This page contains the dates of the 2024 meetings and links to the meetings' submitted agendas and minutes. Introduced ordinances and bills lists are included with the Mayor and Committee documents. Some documents are PDFs and will open in a new window. The Open Space Committee did not submit a meeting schedule, agendas, nor minutes; those columns are left blank.
For previous years' information, see Previous Years at the bottom of this page.
The Mayor and Committee normally met twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday except for the months of July, August, and November when only one meeting was scheduled. Meetings began at 7 p.m. at the Municipal Building, unless otherwise noted.
Meetings were held at 7 the Wantage Municipal Building, on the third Tuesday of the month, except for November and December meetings, which were held on the second Tuesday. Changes in the schedule are be noted below. If needed, a special session was held on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Meetings were held the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Municipal Building beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Meetings were held on the second Wednesday of the months of January, March, May, September, and November at the Wantage Municipal Building at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting information was not submitted by this committee. It was suggested that residents phone Town Hall for meeting information.
2024 to 2011 Click on the year to see meeting information.
For bills lists from 2024 to 2021, refer to the Bills List page