON JANUARY 23, 2008. CALL TO ORDER: Board President Duane Armstrong called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL: Present: Christine Feroanzo, Greg Williams, Duane Armstrong, Lorraine
Card (alternate #1). OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT COMPLIANCE Mr. Armstrong stated, “This meeting is being held in compliance
with the provisions of the Open Public meetings Act, Public laws of 1975
Chapter 231. NOMINATIONS Mr. Armstrong called for nominations for the office of President and Vice President for Wantage Township Recreation Commission for the Year 2008. On motion by Mrs. Feoranzo seconded by Mrs. Card, Mr. Armstrong was nominated for President for the year 2008. Roll Call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Williams, Yes, Carried. Abstain: Mr. Armstrong. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. On motion by Mr. Armstrong seconded by Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Williams was nominated for Vice President for the year 2008. Roll Call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Armstrong, Yes, Carried. Abstain: Mr. Williams. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. On motion by Mr. Armstrong seconded by Mr. Williams, Jeanne McBride was nominated Board Secretary for the Year 2008. Roll Call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong, Yes, Carried. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. Mrs. Card made a motion to change the time of the Recreation Commission’s regular scheduled meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Feoranzo seconded the motion. Roll Call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong, Yes, Carried. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. MEETING SCHEDULE AND NAMING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS FOR THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSION. Mr. Armstrong moved to establish the regular meeting nights of the Recreation Commission for calendar year 2008 as per the attached resolution. Mrs. Feoranzo seconded the motion. Roll Call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Armstrong, Yes, Carried. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. Location: Wantage Township Municipal Building, 888 Rt. 23, Wantage NJ
Mrs. Feoranzo made the motion to name the New Jersey Herald and the New Jersey Sunday Herald the official newspapers for the Wantage Recreation Commission. Mrs. Card seconded the motion. Roll call: Mrs. Card, Mrs. Feoranzo, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong. Nays: None. Absent: Mrs. Baig. OLD BUSINESS Dog
Park: Mr. Epperly attended the meeting representing the dog park. The winner’s of the Holiday House Decoration contest for 2007:
Spring Fling 2008: April 12, 2008 is the date for the Spring Fling. Mrs. Feoranzo reported Annabel’s Restaurant will charge $17.50 a person for a buffet style dinner, including setup, serving and cleanup. The Commission agreed to use Annabel’s. The price of a ticket for the Spring Fling this year will be $27.50. NEW BUSINESS As of now due to a cut in the Recreation budget the Commission decided to cut the Fishing Contest and the Holiday House Decorating Contest out of the budget. The Commission hopes to bring both of the events back in the near future. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Williams made the motion to approve the minutes of December 5, 2007. Mrs. Card seconded the motion. Ayes: Mrs. Card, Mr. Williams, Mr. Armstrong. Nays: none. Absent: Mrs. Baig. Abstain: Mrs. Feoranzo. OPEN PUBLIC SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Mrs. Card and seconded by Mrs. Feoranzo. Respectfully submitted, |