Wantage Township New Jersey

888 State Highway 23

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Wantage Township Community Organizations

Information, including website links and contact information, is provided by individuals within the organizations. Programs may have been discontinued or details changed without giving notice to the Wantage website. It is suggested you contact the organization to confirm meeting information before heading out to a meeting. If you know a program's information is incorrect, please contact the editor so the information may be removed/updated. If you would like your Wantage organization to be listed on this page, please contact us.

American Legion Post 213

Located on Route 23, north of Sussex. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The Ladies Auxiliary meets the second Tuesday of the month. For more information, call 875-3551 or send send a postal mail to P.O. Box 447, Sussex.

Avian Wildlife Center

A private, tax-exempt organization established to promote the welfare of New Jersey's avifauna through: Rehabilitation and medical care of orphaned and injured wild birds, information and advice about birds, educational presentations for all ages, field research. Contact: phone: (973) 702-1957 | email: avianwildlife@embarqmail.com. website: avianwildlifecenter.org Location: 146 Neilson Road

Beemerville FD Auxiliary

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. at the Beemerville Firehouse. New members welcome. 973-875-3771

Clean Communities

The Wantage Clean Communities Program, under the guidance of Ken Karnas, helps to keep Wantage clean. Report problem litter areas to the Clean Communities program through Wantage Town Hall, 973-875-7192. If you are involved with a civic group or organization looking for a clean fund raising idea, contact Ken at 973-875-5316 (evenings) about forming a clean-up brigade for an area of the Township. Helping to keep our community clean pays off, in more ways than one! More information about the Clean Communities program.

Cover-to-Cover Book Club

The Cover-to-Cover Book Club is an informal group of adults who enjoy reading and discussing the books they read. The group meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Sussex-Wantage Library. No registration required. For more information contact club founder Jane Casale at 973-827-5170 or hanna05@ptd.net. Come be part of the discussion.


The Daughters of the American Revolution is a service organization dedicated to pursuing the objectives of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Meetings are held on the second Monday or Saturday of each month, as scheduled. Monday meetings are held at 6:30 p.m., and Saturday meetings are held at noon. No meetings are held in January. Guests and prospective members are warmly welcomed at our meetings. If you are interested in attending, please contact Barbara Sauvé at 875-4058 or bjsauve@ptd.net. The DAR Elias Van Bunschooten Museum is located at 1097 Route 23. The museum is open from May to October, on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from 1-4 p.m., or by appointment. Learn more about the DAR Van Bunschooten Museum

Friends of High Point State Park

A not-for-profit organization that fosters and supports the historical, scientific, educational, interpretive, recreational, and natural resource management activities in the Park. Support takes the form of funds, materials, and voluntary services for which no government funds or resources are readily available. The Friends of High Point State Park's dedicated volunteers keep the organization running and contribute tremendous time and effort to bring our programming to the High Point State Park community. For more information go to friendsofhighpointstatepark.org

Interpretive Walk

The Friends of High Point State Park offer park visitors a self-guided interpretive walk at High Point State Park. The walk takes you on a journey through the history, nature, and interesting facts of the park. You may download the guide or pick up a copy at the Interpretive Center.

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library sponsor a variety of programs at the library. E-mail the Friends: sussexwantagefol@gmail.com. website: friendsofswlibrary.org. | Facebook

Friends of Lusscroft

Heritage & Agriculture Association, Inc. is the "Friends" organization recognized by the NJ Division of Parks and Forestry for the preservation and restoration of Lusscroft farm on Neilson Road in Wantage. Lusscroft farm has a long and important agricultural history. HAA's mission is to see that the farm becomes a place for agricultural education and economic endeavors, cultural activities and recreational pursuits in the future. Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Sussex-Wantage Library. Please visit the website at lusscroft.org for more information.

Friends of the Wantage Animal Shelter

Supporting the work of the Wantage Animal Control Office by raising funds to make necessary renovations and additions to the Wantage Shelter. Fund-raising activities take place in locations that are serviced by Wantage Animal Control. Donations can be mailed to Friends of the Wantage Animal Shelter, Wantage Municipal Building, 888 Route 23, Wantage, NJ 07461, Attention: Ashley Kannaley. Facebook

High Point Harmonizers

Sussex County's premier all-male barbershop and modern a capella chorus.The Harmonizers are always looking for men aged 16 and older to join them in song. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays. For information visit their website at highpointharmonizers.org.

Project Self-Sufficiency / Project Sussex Kids

Project Self-Sufficiency provides a wide range of services to Sussex County families; Project Sussex Kids is a specialized program for local families with young children. Websites: projectselfsufficiency.org | projectsussexkids.org


Boy Scouts

Troop 153 meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd (200 Rt. 23, Wantage, across from the Wantage Plaza.) For more information, contact Scoutmaster Steve Dely at 973-875-0511.

Girl Scouts

Part of the Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey Council, High Point Girl Scouts has approximately 20 troops serving the needs of the girls in the Sussex-Wantage area. Girls in grades kindergarten through high school are welcome. To find out more about joining Girl Scouts, contact: Laura Mason at gsrocks100yrs@gmail.com. Please include your name, girl's name and grade, and phone number. Girl Scouts website: gsnnj.org

Serger/Embroidery Machine Group

A neighborhood group of the American Sewing guild. All are welcome. For more information call Caryln Hudak at 875-1022.

Sussex Antlers

A community service group, the Sussex Antlers is the youth organization to Sussex Elks Lodge. Open to any student aged 12-20, the Antlers aids the community through activities such as food drives, dinners, and fundraising for our Special Children, Veterans, and Drug Awareness, as well as many others in need. E-mail: sussexantlers5@gmail.com, or contact Ashley Green, head adviser, at 973-875-3990 with any questions.

Sussex Elks

Members devote themselves to a number of community activities from raising the level of patriotism to funding a camp for children with disabilities. The Sussex Elks Lodge is located on Lewisburg Rd. The lodge phone number is 875-3990. Facebook page: facebook.com/sussexlodge2288

Sussex FD Ladies Auxiliary

This group actively supports the Sussex Fire Department, a volunteer, self-funded, non-profit organization. The Auxiliary supports the SFD by with active fund-raising campaigns—to provide the emergency service volunteers with costly safety equipment that they would not be able to purchase otherwise— and by providing refreshment at rescue scenes and Bingo. Contact: Jessica Regavich at 862-268-7257. Facebook.

Sussex Kiwanis

Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month at the Sit-n-Chat diner, located on Rt. 23 North. (location of former Sussex Queen Diner) Contact information: Dan Vanderberg 862-266-4079 or sussexkiwanis@gmail.com.

Sussex SewTech Group

A neighborhood group of the American Sewing Guild, with a focus of sewing with sergers and embroidery machines. The group meets in the library community room from 12:30 to 3:30 on the first Monday of the month. For more information, please call Carlyn Hudak at 875-1022 or e-mail carlynhudak@hotmail.com.

Sussex-Wantage Historical Society

Promoting education, public knowledge, and interest in the history of Sussex Borough and Wantage Township. Contact info: email swhistoric@gmail.com. Phone: 973-864-7852 Website: swhistoric.org.

Sussex-Wantage Over Fifty Club

Meets on the third Tuesday of the month, 12:00 noon at the Sussex United Methodist Church, 15 Bank St., Sussex. Refreshments served. All welcome. For info Call Ray at 973-875-2256.

Sussex-Wantage Quilters

This quilting group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Library. Experienced and novice, hand or machine, quilters are welcome. Bring an unfinished and/or current project. For more information, email abbeyzoey181@gmail.com or phone 973-534-6196.

Sussex Woman's Club

Meets the first Monday of the Month from September thru June at 7 p.m. at the Sussex/Wantage Library. Refreshments are served and the meetings are open to the public, location subject to change so please call ahead. New members from Sussex, Wantage, Branchville, and Lafayette are welcome. For information call 973-827-1710 or 875-8827, or write to: PO Box 117, Sussex.

Tri-State Stitchers

This neighborhood group of the American Sewing Guild, meets on the fourth Monday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sussex-Wantage library community room. All are welcome. For more information call Ann Alfaro at 702-7124.

United Way Caregivers Coalition

Meetings are held on the first Thursday on the month from noon to 1:30 pm, with the exception of August or when otherwise noted. Meetings are held at the Vision Federal Credit Union, 47 Route 206, Frankford. Members are welcome to bring lunch and eat during the meeting. Anyone with an interest in caregiving is welcome to join the meetings. Email: CaregiversCoalition@UnitedWayNNJ.org. Phone: 888-338-9227.