Wantage Township Community Classifieds
These non-commercial classifieds are a FREE service for the Wantage community. Postings outside of Wantage Township will not be accepted. While most ads are accepted, Wantagetwp.com retains the right to decide if the ad will be posted.
Wantagetwp.com does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information contained within classified ads posted on our platform. Users are solely responsible for verifying the authenticity and legitimacy of any listings, including the identity and intentions of the individuals posting such ads. Wantagetwp.com expressly disclaims any liability for any damages or losses incurred as a result of reliance on information provided in classified ads. Users are advised to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and use their discretion when interacting with any parties associated with classified ads on our website.
Click here to submit your classified ad.
Lost & Found
Lose something? Find something? Let others know...
Items found at Wantage Township parks can be claimed at Town Hall Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30 in the Administrator's Office. Items will be retained for 90 days from date of finding. Check the municipal offices at 973-875-7193 or the Wantage Facebook page.
Lost items are still posted on this page.
Nothing submitted at this time.
Garage / Yard Sales
Moving Sale
Moving sale on Sunday 9/15/24. Starting at 10 a.m. Furniture, kitchen appliances, and other items for sale. Looking to get rid of a lot. 98 Wantage School Road
Having a garage or yard sale? Let your neighbors know. Click here to submit your sale information.
Help Wanted
Hire local! Post your job openings here.
Services Provided
Yard cleanup? Handyperson? Window washer? Pet sitter? Personal shopper? Submit the service(s) you offer to our community.
For Sale
Submit items you have for sale here. Items will remain posted for a month unless we are notified that the items have been sold.
Free Stuff
Do you have something that you no longer need and is taking up space but is too good to just throw away? Give it away here! Somebody will have a use for it!
Items Needed
Neighbors helping neighbors. Is there an item you need? Someone in our community may have what you are looking for. Post the request here.
Place Your Ad
The non-commercial classifieds are a FREE service for the residents of Wantage Township. Ads expire after one month of posting. Please resubmit your ad if your item has not sold. To place your ad, you will need to provide:- Items for Sale: A description of the item, the price, and how a person should contact you.
- Garage Sales: Dates and times of sale, location of sale, featured items.
- Help Wanted: Description of position, rate of pay, and contact information.
Please note- for all classified ads, you must provide your name, address, and LOCAL (875 or 702) phone number for verification of ads. This information will not be posted unless it is part of the copy you submit. Ads will not be posted without this information.