Ordinance #07-2023
Ordinance Appropriating the Sum of $12,577.81 for Purchase of Public Works Equipment and the Sum of $34,653.02 for Fire Department Equipment
BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Township Committee of the Township of Wantage, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey as follows:
SECTION 1: The sum of Forty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Dollars and Eighty Three cents ($47,230.83) presently located in the State & Federal Grant Fund is hereby appropriated for Purchase of Public Works Equipment and Fire Department Equipment in Wantage Township funded from the State & Federal Grant Fund, American Rescue Plan.
SECTION 2: In connection with the amount authorized in Section 1 hereof, the Township makes the following determinations:
- The purpose described in Section 1 hereof is not a Current Expense and is a purchase the Township of Wantage may lawfully make as a capital purchase.
- The period of usefulness of the purpose described in Section 1 hereof is not in the limitation of said Local Bond law and according to the aggregate reasonable life thereof is five (5) years or longer.
SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances which are inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of their inconsistency.
SECTION 4: This ordinance becomes effective immediately upon publication after adoption.
Jonathan Morris, Mayor, Township of Wantage
Michael Restel, Administrator/Acting Clerk
NOTICE is hereby given that the above ordinance was introduced and passed upon first reading at a meeting of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Wantage, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, held on the 17th day of August, 2023. It was considered for final passage and adopted after public hearing at a meeting of the Mayor and Committee to be held in the Municipal Building, 888 Route 23 South, in the Township of Wantage, on September 14th , 2023 at 7:00 P.M., and during the preceding week copies of the ordinance will be made available at the Clerk's office in the Municipal Building to members of the general public.
Michael Restel, Administrator/Acting Clerk